Home > Lost without You(34)

Lost without You(34)
Author: Lea Coll

He gripped his neck. “I don’t know what I’d do if Erin showed up.”

“She hasn’t responded to the motion. I can’t promise she won’t show up, but it’s doubtful.” I wanted to reach out and soothe him, but it wasn’t my place. I was his attorney. All I could offer was my best guess as to what would happen.

He sighed as if the weight of this hearing, the worry was too much. “Let’s get this over with.”

I resisted grabbing his hand, knowing it was unprofessional and uncharacteristic of me. If our relationship progressed further, I’d need to talk to Hadley and Dylan about transferring his case to one of them. I didn’t want to because I got a deep-seated satisfaction from helping him, but the reality was it was unethical to date a client. If someone reported it, I could be suspended or even disbarred.

When our case was called I walked with Griffin to the front of the room standing side-by-side at the plaintiff’s table.

I leaned closer to Griffin, lowering my voice. “Do you see her in the courtroom?”

He scanned the gallery. “No. I don’t.”

Relief flooded my body. I wanted this to be easy for him.

The judge addressed me, and I went through the motions of the hearing, describing Griffin’s relationship with his nephew, the steps he’d made to ensure he was cared for, provided a copy of the will naming him personal and financial guardian.

It was a routine hearing. I didn’t breathe a sigh of relief until the judge named Griffin as guardian and I handed him my pre-prepared order to sign.

Afterward, the judge excused himself for a ten-minute break, leaving the courtroom.

While I gathered my papers and folders at the trial table, Jeremiah and Bridgett approached, thanking me and congratulating Griffin.

“It was so nice to meet you, Ms. Arrington,” Bridgett said, shaking my hand.

“Nice to meet you too,” I said.

“We’ll meet you outside,” Jeremiah said to Griffin before addressing me. “I can’t thank you enough.”

“You’re welcome.” I wanted to tell him there was no need to thank me. I enjoyed helping people out but that wasn’t necessarily true. I enjoyed helping Griffin.

I slung my briefcase over my shoulder, intending to leave as well. Griffin’s hand rested on my shoulder, stopping me.

I raised a brow at him.

“Thank you.” Griffin’s face was a mixture of relief and gratitude.

“I’m happy it worked out.” That was an understatement. I felt almost heady with relief that the courtroom doors didn’t open during the proceedings.

“I don’t know what I would have done if she’d—”

“You don’t have to worry about it because she didn’t.” It didn’t mean she wouldn’t show up at some point, but I wanted him to enjoy this moment.

“You have time to go to lunch with my parents and me?”

I’d never been invited to lunch with anyone’s parents. It was a big step. Was I ready for it? Fiddling with the chain on my necklace, I said, “I wouldn’t want to intrude.”

“You wouldn’t be.”

I wanted to ask if I was going as his attorney or something else, but I didn’t. “Sure.”

“Perfect.” He placed his hand on the small of my back as I led the way out of the courtroom.

My mind focused on the spot his hand touched, warmth radiating through my whole body. I wondered if his parents would suspect we were more than attorney and client.



Chapter Sixteen






Lunch with Griffin’s parents went well. They were sweet and caring, everything my parents weren’t. Griffin never mentioned that we were dating, but I think his mom suspected something. I saw a few looks she exchanged with Jeremiah. Spending time with his family only solidified my impression that Griffin was a good guy.

Griffin spent the evening with Declan and his parents, but he texted to see if I was available for a video call. It became a nightly ritual to talk to him before I fell asleep. I’d change into pajamas, brush my teeth, sliding into bed to wait for his text. When that familiar buzz sounded, my heart rate picked up. I was becoming addicted to him.

Friday, I was busy in court. When I pulled open the firm’s door after court, Dylan sat at the front desk, her brows raised. “There you are.”

My shoulders sagged, the stress of the morning seeping out of my muscles. “I was in court all morning. I’m starving.”

“Griffin’s here to see you and he brought lunch.” She tipped her head to the side where the guest chairs were.

“Oh really?” Sure enough, Griffin sat, a smile on his lips, legs spread wide, two large brown bags on the seat next to him. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t sensed his presence as soon as I walked in.

When our eyes met, he stood, grabbing the bags. “Hey.”

Normally, I’d get annoyed if a man I was dating brought me lunch at work, but I was happy to see him.

“That’s great because I’m hungry.” I took a few steps toward him.

“Where do you want to eat?” His gaze trailed over my head and I knew Dylan was still here.

“You can eat on the patio out back,” Dylan offered helpfully.

“Good idea. Follow me.” I dropped my briefcase in my office before proceeding out the back door.

“I forget this is here,” Griffin said as we stepped outside onto the small brick patio.

“We bought the table so we could eat out here on nice days. The neighbor’s tree provides plenty of shade.” I gestured to the neighbor’s property, suddenly nervous that we were very much alone with this newfound sense of familiarity after our evening talks.

Griffin set the bags on the table, turning to face me. “I wanted to see you.”

“I’m happy you’re here.” I gave in to the hope and lightness swirling in my gut. Maybe this relationship stuff wasn’t so hard after all.

He smiled before cupping my cheek, touching his lips to mine lightly.

I swayed into him expecting more, but he pulled back.

He dropped his hand to his side. “You’re hungry. Let’s eat.”

“I am.” I sit across the table from him.

Griffin pulled wrapped sandwiches out of the bag.

“What did you bring?”

“Burgers from the Federal House on the waterfront. I would have brought crab cakes but I wasn’t sure if you liked them.” He pulled out two waters, setting them between us on the table.

“I do.” I loved that he’d thought about what I’d like. That he’d surprised me at work.

He smiled at me. “Next time then.”

“Yeah, next time.” I licked my suddenly dry lips. Why had he brought lunch today when I’d see him tomorrow unless he really had missed me. The idea of this man being into me, letting this go further than I’d ever let any other relationship go, made me lightheaded.

He placed the burger in front of me then unwrapped his.

I dug in right away. After a few bites, I touched my stomach. “This hits the spot after being in court all morning.”

“Is being in court stressful?”

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