Home > Darlin' Don't Leave Me(10)

Darlin' Don't Leave Me(10)
Author: Crystal Bella

“Turn around darlin’. I need to see your face when you come.” Without him leaving my body. I manage to move myself around so I am facing him whilst straddling his hips.

This also allows me leverage so I can control my own movements and I begin my workout, moving myself up and down and forwards and backwards all the while were kissing and touching each other. Bringing us both to orgasm at the same time, I don’t honestly believe I could feel any better than I do at this moment in time.

Pretty much as soon as we’re finished the telephone in the hotel room rings, we both look at each other and burst out laughing. Kenni jumps up to answer it, wrapping a towel around himself first before going into the main room. Turns out it was just a wakeup call. Kenni comes back to join me in the shower after our rather nice bath.

I’m a bit sad to leave the hotel knowing the memories that it will always hold. I discreetly snap a couple of photos whilst Kenni is brushing his teeth. My phone starts ringing, looking down I see Ruby’s face as she is Skyping me. I didn’t really think before answering and I go straight into conversation with her.

“Hey Rubes. How can I help you?” She is straight back at me like the spitfire that she is.

“Don’t hey Rubes me. Any news on Hot Cowboy Man? Where the hell are you anyway and who is that handsome man in the background that I see smiling at me? Luci spill now.” Oh fuck. Why did I answer the call. Kenni is laughing at my predicament and I’m trying to think fast.

“Oh, shit Ruby, you picked a bad time. Can I call you later when I get back to New York? It’s nothing bad, I promise. It might be a little late though but I’m sure you’ll want the gossip and Ruby keep your bloody mouth shut, you know what I mean.” I hope I got through to her that I can’t talk now. She may have picked up on the telepathic messages I was sending her. Fingers crossed….

“Ok, ok I get the picture you’re having your brains screwed out and can’t talk to me right now, and yes call me anytime day or night and we can talk. I want to know everything and I mean everything Luci. Every dirty, sordid detail ok? This is the price for my silence.” Christ, she drives a hard bargain.

I agree to all her terms, just to get rid of her to be honest. Ending the call, I look up to see Kenni smirking at me and god he looks hot. He now dons his hat and is in his full attire- jeans, boots and another button-down shirt. I think my jaw just actually hit the floor.

“Do you have to look so bloody gorgeous?” He ignores me completely, like I’m not even talking to him and he gives me a million dollar smile.

“So, I’m Hot Cowboy Man, am I? Your sister I take it? She seems interesting.” He is attempting to stifle his laughter and is failing miserably.

“It’s not funny Kenni. She lives with my parents and they wouldn’t have been far away. I don’t think she would have said anything, oh I hope not anyway.” I’m talking gibberish and rambling but I’m starting to panic that my secret might get out. Kenni comes right up in front of me and pulls me into his chest. I swear he can read my bloody mind.

“I don’t like being your dirty little secret Luci. Last night meant something to me. Your family are going to have to get use to me eventually. I’m pretty sure I’m going to be a permanent fixture pretty soon anyway. No regrets, remember Luci.” He kisses the side of my head and I absorb his words.

I really should challenge him when he says things like this, but to honest I like the sound of what he’s saying too much.

“Kenni I promise you no matter what I will never regret anything that I do with you. I just don’t want my family to think that I’m a common whore who randomly hooks up with strangers.” Looking down at the floor he pulls my chin up so that I have no choice but to look at him and I see anger in his eyes.

“Don’t you ever say anything like that about yourself in front of me again. Did I ever tell you I’m quite fond of spankings?” I draw in my breath. He’s actually serious I can tell and I’m not surprised to feel moisture coat my knickers again.

“Come on lets go before you get any more crazy ideas.” He grabs my small bag and we walk down hand in hand to the reception to meet everyone else. After breakfast we hit the Canadian side of the falls and take the underground tour, it’s all really beautiful and kind of romantic.

We look around the gift shop and I am drawn to a silver ring that has a small Canadian diamond in the middle, it’s nothing much about $90 US dollars but it looks stunning and I decide I want it. I point it out to Kenni who immediately takes me over to the platinum jewellery stand. They are all really pretty but I don’t see why he’s showing me them.

“Pick something from here, anything that you want and I’ll pay. I want to buy you something.” He is pointing out different pieces to me and some of them are really nice but I have to confess something to him.

“As beautiful as these are I can’t wear gold or platinum, I’m allergic.” He stares at me open mouthed so I drag him back over to the silver counter and begin to once again ogle the silver ring. luckily for me a kind lady comes over and lets me try it on and I instantly fall in love with it.

Kenni slips it on my right hand index finger and it fits snugly, he wanders over to the till before I get a chance to get my purse out and hands her his American Express card.

“Thank you Kenni you didn’t have to do that, but thank you.” He grabs my hand again and I feel him run is finger over my new ring.

“You’re a cheap date. If I ever married you it would have to be a silver ring?” He stopped walking whilst asking this question, placing hand on my arm, halting my movements as well. Oh hell, where do I start with this?

“It’s a very, very big if and you’re jumping the gun a little bit aren’t you! But yes, I can’t wear gold or platinum, so silver it is. You’ll just have to make up for it with the diamond instead though.” I wink at him and try and get him to laugh but he just walks on quietly not saying anything.

We all head back to the coach and begin the journey back to America. We once again sit next to each other but even I can tell we are already closer even after only 24 hours together. Kenni opens up and tells me more about his upbringing and I do the same.

We stop at another buffet for lunch. Once again Kenni draws in the attention but he proudly parades me by his side. Before we get back to New York there is a planned stop at a shopping centre in New Jersey for two hours.

Kenni and I wander around, lost in our own little world. I buy some clothes and a gorgeous navy leather jacket that I just had to have and that he insisted on paying for. We are once again on the coach heading for the big city. I can feel Kenni getting agitated and the closer we get, the worse he becomes.

I know he has the same thing on his mind that I do, that we will be parting company very soon. Just as we are approaching the city he asks me what my plans are for the next few days and how long I have left of my holiday. So I tell him everything that he asks.

“Come and stay in my hotel tonight? We’ll pick your stuff up from your hotel. I have to leave tomorrow though. Actually, I should have been back already but something held me up.” Bang goes my theory of this being only one night. I just can’t bring myself to say no though. I do ask myself if this is a good idea as what happens after tomorrow? I think it’s probably best if we say our goodbyes tonight. I know I’m already falling for him and another night is going to make things a whole lot worse for me. Bloody hell, why does everything have to be so complicated?

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