Home > Darlin' Don't Leave Me(11)

Darlin' Don't Leave Me(11)
Author: Crystal Bella

“Kenni I really don’t think that is a good idea. I think it’s best to say goodbye tonight rather than prolonging it until tomorrow, when things will be so much worse.” He considers what I say for a few seconds before replying. I’m secretly hoping he doesn’t accept my no for an answer. I just need to hear him argue it.

“Luci darlin’. Stay with me tonight please? Tomorrow is a whole new day and if you have a few days I’d like to take you home to my ranch for a bit. If you want to that is?” That changes things. Everything is getting so deep, so quick but I honestly do want to go and see what his home is like and I don’t want to leave him yet and to be quite honest, why the fuck not? You only live once as they say.

“Ok Kenni. I’ll come with you. Please promise you’ll look after me though.” A huge grins spreads across his face and I know I have made him a very happy man.

“Always darlin’. I’ll always take care of you and make you happy. Thank you for coming.” When we get off the bus it’s quite late, around 7.30pm. Kenni hails a taxi and we head over to my hotel. I’m a little embarrassed of it now that he’s with me because it’s a little on the cheap side and he quite clearly comes from money. Most of my things are packed anyway.

Just as we’re about to leave, I’m slammed up against the door and hoisted up. Kenni’s lips soon find mine and we’re frantically kissing. It feels like ages since he’s been inside me and I want him right now, but I don’t want to do it in my cheap hotel room. I pull away from him.

“Not here Kenni. It feels cheap and dirty doing it here.” He nods his head and appears to agree with me and he eventually releases me and we make our way down to hail another taxi to his hotel. Which of course is like a fucking palace compared to my shitty one.

Kenni orders a pizza for dinner as it is quite late when we eventually make it back to his room. He fires up a laptop that is currently sat on a big desk in the corner. I notice he opens up his emails before he does anything else and I hear him curse a few times under his breath.

“Kenni what’s going to happen then? How is this going to work?” I look at him like he could solve any problem I throw his way and I need some answers fast. Doubts are beginning to creep in.

“I have some emails to return and some calls to make. We’ll leave early tomorrow morning and should be home on the ranch by dinner time tomorrow night. Why don’t you go and have a soak in the bath while I sort all this out. Could you leave your passport out for me please?” Him asking for my passport is a massive reality check and I feel my heart rate triple.

I retrieve my passport out of my handbag and hand it to him, leaning down I give him a kiss before heading into the bathroom. I know I need to calm myself down. I know deep down I am taking a huge risk but I also strongly feel that I need to do this, like he has some imaginary pull on me. I know one thing, I am not going anywhere without speaking to my sister about it first.

After setting the bath to run I head out into the living area again and retrieve my phone out of my handbag. Pulling up my Facebook app, I instant message Ruby.

Hey are you awake? Sorry if I woke you up! Can I call you through Facebook? Need to speak to you ASAP. Love you loads xxx

Instantly my phone is ringing. Literally about 5 seconds has passed. I quickly get myself settled in the bath before answering.

“Hey sorry If I woke you up, but I need your advice on something.” She is going to love this drama, she literally feeds of it.

“Are you kidding me? I have been up most the night waiting for you to call, something huge has happened hasn’t it? And I have a feeling it is something to do with that very handsome man I saw in the background earlier. Hot Cowboy Man I presume.” I may actually get a word in soon, her mouth is going like the blooming clappers.

“Slow down Rubes. If you shut up I’ll actually tell you everything. Yes, it is to do with the man in the background, AKA Hot Cowboy Man. Something happened Rubes and he’s asked me to go and stay on his ranch with him in Texas for a few days. What the bloody hell should I do?” I so wish I had Skyped her as I kind of want to see her visual reaction.

“Oh my god! You’ve lost your virginity to Hot Cowboy Man, haven’t you? This is fucking excellent news.” Honestly, I sometimes wonder how we’re related, she is so crass.

“Yes, I did and I loved every second of it. I can’t believe I waited so long. What should I do about going to his ranch? That’s what I want your advice on. Come on Rubes get back on topic.” To be fair to her she does take more than a few seconds to contemplate her answer.

“For the love of God. You go with him for Christ sake, that’s what you do. Before you go though, message me his address and phone number. If you’re going to go somewhere in the arse end of nowhere I want to still be able to call you and if I don’t get through I want to have an address to send the police to. Honestly though Luc, you only live once and you should totally do this. I won’t say anything to anyone this end unless I can’t get through to you, but you are so paying my phone bill next month.” Hearing her approval has settled the fears that I had and I am glad of it. I just needed someone’s reassurance.

“Thanks Ruby, once again you have my back. I love you so much. Do you know that? I’m pretty sure they have the internet in Texas you know and I’ll check in with you the second I get there. Thanks for keeping my secret as well.” We hang up and I get up out of the bath, wrapping a towel around myself.

I walk back out to him, he’s still busy typing away on his laptop. It’s nice seeing him in work mode, like seeing another side to him.

His eyes bulge out of his head when he clocks that I am only wearing a towel, he beckons me over by crooking his finger and gets me to straddle his lap and I can’t help but grind myself against his bulge and I almost get lost in the sensation until I eventually remember that I came in to tell him something.

“So, I just spoke to my sister and told her what was happening and she has told me I can’t go anywhere unless I message her an address and phone number of where I’m going. Those are her conditions.” I bite my bottom lip waiting for his reply and he instantly pulls out a pad and picks up a pen and begins scribbling something down.

“Here you are, the ranch address, including Zip Code and phone numbers, my cell included. I would say the same thing to my sister. Actually, scratch that, in all honesty I would tell her over my dead body was she going anywhere with a stranger. She would probably tell me to go fuck myself though.” My phone is still in my hand so I take a picture of the paper and send the picture to Ruby, which should keep her happy.

Putting both the paper and phone down I pull Kenni in for a kiss, it doesn’t take long for things to get pretty heated and I’m gutted when the door knocks, Kenni lifts me off and goes to answer it. It’s the pizza, whilst Kenni pays him I go and get into a dressing gown and head back out.

I have to admit I am pretty hungry. We both sit on the sofa and cuddle up whilst eating, I flick the TV on and Kenni forces me to watch some baseball crap, bugger if I can follow this game, it just looks like rounders to me.

I must have drifted off to sleep because I wake up a little while later, obviously I was more tired than I realised, looking up I see Kenni busy at work on his laptop. He doesn’t hear me approach and jumps a little when I wrap my arms around him.

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