Home > Darlin' Don't Leave Me(14)

Darlin' Don't Leave Me(14)
Author: Crystal Bella

“My flight leaves a week on Monday, that’s only 10 days away Kenni, maybe I should go back to my hotel in New York, I think I made a mistake coming here.” Kenni body freezes and I instantly regret my words, they are completely unfounded as I am actually enjoying myself and his company.

“Why would you say that, do you really think you made a mistake coming here, have you not been made to feel welcome?” I know I have crushed him with what I said but I have so many things going around in my head at the moment.

“It’s not that I don’t feel welcome here, I am so far out of my comfort zone and so far from home, I have never been this reckless in my life.” Shit that’s not what I meant to say either, releasing my hand from his, he looks like he’s about to blow a gasket.

“Reckless, that’s what you think this is? I was thinking we were starting something here. Maybe I have made a mistake bringing you home if that’s what you’re thinking.” Panic sets in at the thought of him sending me on my way and I know right now that I have to make it up to him, me and my big mouth.

“Kenni, lets stop all this right now, in hindsight I may have been a little impulsive with what I said and I think you’re right let’s take this one day at a time. You should know I’m enjoying myself though. I’m just having difficulty understanding what’s happening between us but I’m not going to worry about that for now.” He has relaxed immediately and I have a feeling he may have called my bluff but without proof I don’t say anything.

Connecting our hands again we continue on our walk. When we get back to the house his mum and dad are swinging in the porch chair, they look very cosy sat there together and we end up joining them sitting down on the bench next to them.

“Have you ever ridden a horse Luci?” Kenni’s father shocks me by asking this question, he hasn’t exactly been the most welcoming towards me.

“No, Mr Bennet, I haven’t, why do you ask?” Looking at his wife, I see his eyes soften a little towards me.

“Please call me Emmett, I don’t really do formalities. Around here horses are our main means of transportation, tomorrow if you want you could have a try at riding one I think you would enjoy it.” He is offering an olive branch and I have a hunch Mrs Bennet has had a word in his ear, but I’m touched that he is trying.

Kenni obviously appreciate the gesture as well as a big smile spreads across his face as he looks towards his dad.

“Emmett, you’re right, that does sound like something I would enjoy, and I have always wanted to learn how to ride a horse, thank you.” I can’t help the massive smile that forms on my face as Kenni wraps an arm around my shoulder and kisses the side of my head, I am instantly embarrassed that he has done this in front of his parents and I know my signature blush has appeared. A telephone inside the house rings for a few seconds before it is answered, a minute later Jed comes out of the door.

“There is a very sexy sounding English woman on the phone by the name of Ruby asking to speak to you Luci, your sister I presume.” My blush has gone up by quite a few notches.

“Shit, I’m so sorry, I was supposed to call her when I arrived, she made me promise.” Shifting out of Kenni’s embrace I look towards his parents for acceptance and I see humour in there expressions. Then my face falls as I realise I just swore in front of them.

“Luci while you’re here this is your home, of course it is ok for you to use the telephone.” His mum tells me, settling me a little.

“Thank you Mrs Bennet, I appreciate that. I apologise for my bad language.” She smiles at me affectionately before answering.

“Please call me Annett, I live on a ranch darlin, I can assure you I have heard much worse than that. Jed will show you to the phone.” Nodding my head I follow Jed into the house and pick the phone up.

“Hello?” I have to remove the phone from my ear when Ruby talks back to me.

“What the fuck happened to calling me when you arrived?” she is fuming I can tell I’m going to have to do some minor damage control.

“I’m so sorry Rubes, as soon as we arrived dinner was served and I have been caught up since, I was actually just thinking about calling you.” The lie slips from my tongue, I don’t think she’ll bye it though.

“Cut the crap, I don’t believe you, but at least I know you are safe, it’s late so I’ll let you go, but first tell me who that gorgeous sounding man was that answered.” She has softened immediately and I thank my lucky stars I have my sister in my corner.

“That was Jed, Kenni’s cousin, very handsome, I think you would like him.” She has gone very quiet and takes ages to reply.

“I’m sure I will, anyway now I know you’re alive, I’ll let you go but please check in with me. I love you so much and as much as I am excited for you I am also scared shitless at the same time. You should know I wasn’t far off going to mum and dad.” I love my sister so much, she isn’t just my sister she is my best friend.

“Rubes I love you too, I’ll call you tomorrow at a more respectable time to fill you in. Thanks for not going to mum and dad as well.” We say our goodbyes and I head back out to the porch where everyone still remains, Jed has now joined the group, and I go back and sit with Kenni who once again puts his arm around the back of me.

“Ruby ok?” He asks me. Touched by his show of concern I shuffle ever so slightly closer to him.

“Yes, she was freaking out as usual, being very dramatic, she is hard work but I love her dearly. I said I would call her tomorrow at a more respectable hour.” He nods his head in understanding. Looking over at Kenni’s parents I see them shifting uncomfortably and I know they are wanting to ask me something.

“Luci do your parents know where you are?” Annett asks me and I instantly freeze trying to get my words together. I have no choice but to tell them the honest truth, no way could I lie to them.

“No, they do not, my sister does, but my parents think I am still in New York as does my brother.” Again his parents look extremely uncomfortably and I can tell they are trying to articulate there response.

“I think it would be best if you let them know of your whereabouts, I would want to know if you were my daughter sweetheart.” His mum looks at me with pleading eyes and deep down I know she is right.

“I know what you’re saying is right and I am supposed to be Skyping with them on Sunday I’ll tell them then.” I can tell they are still uncomfortable with this, but they have the decency not to say anymore on the subject, the look they give Kenni does not go unnoticed by me though and I mentally prepare myself for Kenni to have words with me later. We spend another half an hour outside enjoying the warm evening before everyone heads to bed.

I must admit I am surprised to be sharing a room with Kenni, I did expect separate rooms but I am glad. When we have gone through our nightly routine and are lying in bed I can sense an atmosphere between us, I can’t take it anymore.

“Spit it out, just say it!” Kissing my cheek he pulls me into him closer.

“Babe, my parents are right, you need to let your folks know where you are, I didn’t think about it before, but that is the right thing to do.” I knew this was coming so I have prepared myself for my answer.

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