Home > Darlin' Don't Leave Me(49)

Darlin' Don't Leave Me(49)
Author: Crystal Bella

“Hey, you two, over here now.” He points at Junior and Teddy, who have both frozen on the spot, they look at me and when they see they aren’t getting anything they go over to their dad who motions for them to sit down on the sofa.

Everyone in the room is watching the scene in front of them. They have never had any form of discipline from a male figure, my dad and brother didn’t get involved in anything like that so this is a big shock to them.

I watch them as they both make themselves comfortable and then I try not to laugh when I see both of them have stuck their bottom lips out, they both know they are in big trouble. Kenni looks at me for reassurance and all I can do is nod my head at him.

“This is your Grandma and Grampa’s house.” He starts and they both look at Emmett and Annett, they look back at their dad when he continues to speak.

“I will not have you running around and screaming and shouting in their house, do you understand me?” They both nod their heads but continue to pout.

“Daddy was naughty for saying a bad word, but you shouldn’t repeat bad words, is that clear?” Again they both nod their heads at him before speaking.

“Yes dada.” They both climb down and attempt to come over to me, probably thinking that I’m going to give them sympathy, they thought wrong.

“You two get your little bottoms back on that sofa right now, you can move when your father tells you.” They both quickly backtrack and sit back down again, they have the sense to sit there and stay quiet. Whilst they are quiet we move on to more grown up talk.

“Where is everyone going to sleep tonight? We’re not exactly equipped for little ones.” Annett asks.

“I think I’ll have the boys in with me for tonight and Betsy will be fine in her car seat for one night. I’m afraid we have some shopping to do tomorrow though.” I say, looking at Kenni.

“Can you have the day off or should I go on my own?” I ask him directly, silently hoping that he comes with me because I wouldn’t know where to start on my own.

“Babe, I’ll come with you, the ranch can cope without me for a day or so. The boys can sleep in between us for tonight and tomorrow we’ll sort out some junior beds.” Well I wasn’t sure I’d be welcome in his bed, I’m glad he has clarified for me.

“Annett, do you know who runs the nursery in town? I need to get that sorted ASAP.” She looks hurt that I’ve even asked the question, I need to clarify and be diplomatic at the same time.

“I know what you’re thinking but those boys need to be around other children, trust me and I need the break from them, they are more than a handful. It’s nothing against you, believe me.” She still looks like she wants to argue.

“I don’t mind having them for you a couple of days a week Luci.” I need to be delicate here.

“I appreciate your offer, really I do and believe me I will take you up on it but it’s good for them to socialise with other children ready for going to school, they are from another country as well so they need that even more than other children.” I don’t have the heart to tell her I plan to put Betsy in for a couple of mornings a week as well. I’m just a big believer in kids mixing together and plus it gives me a break as well.

“Mom drop it please, I actually think it’s a good idea, it’s not like they mix with other kids on the ranch is it?” Kenni tells his mum.

“Ok I see your point, I just don’t like it, never heard of that in my day.” I know I’ve upset her but I can’t and won’t compromise on this.

“Sweetheart we didn’t have three kids under two either.” Emmett pipes up in our defence. Looking over at the boys I see they have both fallen asleep, I nudge Kenni to look and he smiles fondly at them.

“Can you help me take them upstairs? I need to get them ready for bed.” Betsy is still with Annett so we pick up one each, they are getting a little heavy for me to be doing this.

We lay them both down on top of the bed and I start undressing them. Their pyjamas are in the nappy bag along with the nappies that they still wear, once I have stripped Teddy and changed his nappy I get him in his pyjamas and repeat the process with Junior.

I pull the top of the duvet down and place them right in the middle of the bed and pull the duvet back up, tucking them in tightly so there is no chance that they’ll fall out.

Standing up I notice Kenni watching my every move from the bottom of the bed. I go and stand next to him and lean in for a hug. He wraps me up in both his arms and kisses the top of my head.

“They’re perfect darlin, all of em.” We make our way back downstairs leaving the bedroom door open. We spend another couple of hours with the others before Betsy starts getting hungry again, I tell everyone goodnight before taking her upstairs to feed.

Jed has grabbed our case in out of the car and put it in the room, I sit down in the chair next to the window and begin to feed her, she takes a good feed and is dropping off to sleep as I’m changing her for bed, I settle her into her car chair and place a blanket over the top and begin to rock her off to sleep.


Chapter 16

I haven’t heard a peep out of the boys since I’ve been in the room. When I’m satisfied they are all sound asleep I quietly grab my toiletries and head into the bathroom leaving the door open, it’s still quite early so I run a bath for myself.

I’ve been laying in the bath for around five minutes when Kenni walks into the bathroom, he begins stripping his clothes off and motions for me to sit forward so he can go in behind me. We lay together in the bath for a while in a comfortable silence.

Eventually he puts his arms under my arms and turns me around so I’m facing him, he lifts his knees and lays me back to rest on them. I am completely uncomfortable in this position as it shows him a full view of my stomach including my caesarean scar, stretch marks and the little excess weight I’m still carrying from Betsy. I move to sit forwards but he stops me.

“Please Kenni, my stomach is ugly from having the children.” He looks directly at my midriff before running his hand along my scar and then over my stretch marks.

“These are the war wounds from you having my children, they are sexy as fuck to me darlin.” Still doesn’t make me feel any easier, he pulls me up and starts to kiss me, wrapping both his hands around my head.

Eventually he pulls away and starts licking my breasts which are very sensitive, he moves his whole mouth around one of my nipples and starts sucking, effectively milking me and fuck me if it isn’t a major fucking turn on, he moves to the other one and does the same thing.

I can feel his cock poking me in the arse. He lifts my hips and holds them in a vice like grip and moves his cock to my entrance and motions for me to go down, I halt all movement right then.

“I’m not on anything Kenni, that’s how we have Betsy.” I move to get off of him but he holds me firmly in place. He thinks briefly and I mean really briefly about what I’ve just said and moves his own hips up entering me anyway, whilst pulling my hips down at the same time, it’s actually a really tight fit, tighter than usual, I guess it’s from having stitches after Betsy’s birth.

“I haven’t fucked you in a year and I’ll be damned if we have anything between us, never have before. Fuck you’re so tight, more than normal.” Neither one of us has been able to move, he is filling me completely, in as far as he can go.

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