Home > Brutus(31)

Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

“You. You’re the dispute,” she replied, making a sign at the woman on the rooftop to back off.

“Me? I have no quarrel with anyone.”

Fina scrubbed her face with her hands. “I surrendered my claim on you, and since all of the men in this compound are completely bonkers, my sisters all want a shot at having you.”

“Why?” Because he certainly didn’t want them.

“Because all ninety-three of my sisters who were on the plane are pregnant. With your babies.”

Brutus blinked. “Very funny.”

“I’m not joking. They are with child.”

“No.” Brutus felt his stomach knot and fall into his combat boots. Even his testicles shriveled in terror. How was this possible? Yes, yes. He knew how babies were made, but how had he gotten so many pregnant? “There must be some mistake. It’s statistically impossible to impregnate so many women at the same time.”

“Not when you’re talking about a village of females who all cycle together and ovulated at the exact same time.” Fina patted his arm. “And you nailed that window, baby. Congrats. We really needed new blood in the family.”

It was great that Fina didn’t seem to mind, but he sure the hell did! Having children with the woman you love was sacred. It was the one thing a couple did that connected them forever.

“What am I going to do?” This was terrible. And it wasn’t as if he’d wanted to sleep with them. He only did it to be nice. Also, the second woman he’d had sex with—he couldn’t recall her name since they all looked the same—tall, blonde, muscular and mean—told him they couldn’t actually get pregnant like that. Some weird long explanation about birthdays and full moons and such.

“I don’t know what you’re going to do, but I know what I’m going to do,” Fina said.

“Please tell me we are going to run far away and find a cave to hide in until this is all over?” If one more bizarre thing happened, he’d lose his fucking mind. He was a soldier, well-trained and disciplined. He was about structure and plans and winning battles. This situation was utter chaos. He controlled nothing. Like a damned twig floating down a river during a rainstorm.

“Brutus, I can’t run. My honor is at stake.”

“Meaning?” he asked.

“I’m going to have to enter the circle tonight and fight for you.”

What the fuck? “No. I will not have it! I will not allow you and your sisters to fight to the death. It’s out of the question.” He had to put his foot down.

“Don’t be ridiculous. We might be outside my village, but I’m still a leader. I wouldn’t allow my pregnant sisters to kill each other when they’re carrying the future of our tribe.”

“Oh. Well, that’s good to hear.” He sighed with relief.

“We’ll just kick the crap out of each other until no one can move. But don’t worry. We’re all very strong. And the fighting will make strong babies.”

Errr… He knew nothing about babies. Forget about those born to immortal women. “No, Fina. I do not like this. It is unsafe, and if you haven’t noticed, there is a bit of an issue we are dealing with. A WWE match in the middle of it all is not a wise idea. Call off the fight.”

Fina’s little lips puckered with frustration. “You don’t think I can win, do you?”

Brutus puffed out his chest, trying to ignore the gang of were-penguins strolling by with cleavers. Guess they found the cutlery shop in the mall. “It’s not about you winning, Fina. It is about the world falling apart around us. You, your sisters, our furbabies—we should all leave.”

She shook her head. “We do not run from danger, and you of all people should respect that.”

Yes, but now he had something to lose. He had everything to lose. And if the plague was ending, then maybe Cimil was lying about the end of the world. Then again, she’d sounded so sincere about both. Fine. He didn’t know what was going to happen, and it fucking pissed him off. He was not a helpless man, but clearly in this situation, he was. If he could do one thing right, it would be to protect Fina and her sisters. And my dog and kitty. His home was only a few minutes from here, so hopefully the two animals were all right. Still, they all needed to get far away from civilization.

“Fine,” he grumbled. “You’re a warrior. So let’s think this over strategically, as warriors. Let’s say on the off chance you lose tonight, then what? Because I’m assuming you are bound by honor to let the victor have me. Are you going to allow that? And what happens to your precious honor when I refuse to be with the winner?” He couldn’t believe he was arguing against his own code of honor, but so be it. The world was on its head.

Fina huffed. “I guess…I guess…I would have to honor the victor.”

Dammit. “You missed the part where I said I will not go along with this. I am not some piece of property that can be traded or won in a competition.”

“But you are. Well, at least in our culture.”

He shook a finger at her. “That’s—that’s just wrong.”

She shrugged. “You’d also be expected to cook and clean and stay home to care for your children—at least according to the old ways, before men were banned because of Cimil.”

“I happen to be okay with that—I am a very secure male. But not the ownership part!” He yelled, feeling more than a little offended. “Let us speak with your sisters. We need to clear this all up and get the circle canceled.”

“No.” She stepped away. “And, technically, I’m not supposed to be talking to you before the match. It’s considered bad manners since your ownership is being contested.”

What am I? A damned goat! Brutus lifted a brow. He had to come up with something to call off this ridiculous ritual. No stupid circle was going to decide whom he spent his life with. Especially when the world might end in a few hours.

“I’ll see you tonight by that big deity fountain in front of the compound.” Fina started walking away.

“Where are you going?” he barked, feeling more frustrated than ever.

“To find food. I’ll need my energy.”

“But it is unsafe here. You must all leave!” he yelled.

“I’m an immortal warrior of the Great Waterfall of Manacapuru. I fear nothing!” She waved him off, and he felt his pants grow tighter.

Dammit. Why did she have to be so defiant? It was incredibly hot! He especially loved her fearless nature and brave heart. But this was a huge cluster of a situation, and he was not about to lose her to some tradition that had nothing to do with him.

Tradition. Rules. Didn’t they have a library here in the compound? Perhaps he could find some information on their tribe. If not, he could always call and beg Cimil for a favor—she would know of some loophole or trick to get these women to call off the fight.

As he turned and started walking toward the garage, where he hoped he’d find at least a motorcycle or something with wheels, reality sank in. Hard.

I’m going to be a father. Of ninety-three children?

This world is truly going mad.





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