Home > A Daddy for Christmas(13)

A Daddy for Christmas(13)
Author: Victoria Sue

He’d said something about going to see his brother and assumed that would be over or close to Christmas, but he didn’t know.

“What are your plans today?”

Lucas glanced up at Jacob. They had just finished breakfast, and it was Friday. “I need a laptop,” Lucas confessed. “I need to start thinking about college or a job.” He smiled. “Probably both.”

Jacob frowned. “There’s no rush, surely? You’ve only just gotten over a nasty cold.”

Warmth rushed through Lucas. He knew, absolutely knew, that Jacob’s caring nature was because he was a Daddy, and not because he felt any special attachment to Lucas, but he loved the way Jacob fussed over him. Even growing up, his mom had been more his best friend than a mother. Bedtimes, any particular structure, were a loose concept that changed depending on what project caught his mom’s eye, and he soon realized that making sure he got up for school was his responsibility. Not that he hadn’t felt loved, but sometimes it had almost been like he had been the parent, even before she had gotten sick.

“But it isn’t going to take much to finish the house, and to be honest I don’t think it will take long to sell.” It was close to one of the best elementary schools in the district, and the area itself was popular.

Jacob nodded absently, and Lucas fiddled with his napkin. He wanted desperately to ask a question, but he was wary of bringing back bad memories.

“What is it?” Jacob said after a minute.

Lucas flushed a little and marveled that after only knowing each other for a week, Jacob seemed to know instantly when there was something on his mind. “I wondered if I could ask you about the club?”

Jacob’s lips parted in clear surprise. He obviously hadn’t been expecting that. “Do you mean membership?”

Lucas nodded. “And training.”

“To be a sub?” Jacob asked with a smile.

Lucas squirmed. That wasn’t exactly what he meant, but he didn’t know how to say what he wanted. His new phone had arrived yesterday, and he had found that video again.

“Adrian has a nominal membership fee for single subs. Once they are in a relationship, it’s usually added to the Dom’s fees. The other option is working there in return for membership.”

Lucas’s eyes brightened. “Really?”

Jacob nodded. “I believe Adrian keeps some sort of roster, or he used to anyway. Patrick would know,” he said almost absently to himself.

“What sort of subs are there?”

Jacob put down his cup. “As many different types as there are people I guess. A Dom/sub relationship is what the individuals want, but I suppose to answer your question in very general terms, there are service submissives that perform services for their Dom. Anything from cleaning to cooking etcetera. Sexual submissives that are strictly bottoms in the bedroom. Slaves who are submissives that want to be micromanaged including when to eat, even when to use the bathroom, brats who get off on being naughty, furries who are into something like puppy play, and littles.”

Jacob’s eyes widened. His friend at college hadn’t been as informative as he thought.

“But the real point is that each of those is a huge spectrum, and every couple works it out between them.” Lucas nodded, his mind racing a million miles a minute.

“Do you have an idea of what sort of submission you are interested in?”

Lucas definitely did, but he couldn’t say it to Jacob. It would seem too much like his interest was personal. “Not pain.”

Jacob nodded seriously. “I think going to the club and maybe talking to Adrian is a good idea when you’re feeling better.”

Lucas nodded, then risked a glance. “Would you mind if I went there for an hour tonight?” It was Friday, and Lucas knew what happened on a Friday.

Jacob looked startled, and Lucas backtracked quickly. “Or not. I can go another week.” Jacob shook his head.

“Of course you can go,” he assured him. “I don’t expect you to be here all the time.”

Lucas smiled eagerly. He was actually quite excited, and he knew exactly what type of Dom he was looking for. The day passed quite quickly, and after Lucas had made some grilled chicken in quite a spicy tomato sauce, he rushed upstairs to get a shower. He had no idea what to wear and ended up dragging out all his clothes—which weren’t many—onto the bed.

He looked up at the knock as the door opened. Jacob took one look at the bed. “Can’t decide what to wear?” Lucas shook his head. The subs he’d seen the night he’d started didn’t seem to wear much of anything, but he would have to go on the bus, and he didn’t want to freeze. The snow had nearly gone, but more was forecast.

“Wear the black jeans,” Jacob directed. “You can put on the gray shirt and a sweater over them, and then once you get there, you can always take the sweater off.” Lucas nodded eagerly and rushed into the bedroom to get dressed. He fished about in his small bag, and his fingers clutched the kohl pencil he had once bought on a whim and never actually used. Did he dare?

Carefully, especially as his hands shook a little, he applied a tiny amount to the corner of both eyes. Not enough to be really obvious, but enough to make his eyes pop a little. He didn’t dare use the lip gloss. That was a little further than he was ready for right this minute. When he opened the bathroom door, he was surprised to see Jacob standing there holding the thick jacket Lucas had been using, plus his own and his car keys.

“Oh no,” he rushed out. “I checked and I can get a bus there and a cab home.”

Jacob frowned. “No, I don’t want you doing that. It might snow.” Lucas bit his lip at the order. Jacob’s concern did funny things to his insides, but he knew he didn’t like going.

“Thank you,” he said after a moment. After all, Jacob could just drop him at the door. He didn’t need to actually come in, but then Lucas realized Jacob had gotten changed as well into some black pants and a blue shirt that looked fantastic on him. Lucas made sure he had his keys and wallet and followed Jacob out to the car which he had started to warm up. Lucas just thanked him quietly when Jacob opened his door and told himself sternly not to read anything into Jacob’s actions. He was a Dom and knew it came naturally.

Lucas couldn’t help feeling a little excited. He was nervous, and he was sure he would be terrified once Jacob left him, but he had been here once and everyone had been kind. He might even make some friends.

Jacob pulled into the parking lot after about twenty minutes and drove into an empty space. “Thank you,” Lucas said and opened the door. What else did he say? He wasn’t going to be late home. That would be rude when he was staying in Jacob’s house. Jacob turned the engine off and undid his seat belt.

“Actually, I might just see if my friend Mark is here. He wanted to get together before I leave.”

“From the store?” Lucas asked and got out. Jacob nodded.

“Hang on,” he said and took Lucas’s arm. “It might be icy.” Lucas didn’t reply as suddenly his mouth was very dry, but let Jacob guide him safely to the door, and waited quietly while Jacob signed him in. Jacob said they could worry about his membership later when he had talked to Adrian.


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