Home > Shattered Souls(12)

Shattered Souls(12)
Author: B C Morgan

I pull open the front door and move over to the porch swing that is leaning against the wall. I wonder if it’s always here or if it’s been added for me. What a stupid thought, as if anyone would do that.

“Can’t sleep?”

I jump, as an Australian accent filters across the air and I turn to see Thallon leaning against the cabin one over from ours.

“Not really,” I reply softly, not really caring if he can hear me, what do I care if he thinks I’m rude. Maybe I should go back inside, I never listened to the warnings about Emmet… but was that really such a bad thing?

“Well, I came out for a ciggy, do you want one?” He holds out a pack of cigarettes and I shake my head in return.

He’s the first Australian I’ve met, and I’m fascinated by his twang. Not that I want to show him that, I’d rather come across as disinterested, if I can pull it off.

“So, are you looking forward to joining the Academy?”

“No, I’m pissed off about it. But I do what I have to do. I’ve already done my time, but it’s not like I’m the only returner, and at least my friend Shane can get back to his girl.” His smile turns cold and I stop swinging as I stare over at him.

He walks closer, until he’s hovering over me, his hands either side of my thighs resting on the swing, and his nose only inches away from mine.

“I’m here because of you, and you may think you’ve gotten off easy now that Shane has gone but the fun has only just begun. Enjoy the rest of your break. Come term, you’ll be playing by my rules.” His eyes are as hard as granite as he stares me down.

He pushes against the swing, sending it and me, careening against the wall before he walks back over to his cabin and disappears back inside. Well, fuck me, I really need to learn to my lesson. No more night time trips outside, unless I’m with someone I trust.

I rush back into our bedroom and quickly remove his clothes that I put on, before sliding in beside Tucker. His arms are around me in no time and he’s mumbling beneath his breath. I wish I knew what he was dreaming about, is it ever her? Am I really that insecure? Hell fucking yes! I hate it, but it’s true. It shouldn’t bother me, but she meant enough to destroy the relationship between three people, enough to get a proposal out of Tucker. Can I ever hope to mean that much to someone? I don’t want to destroy relationships, if anything I want to build them up, but… I shouldn’t even be thinking this. She’s not even relevant anymore, so she’s the mother of his child. So what? Loads of people have kids and go on to have healthy relationships with other people, why would this have to be any different?

Do I want a relationship with Tucker? Yes, no, I don’t know. There lies the problem, I just don’t know anymore.

If only that was the only thing keeping me awake. What am I supposed to do about Thallon? He’s never met me before, and the first time he does he threatens me. Clearly, he’s friends with Shane, which doesn’t bode well for me, but how much danger am I in? If I go by Tucker’s warning, then a hell of a lot.



A hand glides across my stomach, tickling me enough to wake me. I look up into a pair of blue eyes and something lodges in my throat.

“Morning, how's your ass?” His smirk makes my eyes sparkle and I can’t help but grin up at him.

“It’s fine, thank you for asking. There’s something I need to tell you…” I trail off and his eyes darken as he moves away from me and climbs off the bed. I sit up to find a cup of coffee on my bedside table and a plate of toast.

What is happening?

“You didn’t have to do this,” I say, at a complete loss for words.

“It’s no trouble, what do you need to tell me?” Straight to the point, and his words are clipped and hard.

“I woke up in the middle of the night and sat out the front on the swing, Thallon came over,” I pause as he strokes at the stubble across his lower face, but his eyes stay trained on me. “He was pleasant enough, until he wasn't.”

“What did he do?” he snarls and I jump to my feet, completely forgetting that I’m only in my birthday suit. What was I thinking when I took the clothes off last night?

“Nothing, he just said that Shane was his friend and that he’s here because of me. That I haven’t gotten off easy and when term starts up, I’ll be playing by his rules. That’s all, he didn’t really say or do anything, it was more the implication.” I move closer to him, and rest my hand on his chest.

He grips my wrist, but just holds it in place as his thumb draws circles across my skin.

“Remember what I said, Luna. Stay away from him. He’s showing his cards early on and that's worrying in itself. Usually, he likes to play games with people and lure them into a false sense of security, but he isn’t doing that with you. I’ll have a word with the others and make sure they keep an eye on him.” He releases his hold on me and steps away before stepping out into the living room.

I sit down on the bed and eat my toast as I ponder on his words. He’s going to have a word with the others. Since when is he relying on others when it comes to me, just what is going on? Fuck me, he was the one who decided he didn’t want to share, and he still owes me an explanation as to why. Not that I can really make any demands, but still. I hope he doesn’t brush it under the carpet, I’m really damn curious about it.

I pop into the bathroom and get dressed before joining him in the living room, to find Aeron and Tom lounging on the sofa, and Emmet leaning against the wall.

My mouth drops open and I rub at my eyes, I have to be hallucinating. This cannot be happening. I know he said he’d talk to the others, but surely he didn’t mean this.

“Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” Aeron says with a wink, as Tom smirks at me and Emmet undresses me with his eyes.


“As eloquent as ever,” Tom chuckles and my cheeks flame right as Emmet walks over to him and drives his fist into his stomach. I don’t think it’s too hard, but it’s still made Tom double over.

“Don’t be a jackass,” Emmet growls, before he comes to stand beside me and leans against the doorframe. Now I feel weird moving away.

“Can we at least try and get along for five minutes? I can’t expect any longer but surely five minutes isn’t too much to ask.” Tucker walks over from the kitchen area and places a tray lined with mugs on the coffee table.

It’s so domesticated, I am so out of my element. I don’t think I can form actual words at the moment.

“I can, but I am the nice one out of the group. If we don’t include Little Zero, of course.”

“Sure you are, Aeron, sure you are.” Tom rolls his eyes until he looks at me, but I can’t meet his stare.

The first thing he says to me is something sarcastic, I expect that from Aeron but not him. I really do need to be more careful as I go ahead this year. I know I can't stop myself from falling in love, but maybe I can hold it off until I can be a hundred percent sure that I won’t regret it. Not that I regret Tom, because I still love him, I just don’t know if I like him right now. I thought things would get better, but if all he can do is throw my words in my face then I have nothing to say to him.

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