Home > Drowning in Stars(26)

Drowning in Stars(26)
Author: Debra Anastasia

She put some shower sandals on the floor and I stuck my feet in them. They were too big, so I dragged them along. Nurse Pam ushered me to an employee exit.

“You’re not kidnapping me or anything, are you?”

Nurse Pam snorted. “No, sweetheart. I’ve got enough on my plate. Just want to get you home and end my shift.”

“I’m sorry. I…”

She put up a hand to stop me before draping it around my shoulders and pointing me in the direction of the taxis. The sun was coming up and one taxi seemed to be waiting just for her.

“Hey, Pam!”

“Hey, Dolores. I have a quick stop for us today. That okay?” Pam opened the rear door and motioned for me to get in. I slid across and put on my seatbelt with my good hand. Pam sat next to me and closed the door.

“Car’s still not fixed, huh?” Dolores pulled the taxi into the light traffic.

Their banter reassured me that Nurse Pam was indeed just a nice lady trying to get me home. I watched the hospital fade in the distance, the stoplights seeming to swallow it. Gaze’s dad was probably arrested, which was why he was blaming things on me. Which was impossible. Later today, I’d have to talk to Officer Sam, and the whole thought made me sigh. It was too much. I was missing school, and now I had to talk about Gaze and his special situation that he liked to keep private with other people.

I watched the sun come up over the river. It was glorious and had all the colors of cotton candy splashed around as a frame for the sun.

Nurse Pam interrupted my thoughts, “This the right place, Pixie?”

And we were just a few blocks from home. I nodded and pointed to the right streets to take before indicating which building was mine.

“How are you going to get in?” Pam pouted slightly.

“I’ll wake up Mrs. Chungus. She hates it, but she has the key to my place.” I watched out of the back window so I could time my door opening with when the traffic had cleared.

After all the commotion last night, the neighborhood was sleepy and grudgingly opening its eyes. The bagel shop had only managed to get their gate up halfway and customers were ducking under it to get their morning coffee.

I gave Nurse Pam an impulse hug and she hugged me back. “Hang in there, Pixie. We’ll stay here for a few minutes to make sure you get inside.”

I got to the front door and buzzed up to our third floor neighbor, Mrs. Chungus. She answered the intercom, cursing, “Who the hell is waking me up?”

“It’s Pixie Rae, Mrs. Chungus. I don’t have my key.” I expected the usually bellyaching that she gave me, but she and my mother had some sort of a deal, so she had to let me in.

“Okay. I’m coming.” I stood there waiting until I was buzzed up. I gave the waiting car a thumbs-up.

I forgot to say thank you. I forgot to give Nurse Pam her coat back, but I was inside and didn’t want to make Mrs. Chungus any angrier than I was anticipating her being.

She was waiting for me at her door with my extra key. I would use it now to get in and then slide it under Mrs. Chungus’ door later.

“You okay? I saw you go in the ambulance last night. That kid from next door finally fall off that thing you guys rigged up there?” She pointed in the direction of the ramp.

I took the key and shrugged. “I’ll bring the key back later. I need to shower and sleep.” I didn’t want to get into Gaze and my dangerous habits. It was not time for that.

Maybe I’d be considered rude for walking away and getting to the fifth floor without answering Mrs. Chungus’ question. But as I unlocked my door, I couldn’t find it in me to care what she thought.

When I went into the apartment, it was freezing. I walked through it until I found my window propped all the way open. I closed it and stood there, looking through it. All the things I could normally see in Gaze’s room were in disarray. His window was still open.

I sat down on the floor of my room and finally cried. Cried about it all. Seeing Mr. Jones so angry and out of his mind. Seeing him hurt Gaze and feeling every blow in my chest, right in the heart.

Did I take too long to get up the courage to walk the ramp? Was Gaze going to be hurt in a way that affects him the rest of his life? Was he going to be mad at me that I told?

I lay down on the floor and cried until I didn’t have any more tears left. It took a while.



Chapter 27

Pixie Rae

I MADE IT to my bed after my shower. I didn’t have any desire to eat, I was still too worried about Gaze. I called the hospital, but they were not allowed to give out updates on patients. Nurse Pam was also not there. They seemed suspicious that I didn’t have her last name, but it was what it was.

I lay in a clean set of pajamas and stared at my banged up hands. I had found a bruise on my shoulder that I hadn’t known was there and it hurt like a bitch. It was probably from when I hit the floor as I tumbled after kicking Mr. Jones’ head.

When I heard the door unlock, I froze. My mom wasn’t due home until the weekend.

Bic bellowed my name as he walked in the door. “Pixie! You here? Mrs. Chungus told Mom that you were in a scuffle or something.”

My door was open, which it never was usually, and Bic filled the doorframe. “There you are. You holding up? What the hell happened?”

“Where’s Mom?” I tried to peek around him.

“That’s the thanks I get? After all this? I come home early from Dallas and all you want is your ma? She still has work to do, so all you’re getting is me.”

I wanted to close my door. I never felt more alone in my life. No Mom. No Gaze. I took a deep breath. As I was about to start to tell him what happened, because I didn’t really have a choice, there was a knock on the front door.

“Hold that thought.” Bic acted like we had a special secret. I hated him.

“Yes, Officer. Pixie is right here, but before you talk to her, I think I need a few explanations myself.” Bic’s voice was loud. I had a horrible thought that maybe the police were here to tell me something bad had happened to Gaze. Well, that had already happened. Maybe something worse. I wrapped my blanket around me because I was in my pajamas.

When I got to the hallway, I could see Officer Sam in my living room. Bic was rocking back-and-forth from his heels to his toes.

“Hi, Pixie. I see you got home from the hospital okay. No one told me you were leaving.” Officer Sam had a pen and notebook in his hand this time.

“Wait. Hold up. You were at the hospital? What the hell did you do? You know the hospital is expensive. We can’t afford that at all.” Bic scanned me up and down again, eyes slowing their path when he saw a few of the bruises on my arms.

“I’m fine,” I bit off.

I loathed his eyes on me. I hated it even more when he had an excuse to really stare.

“Listen, Bic, mind if I have a few words with Pixie?” He stepped to the side. No more Nurse Pam here to protect me.

“Well, I don’t see how leaving my stepdaughter here with you while not having one goddamn idea what she’s been up to is a great idea at all.” Bic pushed his chest out.

“You know, I’ve been called out a few times to local places that said you were setting up a deal with them, organizing construction for them, took deposits, and never showed back up. Know anything about that, Bic?”

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