Home > I Have Lived and I Have Loved(113)

I Have Lived and I Have Loved(113)
Author: Willow Winters

“Thank you for having me. It’s really nice to meet you,” I say as she pulls me in her arms.

“We’re all huggers, honey. Be ready, this family is small but crazy as hell.” I laugh, and Eli grumbles about her being the leader. “Anyway . . .” She dismisses him. “I’m so sorry to hear about your sister.”

“Thank you.” I do my best to give her a small smile, but bringing up Stephanie is like a knife to my heart.

“We wanted to come for the memorial, but Eli said it would be better if Randy wasn’t in Tampa when he was. The press goes a little crazy when both Walsh brothers are around. One is much easier to hide. I hope you understand.”

I never knew they had planned to come. He never mentioned a word about it, and it touches me more than she’ll know. It also reiterates what Kristin said about him showing me how he feels. He told his family, and they thought I was important enough to him to come to my sister’s memorial.

“Of course. I’m so grateful you even thought to come.” I glance at Eli with surprise and then back to Savannah.

Eli puts Daria to his side and grips my shoulder. “Savannah has a strong sense of family. She was adamant until I put her in her place.”

She snorts, and her eyes narrow playfully. “You wish.”

Their banter is hilarious to watch.

“You don’t scare me, Vannah.”

“Don’t let him fool you,” she whispers conspiratorially. “He knows who reigns supreme and it isn’t either of the Walsh boys.”

“Good to know.” I laugh and jab his side.

“Everyone’s out back,” Savannah tells us and leads us through the house.

Eli holds my hand as I, once again, get lost in the wealth that he and his family have. This house is a little smaller than his, but it feels like a home. There are toys, warm colors on the walls, and it’s clear a family lives here. Even with the size, it feels cozy.

We exit out back, and Randy puts his beer down and comes forward. “Heather, I’m so glad you could make it!”

“Thank you for having me.”

Randy pushes Eli to the side and gives me a big hug. “Thank you.” I look up, not sure what he’s thanking me for until his gaze moves to his brother.

My cheeks burn, and I give a short nod.

“All right, asshole, stop embarrassing my girlfriend.”

I won’t lie, the fact that he called me his girlfriend gives me a thrill. Eli pulls me away from Randy, who chuckles over the possessive gesture. I meet his nephew, who reminds me of Danni’s son, all proud and a total boy. He fist bumps Eli and gives me the chin lift.

Then Eli places his hand on my back and leads me over to who I assume is his mother. She has light brown hair, green eyes that match Eli’s, and the sweetest smile. She’s exactly like I pictured. Her hands are delicate, and she keeps them folded on the table. When she sees Eli approach, her entire face lights up.

“Mom.” His smile is wide as he greets her.

She gets to her feet and takes his face in her hands. “Eli! My sweet boy!” His mother kisses both his cheeks before releasing him. “Are you eating? You look too skinny. I don’t like you too skinny.”

“I’m fine, Ma.”

For the first time, he looks a little embarrassed. I didn’t think that was something I’d ever see.

“He’s all skin and bones,” she says to the lady sitting next to her. When her eyes go back to him, she seems to notice me. She claps her hands together and then touches Eli’s chest. “Is this her?”

“Ma, this is Heather, my girlfriend. Heather, this is my mother, Claudia.”

Twice, but who’s counting?

“She’s so pretty.” She’s talking to Eli but looking at me.

“I’m so happy to meet you.”

His mother walks over and takes my hands in hers. “I have waited a long time for Ellington to bring a girl to me, and here you are.”

I’m not sure what that means, other than he told me that he hasn’t really dated since his ex. Did she never meet her? I would’ve assumed they knew her considering how close to marriage they were.

I glance at Eli, and he rolls his eyes. “Don’t start,” he warns her.

“Oh, you hush. You don’t date, and you don’t call your mother. I have to read about your antics in those magazines. My Eli is too important to find a good girl. Makes his mother have to worry about being all alone without someone to take care of him.”

I laugh as she gives him shit. He doesn’t fight her back, he just tucks her in his side. “You love me.”

She smacks his stomach and laughs. “Come sit, Heather. This is my sister, Martha.”

I take the seat next to her, and Eli leans in, kisses my cheek, and wishes me luck. I watch him grin as he walks off. Asshole. Way to feed me to the lions.

His mother is absolutely perfect. She asks me a million questions about my job, my family, and her eyes fill with sympathy when I tell her about Stephanie. Her entire being is filled with warmth, and it’s comforting being around her. Claudia tells me a little about Eli before he was famous, and I can’t picture him that way. She talks about how scrawny he was, and that Randy was his only and best friend, which is something I assume followed him into adulthood.

He doesn’t talk about any friends, and now, I can’t imagine it’s easy for him to trust anyone. When you’re as successful as he is, it’s probably impossible to figure out who wants to be your friend because they gain something from you and who genuinely cares about you. It’s easier to shut them all out and not worry about it.

“You surviving?” Savannah says, handing me a beer before sitting.

“It’s been such a great day so far.”

“I’m glad. I have to tell you, we were shocked when Eli said he was bringing you to the party.”

I’m not sure if I should be upset or relieved that he doesn’t bring random girls here. I take a drink, hoping to mask my emotions. “I guess I was, too.”

“Don’t take that the wrong way.” She gives me a reassuring smile. “We’re all a little protective of Eli and haven’t been a fan of his past choices. That said, judging by everything he told us, you’re nothing like that. We were really happy he was finally going to get his head out of his ass and bring you around.”

“Vannah,” Claudia chastises her.

“You know you were happy, too, Mom. He’s been so weird since the she-bitch.”

I nearly choke on my drink. I think I love this girl. “I take it you don’t like his ex?”

She lets out a loud laugh. “No. I hated her from the first second I saw her. You know how it is, I’m sure, women can read other women pretty easily.”

“Oh, for sure,” I agree. I feel like that’s one of the advantages that make me a good cop. I have a pretty good gauge for whether someone is pulling crap or if they made a mistake.

“Guys are stupid and only care about one thing . . .”

Claudia scoffs. “Not my boys. They were raised right.”

Savannah side eyes me and grins. “Yes, Randall and Ellington would never care about that.”

If she only knew that’s what Eli and I did after knowing each other twenty minutes.

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