Home > Darlin' Don't Leave Me(51)

Darlin' Don't Leave Me(51)
Author: Crystal Bella



“Have you two given any consideration to your living arrangements yet?” Oh, I forgot this is their house, I guess we’ll have to move out eventually, I look at Kenni who is looking at his parents.

“Mom they got here last night, give us a chance, why do you want to know anyway?” Annett and Emmett share a look between them and I feel instantly bad about bringing three small children into their home.

“If it’s a problem me and the kids being here I can find a house to rent in town, I’m sorry I forgot about this being your house.” I’m so selfish I didn’t even think,

I just assumed that it would be ok.

“Luci, shut up, over my dead body is that happening. What’s really going on?” He once again asks his parents and motions with his hands for them to elaborate.

“What we’re asking is whether you are going to live here with us or are you going to build your own house on the ranch?” His mum asks him.

“I don’t know mom, I guess we’ll be here for the immediate future if that’s ok with you?” Both of his parents literally beam and I mean they have the biggest smiles I have ever seen on them.

“That’s perfect son, that’s what we want, you’re welcome to stay here as long as you want.” I feel instant relief. Betsy decides to make her presence known at this point and Kenni goes in to get her, when he comes through with her in his arms the image takes my breath away.

He is already so good with them all, coming back was the best thing I ever did. Everyone starts laughing when Betsy tries sucking through her daddy’s top.

“I think she want’s you babe.” He hands her off to me and then heads over to sort breakfast out for himself and the boys. I take Betsy upstairs to feed and get us both ready to face the day.

Coming back downstairs everyone is still in the kitchen with the exception of Jed who is already out on the ranch somewhere, Annabelle has joined us and the boys are still eating their breakfast, both of them have bacon in their hands happily munching away. I hand Betsy over to Annabelle who had put her arms out for her.

“Do you want us to watch the children while you’re out today?” Annett asks me, looking excited and hopeful at the prospect.

“Actually, if you don’t mind I would like to take them, we’re picking things out for them so I want them to have a choice in what they get, I also need to get them all some new clothes and such. I literally only brought the basics with me so I need to get everything. I would think we’ll be gone for most of the day. Thank you anyway though.” Kenni is cleaning the boys up as I look over to him. He helps them down out of their chairs and then puts their dirty dishes in the dishwasher before washing his hands.

“Come on then, let’s get going, the quicker we leave, the quicker we can get back.” Kenni grumbles at me, I don’t think shopping is his thing somehow.

“Right the first thing we need to buy is a pushchair for Betsy, I have reins for the twins.”

“It’s still makes me laugh listening to your accent darlin. Let’s go and buy a stroller.” He winks at me before taking Betsy out of Annabelle’s arms and strapping her into her car seat, it impresses me how well he’s doing. I pick up the all-important nappy bag and make sure I have the reins.

“Wish me luck.” I say to Annett and Annabelle, they take my meaning and smile. It becomes a massive fuss getting everyone settled in the car.

Kenni insisted on taking his truck, so all three kids are in the back, Betsy is in-between the twins which is probably a good thing as it means they can’t get their heads together to create mischief.

We buy a pushchair before we do anything, even this takes an age as Kenni goes through everyone individually, apparently he wants the best for his princess, we end up buying a 3-wheeler, one which is quite simple to put up and down and also the handle is quite high as Kenni seems to like pushing it.

I have the twins on the reins, we also end up buying a couple of stairgates, two sets of baby monitors, boaster seats for the car and different ones for dining chairs and a milk expresser as Kenni said he wanted to be able to do the odd night time feed for Betsy.

We are creating a bit of a storm in town, everyone seems to be talking about us everywhere we go. We spend the rest of the morning in the furniture shop, the boys both pick out their beds, both of them wanted bunk beds.

We managed to talk them out of them, promising they could have them next time so they ended up picking a racing car and a train junior bed, they also picked their own wardrobe and chest of drawers.

I picked out a cot for Betsy which will stay in our room for now, Kenni insisted we buy a nursing chair for our bedroom, as I’ll need it for Betsy and our next one, his words.

After the furniture shop we go into a McDonalds for lunch, which pleases everyone, something quick and easy.

After lunch we head to a children’s clothes shop, I’m glad Kenni is with me for this bit because he knows more than me what is considered suitable attire for children around here. I put a few outfits in for Betsy as well as bedding for the boys and Betsy’s cot.

After clothes shopping we head to the supermarket for nappies and things, I also buy some children friendly snacky bits that I know they like.

It’s about 4 o’clock when we leave town and head home, we have managed to bring the beds and cot home today the rest of the furniture is being delivered tomorrow, his truck is loaded right up.

I’m stressed as hell as the boys are officially bored and in “whined mummy up mode” which is working. When we arrive back everyone is sat outside on the porch, after they are released the boys run up to the grandparents to tell them all about their day.

I grab a sleeping Betsy and carry her up the stairs to the porch swings and place her down next to me, Jed jumps up and goes to help Kenni with the heavy stuff.

“You look exhausted darlin, the phones been blowing up whilst you were gone, it seems everyone is talking about you returning, with three kids in-tow no less.” Annett winks at me.

“As you said before Annett, whilst they’re talking about me they’re leaving others alone.” She nods her head and I look up as Kenni passes.

“Babe if me and Jed sort the beds can you grab the other bags please?” He’s sounding a little grouchy and I can’t be arsed to have an argument.

“Of course.” They head upstairs then, I tell everyone what we brought and we laugh some more when the phone rings again.

A while later Kenni and Jed appear in the kitchen exclaiming everything has been put together, I head up to make the beds, both the boys picked out Minions duvet sets, I make up the cot whilst I’m up here I set the baby monitors up in both rooms, they have set the boys beds up in the room next to ours.

When I head back downstairs I think to myself it would be best to put one of the stairgates at the top of the stairs and one on their door, they don’t have a bathroom in their room which I’m glad of.

When I get downstairs I ask Kenni if he’d had any thoughts as to where to put the stairgates and he pretty much bites my head off.

“Give me a chance will you, we’ve only just put their damn beds together.” I’m taken aback by his mood change and he’s just pissed me the fuck off.

“Don’t you dare speak to me like that Kenni, I’m telling you right now the boys are in bed with us until those stairgates go up and to be honest with you I’m bloody happy about that, I’ll leave you with that thought.” I walk out of the kitchen listening to everyone snickering and go into the lounge to watch some T.V with the twins.

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