Home > Midnight Clear (Star Crossed Lovers #1)

Midnight Clear (Star Crossed Lovers #1)
Author: Nora Everly





Hello Readers!

Would you look at that, 2020 is finally at an end. We made it!

*Pause here to pour yourself your beverage of choice to clink glasses with us.*

Now, pull up a chair while I tell you this little story.

As with so many writers, and people of this planet, 2020 was rough.

For creatives, it felt difficult to work on something that felt so superfluous in the face of so much BIG stuff.

We spent many months struggling to find our writing groove. We knew it was our very own little way to give distraction and maybe a little joy to our corner of the world. And we missed it. It made our hearts feel full. We wanted to write.

So, we challenged each other (inspired greatly by a joke in our reader groups) to come up with a ridiculously fun story. Just for us, to write with abandon. It started with one scene, then another, passed back and forth. But like a snowball rolling downhill we soon had one big GIANT BALL, and then two. ;p Ayeeooo.

Then we had character back story, steamy romantic tension, silly side plots, and even plans for future books (oh yes, at least two) and mostly a really strong inclination that this had to be shared.

And so we thought, why not share this? If it brought us so much joy in a time where every little bit feels hard earned, why not give it to our readers too? Because let's be honest, we have the most kick ass readers. (I know we are biased, but just ask them, they'll tell you too.)

So, all this to say, while this is a little different for both of us, it still contains big pieces of us, and the biggest piece of all is our hearts. We hope this will bring you a little bit of happiness. Now chug the rest of that drink and get cozy because you're gonna wanna be sitting down for this ...


Happy Reading.


Piper and Nora


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The Everly Afters









“… three, two, one, Happy New Year!” I clapped along with the crowd even though my heart should be broken.

“Will you marry me?”

“Huh?” I spun around to find my soon-to-be very ex-boyfriend down on one knee with a huge-ass diamond ring pointed right at me like a weapon.

“What the hell, Charlie!” I hissed. I had caught him pre-bang with the sexy blonde caterer in his butler’s pantry only moments before, and I knew for a fact he’d seen me standing there. We’d locked eyes for frick’s sake, and there was no denying what they had been up to. His hands were up her skirt and her thong-clad booty was exposed for any passerby to see. I was only still here right now to avoid making a New Year’s Eve scene at the Montgomery’s annual party.

We’d only been dating for two months. The words “I love you” had never been spoken by either one of us. This was weird.

My eyes darted around the crowded living room where smiling faces watched, waiting for my answer. His mother beamed with glee from her perch on the corner of his fancy sofa.

I should have made a scene in the pantry.

Argh! Here it comes. “No, you know I can’t marry you.”

He chuckled and it was then I knew there was no chance of Dr. Charles Montgomery Jr. taking “no” for an answer. “Of course you can, darling.” He reached for my hand. I drew it back, spun on my heel and darted through the crowd.

“Crowds make Anna nervous,” I heard his mother say as an explanation.

“Anna—” Footsteps pounded over the parquet floor behind me as I made my way through Charlie’s expansive home toward the front door.

“You will regret this, Anna Claire Winslow. No one leaves a Montgomery in Stars Crossing. You think you can do better than my son in this town? Not after I’m through with you, you won’t, missy!”

“Mother, stop it. Let me handle this—"

Damn it! The heel of my boot caught on a throw rug as I bolted through his entryway. A glance over my shoulder showed the rug had pulled over a console table, leaving a trail of probably expensive crystal candle holders and other assorted knick knacks in my wake.

I bent and untangled the rug from my heel with a huff.

“Charlie!” Mrs. Montgomery shrieked. Gosh, I couldn’t stand that woman. The feeling that I just dodged a huge bullet tempered my anger for a brief moment as I hustled away from them. “Where is your father?”

“He’s on his way. He hit a dog or an animal or something with his truck—”

“Well, he’s not going to stand for this. Do something, Charlie. Stop her!”

“Mother, hush! Anna! Baby, please!” Sure, he was handsome and tall and a great kisser, too. But just like every other man in my life, starting with my father, he turned out to be nothing but a disappointment.

Heartbreak in an expensive suit. Betrayal in bespoke. Bastard.

I turned back once I’d reached the door to give him the finger. Because no way would I be giving him my hand in marriage. No one cheats on Anna Claire Winslow. Freakin’ no one. I was used to being alone, and ninety-six percent of the time I liked it that way. “We’re through, Charlie! I have my grandmother’s shotgun hanging over the front door and I am not afraid to use it if you follow me home.”

He stopped with his hands extended placatingly while a slow sideways grin crossed his face. “You aren’t thinking clearly is all, darling. I’ll call you tomorrow and we’ll get this all straightened out.”

My eyes drifted over the crowd forming behind his mother before narrowing on his seemingly apologetic face. Even if I believed he was sorry, I would never forgive him. “Like hell we will!”

No more men.

No more dating.

Meet cutes were for suckers.

From now on I would swear fidelity and everlasting loyalty to my vibrators—nothing human would be touching me in my happy place. Nope, no way, never again.

“At least let me drive you home. It’s cold tonight, honey, and it’s about to snow. You’re no good at driving in bad weather, you know that.”

Honey, my ass.

I shot him the bird with my other hand and burst through the door, crashing into his father and bouncing backward to hit the frame of the door with a painful thud. “Sugar, are you okay?”

“Fine. Just fine, excuse me,” I snapped and tried to get around him.

“Dad, stop her!” Charlie shouted.

“No, son, let her go. We have business to attend to. You can handle her later.” His words were dark as he stepped aside to let me pass. I ran through the lawn toward my truck parked at the curb. Wind swirled suddenly with sleet and bits of hail, chilling me to the bone as I crunched through the grass, which was already spiky with ice, but all that cold did nothing to quell my now-boiling temper. I tended to run hot when riled up and Charlie and his stupid mother had pissed me off real good. I knew better than to fall for the likes of him. He was slippery smooth and charming like a used car salesman. Charlie was all surface, no substance. My mama always said never trust a man too slick to hold on to.

Stupid, Anna.

The drive home was a blur. After slamming to a fast and furious stop accompanied by a satisfying spray of gravel from the driveway, I hopped out of the truck. One glance at the sky had me fully alarmed by the oddly changing weather as I hustled to the back porch. When I reached the safe confines of the mud room, I finally allowed myself to inhale a deep breath. The scent of what had felt like home the second I stepped foot through the front door calmed my racing heart. I’d inherited this sprawling farm from my grandmother, a woman who, until three months ago, I hadn’t even known existed. I felt almost safe again as Grandmother Jean’s cats sidled up to wind their way through my legs and greet me with purrs and meows. They lived in the huge, old fashioned farmhouse that was now my favorite place to be.

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