Home > Darlin' Don't Leave Me(55)

Darlin' Don't Leave Me(55)
Author: Crystal Bella

We’re all fine, going to have dinner in town, see you tonight.

My phone began ringing instantly and I ignored it. We headed into the diner again for tea, I didn’t even look up when someone joined our booth, I knew who it was and the twins started crawling over to him.

The waitress turned up to take our order, I ordered for me and the kids and Kenni told her what he wanted. He didn’t say anything to me just played with the boys. We sat in silence while we ate, when I started getting everything ready to leave Kenni chucked some money on the table and walked with the boys behind me as people kept stopping him to talk.

I had already strapped Betsy in when he walked out, I recognised his mum’s truck parked next to his, he strapped the boys in the back of his truck, I was standing their waiting for him to finish so I could go, he walked up to me, backed me up against the driver’s door and looked straight into my eyes.

“I love you darlin, this is killing me.” He kisses me passionately and then walks away, when I look up I see several faces plastered against the window of the diner, embarrassed I quickly fumble my way into the truck.

By the time we get back to the ranch it is the kids bedtime, all of them are tired after a day in nursery, I unload them out of the truck and they head up to the porch where they find the grandparents waiting for them, grabbing Betsy I make my own way up, struggling with the couple of bags I had as well.

Annett and Emmett both eye me with sympathy and understanding, I just smile by way of acknowledging them and round the boys up.

I head straight upstairs and get the twins ready first, they go without argument so I move on to Betsy, she takes a good feed and as the twins have gone straight to sleep I settle her in the travel cot again in with her brothers.

I take the monitor and head downstairs, biting the bullet I head out to the porch and find Kenni has now turned up I take a seat next to him.

After sitting down for about two minutes all of our attention is drawn to the drive when a sheriff’s car pulls up, Kenni, Jed and Emmett all stand instantly on alert and head to the top of the steps. I watch the officer step out and approach nervously.

“Evening all” He says.

“Jake, what brings you out here this evening?” Kenni asks a legitimate question.

“Sorry to disturb your evening folks, but I’m looking for your little lady Kenni.” Me, what the hell does he want with me?

“Luci?” Kenni says looking directly at me with questioning eyes, I stand and make my way over, standing next to him, by this time everyone in the family is watching, Kenni instantly goes into protective husband mode and wraps an arm around me.

“Officer, is there a problem?” I ask.

“Ma’am there is nothing to worry about, I just wanted to thank you for what you did for my wife today. It ain’t no secret around these parts that she’s not been herself since having our youngest. I came home from work today and I saw the sparkle back in her eyes and all she talked about was her day out with her new friend. She hasn’t been this excited about anything in what feels like forever not even our babies, but tonight I saw my wife back and finally saw light at the end of the tunnel, thank you darlin I owe you for saving my family.” I can’t help myself I walk right up to him and wrap my arms around him and pull him in for a hug.

He hugs me back and I don’t think I’ll ever forget the day I saw a grown man balling. Pulling away he attempts to straighten himself out. I attempt to wipe my own tears away.

“We both needed each other today and I hope to be seeing a lot more of her.” He nods his head and smiles widely before turning to Kenni and holding his hand out to shake, Kenni takes it and slaps him on his back.

“You’ve got yourself a good one their Bennet don’t fuck it up.” It dawns on me then I forgot to give Jessica her dress.

“Can you hold on a minute officer?” He eyes me sceptically, but nods his head.

“Please call me Jake.” I nod my head and run into the house and upstairs to get the dress, it’s in a gift box. I run back down with it and put it in his hands, he lifts the lid and I can see his confusion.

“When we were shopping earlier she couldn’t stop looking at this dress the whole time we were there, but she wouldn’t allow herself to buy it, so I was sneaky and I brought it for her as her friend for being there for me today. If you give it to her I guarantee a smile on her face, take her on a date and make sure she wears it.” He smiles fondly at me and thanks me again he pulls me in for one final hug before he says something that has my heart thumping.

“Our community is lucky to have you sweetheart.” He says his goodbye’s to everyone and makes to go back to his car, Kenni shouts at him before he leaves.

“We’ll be grilling here on Sunday Jake if you want to bring the family up, about 2 o’clock ok? Bring the beers.” He readily agrees and then drives off back down the lane.

“Well I guess that’s me off any speeding tickets for the foreseeable future.” Everyone is staring at me looking at me in awe.

“Don’t go looking at me like that, I saw a lot of myself in her and knew I had to reach out, I did what anyone would have done.” I had also gained a friend in the process, a good one as well.

“No you didn’t have to darlin, I’m glad you did but you didn’t have too. It makes me proud to be your husband baby.” Our argument is temporarily forgotten as he pulls me in for a hug and kisses my head. I pull away from him harshly and he lets out a loud sigh.

“I’m not talking to you remember? This little visit doesn’t get you out of the dog house.” That gets everyone out of their hero worshiping and back to reality, I head inside to get myself a drink leaving my husband frustrated on the porch.


Chapter Eighteen


Deciding I needed a long soak in the bath I head up to our room and run one, I get my tablet out so I can call Ruby and make sure I lock the door. I open my Facebook messenger app and call her having no clue what time it was back home.

“Well it’s about bloody time.” She answers.

“Sorry it’s been a busy few days.” I try and smile at her but she’s through me.

“What happened?” The tears have started and I tell her everything, from me showing up, my feeling on Christie and Kenni’s harsh words to me.

“So what you’re telling me is you’re probably pregnant again already.” Really that’s all she got out of my little freak out?

“Come on Ruby be serious.”

“I am being serious, off everything that you just told me that’s the only thing you should be worrying about.”

“Ruby he hurt me.”

“After you left him and stayed away for nearly two years, you turn up with three kids in tow, three kids he didn’t know about and he says one wrong thing to you in two years of marriage and separation and you can’t let it go?” I hadn’t thought about it that way, his words hurt but to be honest he could have said a lot worse.

“Ok so I may have overreacted a little bit then? I think it’s because I was on edge over that Christie woman.”

“Yeah she sounds like someone to keep your eye on but honestly life too short keep falling out with your husband.”

“Yeah you’re right I’ll go easy on him then, anyway when are you coming over to see me then?” She goes quiet before eventually answering me.

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