Home > On The Rebound (Steinbeck U #1)(15)

On The Rebound (Steinbeck U #1)(15)
Author: L.A. Cotton

My spine stiffened. It was messed up that they didn’t know who she was. But I wasn’t going to be the one to tell them. That would lead to questions. Questions I didn’t have the answers to.

“I need to take a leak.” Downing the rest of my beer, I headed for the restrooms at the back of the bar.

When I came out, I saw Josie and Joel arguing. I knew he wanted to protect her, but it was college, and Josie was a little firecracker. It was a fight he couldn’t win.

Heading for the bar, I flagged down a bartender for another beer. The place was full of college students, all looking to let loose before classes started next week. Music blasted out of hidden speakers, drowning out the rumble of chatter and laughter. I probably should have headed back to the guys, but I needed to catch my breath.

My eyes had a life of their own, searching for Calli in the crowd. Joel and Josie were still arguing. He grabbed her arm, but she yanked it away. I could just make out the words forming on her lips. ‘Fuck you, Joel’. A smirk tugged at my mouth. She was trouble that one, and it brought me some relief knowing I didn’t have a sister to look out for.

Josie melted into the crowd while Joel ran a hand down his face before disappearing back through the archway. I should have gone after him. Asked him if he was okay, maybe offered him some friendly advice. But I wasn’t his friend, not really. Besides, I still hadn’t found Calli.

Cutting through the sea of bodies, I eventually found her with Josie.


The air whooshed from my lungs at the sight of her dancing. Her sun-kissed brown hair was all tousled and wild, and her hands were high above her head, weaving invisible patterns in the air. I’d never seen her like this before. She literally took my breath away... and I fucking hated it.

I hated that my body still had such a visceral reaction to her after all this time.

I needed to go. To get away from her. But I couldn’t move. I was rooted to the spot, a potent mix of anger and lust coursing through my veins. I wanted to hurt her. To punish her and ruin her.

I wanted to break her.

It wasn’t healthy, the feelings she invoked in me. Feelings that had once been pure and good, now tainted with pain and darkness and betrayal.

Even if she wanted to fuck me out of her system, the way I wanted to fuck her out of mine, she couldn’t handle me.

I needed to get laid, stat. Before I did something stupid like march over there and drag her into the alley behind the bar and—

The room grew small as I watched a guy approach her. I didn’t recognize him, but he looked like a preppy type; he was wearing a sweater vest for fuck’s sake. He said something to her and Calli smiled, nodding. Then he pulled her around to his front and began dancing behind her. Calli’s expression filled with surprise as his hands clamped around her hips... he was touching her.

That fucker was touching what was mine.

But she’s not yours anymore.

My brain didn’t get the message because before I could stop myself, I’d moved closer, sticking to the shadows as I watched them. Calli looked all kinds of awkward at first, but with a little encouragement from Josie, and Preppy, she began to find her confidence. She threw her head back, letting it land on the guy’s collarbone as she continued grinding against him.


My nails dug against my palms as I clenched and unclenched my fists. She looked so fucking sexy. Tempting and teasing. Her eyes fluttered closed as she lost herself to the music, the guy’s dick digging into her ass, no doubt.

My skin grew hot, vibrating with pure rage.

Mine, a little voice whispered.

But she wasn’t mine. She hadn’t been mine in a really long time.

I needed to get the hell out of there.

Before I could leave though, he spun her around and leaned down, brushing his lips over hers. Calli hesitated, her hands pushing against his chest. It was only a small action, but it was all I needed.

Shoving my way through the bodies, I grabbed his shoulder and yanked. “Take a hike, fucker,” I sneered.

“Fuc—Messiah? Zach Messiah?”


This wasn’t good.

People started looking. I felt the weight of their stares burning into me.

“And you.” I jabbed my finger at the guy trying to mack on Josie. “Do you have any idea who she is?”

“Zach, don’t you dare,” she seethed.

“Wait, you know him?” The guy balked.

“She’s my teammate’s little sister, asshole. And unless you want the entire team here, I suggest you take a walk.”

The guys glanced at one another before shaking their heads and backing off.

“What the hell, Zach?” Josie batted my arm. “That was completely... Wait a minute, you didn’t do that for me, you did that—”

“You should go find Joel,” I barked.

“Joel?” she hissed. “I’m not going.... oh.”

I finally looked at Calli. She’d wrapped her arms around her waist and was staring at me like she didn’t recognize me. And maybe she didn’t.

After all, I was different.

But so was she.

“I’ll give the two of you some space.” Josie glanced between us. “See you tomorrow.”

“What? No!” Calli said. “We should go.”

Josie grabbed her hand and pulled her to one side. I watched, rubbing my jaw, trying to work out some of the tension. I half-expected Calli to refuse to come with me, but she didn’t. Josie hugged her, and then Calli stormed past me, making a beeline for the door.

Letting out a harsh breath, I followed. I was an asshole, yes, but I wasn’t about to let her walk home alone. The second I stepped out onto the sidewalk, she was all up in my face though.

“What the hell was that, Zach? Do you have any idea—”

Grabbing her wrist, I yanked her around the side of the bar into the dark alley. “Watch your mouth,” I snapped, feeling a lick of irritation zip up my spine. “I saved your ass back there and you know it.”

“S- saved me? You have got to be kidding me. I was dancing... dancing, Zach. Do you have any idea how deranged you are?”

“He was practically dry-fucking you right there in front of everyone.”

“It’s college,” she cried. “I’m supposed to get dry-fucked on the dance floor.”

My nostrils flared as she narrowed her eyes at me. Closing the space between us, I crowded Calli against the wall, not stopping until a gasp fell from her lips. “Is that what you want? To be someone’s fuck doll? To spread your legs and let some guy, some preppy fucking asshole, get you off? You’re not that girl, sweet pea, and we both know it.”

Anger simmered in her eyes. “You have no idea what kind of girl I am, Mr. Hotshot Basketball Player.” She practically spat the words at me.

Calli hated basketball the way Californian’s hated winter. She blamed it for ruining her family, for taking away her brother.

But what she didn’t realize was, it wasn’t a basketball thing, it was a human thing.

People made choices. They decided who to love and what relationships to nurture. They decided how to prioritize their time and who to let into their lives.

Basketball wasn’t selfish or arrogant or narrow minded.

People were.

And she was right up there with the worst of them.

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