Home > Secrecy : A Dark Billionaire Romance (The Descent Series Book 2)(29)

Secrecy : A Dark Billionaire Romance (The Descent Series Book 2)(29)
Author: Remy Kingsley

“I approve of you coming down for lunch,” Axel says when we part again. “It’s a shame we can’t do this more often.”

“I agree.”

Axel wraps one arm around my waist to keep me from falling off as he reaches over and plucks the brown bags from the desk, handing me mine and making a show of opening his one-handed. We’re quickly eating and laughing, though, simply taking the stolen time to enjoy each other’s presence.

Axel sits back with a contented sigh as I take another bite of my sandwich. “That was the perfect lunch. Beautiful woman on my lap, and tasty food in my stomach.”

I smile. “Next time, we’ll have to see if it’s as perfect if the food isn’t so great.”

He smirks, leans forward, and takes a bite of my sandwich. “I’ll just eat yours instead.”

I gape at him. “You wouldn’t dare.”

One side of his mouth pulls up into a sly smile that always melts my heart. “I would.”

“You’re horrible,” I tease.

One hand comes to my hair, and he draws me in for a kiss. “You love it, though.”

“I do,” I agree, leaning my forehead against his.

There’s a knock at the door, and I scramble to get off Axel’s lap, but I’m still perched on it when Declan walks in.

There’s a moment when everything stops, Declan staring at us, mouth ajar.

I hop up, grabbing the remnants of my lunch so that I can bolt. “I…uh.”

Declan releases a long breath, and I glance up to see his glance shifting between Axel and me, disappointment written across his features.

He turns and leaves without a word, expression shifting to anger.


I turn to see Axel half-stood behind his desk.


He finishes standing and runs a hand through his hair. “That’s not good.”

The words chill me. “Not good?” I echo.

He smiles at me, but it’s not as strong as I’d prefer. “Don’t worry. It’ll be okay.”

“What about the employee handbook?” I argue. “I’m not supposed to fraternize…”

He reaches out and takes my hand, effectively silencing me. “I work in a different department, remember?”

“You’re still one of the co-founders.”

“Which means I can change the rules.”

I bite my lip and look down, unease flooding through me.

Axel guides me toward a chair and has me sit. He takes my hands and looks at me. “There’s nothing to worry about, Harper. You’re a good employee, and Declan doesn’t need me to tell him that. I might be one of the founders, but we’re still technically following the employee rules. I manage sales, and you work under Declan in marketing. You don’t report to me, and what I say regarding your work has to go through him before we can act. Okay?”

I nod.

“Good. Now finish your sandwich before lunch is over.”

I accept the sandwich but barely taste it.

“It’ll be okay,” Axel says, kissing me softly before ushering me from his office again.

I wonder if this is what the walk of shame feels like as I make my way back upstairs to my desk. The sales floor is empty, but I was still caught, and know that I’m going to hear about it sooner or later. Sooner turns out to be the answer when I’m called to Declan’s office mid-afternoon. He motions for me to sit, and I wait quietly until the door opens as Axel walks in.

“I spoke to Maddox,” Declan says. “He agrees that this needs to be addressed before he returns from the conference.”

I swallow, expecting the hammer to fall.

This is it. I’m fired.

Declan turns to Axel. “Harper?” he demands, motioning at me but not addressing me. “Really, Axel? Of all the people here, you go after Harper?”

The question is like a slap in the face.

Axel crosses his arms, a defiant expression on his face. “Is there a problem with that?”

I jump when Declan bangs his hand on the desk. “She’s not even your type! Why would you go after her? I expected better of you!”

Tears start to prick at the corners of my eyes. It’s obvious that Declan feels I’m not worthy of Axel. Declan finally turns to me.

“Am I fired?” I manage to blurt out

He sighs and slumps. “No. You’re not fired. Though I do need the two of you to be more discreet.”

Declan pauses to run a hand through his hair. “It’s going to look bad if others catch on that one of the co-founders is with an employee, even if you are in different departments.” He pauses. “I hate to do this, because I’m sure this is more on Axel than you, but since I can’t reprimand him, that falls on your shoulders.”

Declan releases a long breath. “Your time is your own, and what you do off the clock is none of my business. But I need you to keep things professional at work. This meeting will not be logged in your employee file, but if another employee or I catch you in a compromising position, I will have no choice but to issue a verbal reprimand.”

My heart clenches. I’ve never been the type to be in trouble, and it feels like my whole future suddenly rests on being able to lock my feelings away.

“I can’t order you two to keep apart,” Declan continues. “There’s too much overlap in our departments, and Axel frequently has to sit in on meetings. But I want you to be smart about it. If you want to eat lunch in his office, that’s fine. But at least lock the damn door if you’re going to sit on his lap. Better yet, sit in the chair across from him so that if somebody comes in, it looks like you’re discussing business over lunch. Am I clear?”

I nod. “Yes, sir.”


Declan turns back to Axel. “And you. I want you to think about your choices.”

“It’s none of your business,” Axel replies, an angry tone to his voice.

“Wrong, it wasn’t my business. Now it is. She’s one of my employees, and you’ve left me in one hell of a rough spot. Now get out of here, both of you.”

I stand, ready to bolt from the office.

“Harper,” I hear Axel call as I put on as neutral a face as I can and power-walk to my desk.

Declan doesn’t think I’m worthy of Axel? Fine. But he’s not going to get the satisfaction of seeing me cry over it.









Harper has been distant since we were called into Declan’s office more than a week ago. She’s still beautifully obedient, but she’s withdrawn to the safe spaces of our relationship. She’s deferred to me for every decision and has been almost cold at work. It leaves a stale taste in my mouth. I want my Harper back, the one who would smile at me in quiet moments, who would fold into my arms on those nights when we cuddled on her couch.

I want to bring her back to the club. I need to remind her of how good it can be. I need to remind myself of how good it can be, too. Harper is the only woman I’ve been with in months, and I’m craving her. I need to see her on her knees, giving herself to me.

She’s stunning with her emerald dress flowing around her as we walk, and I can’t wait to watch the fabric fold and flow as it falls from her body. I take her back to our regular room and open the door, excited to begin play. But what I find makes me stop in my tracks.

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