Home > Shattered Souls(16)

Shattered Souls(16)
Author: B C Morgan

“We all screw up, it's what we do with it. It’s whether we learn from it or keep repeating it over and over again. I’m sorry, Luna, I wasn’t mad at you, just the shit show Rachel is continuing to bring to my door. Literally in this case, but you should know, you’re not the only one keeping secrets. We all are, it’s just you’re the only one who’ll get punished for it.” I kiss her on the head and I can’t meet her eyes as I push open the door and steer her inside.

Aeron looks up from the sofa, and I turn around and walk away. I have to get to Sir, the sooner I get there, the quicker it will be over.

I head to our place to find my door wide open and my bags propped up against the wall.

“What the fuck?”

“Language,” he bellows as he appears in the doorway, threatening to flay me alive with his eyes.

“Sorry, Sir, I didn’t realize you were there,” I say as respectfully as I can muster.

“That shouldn’t matter. Your generation relies too much on foul language to get your point across. Unlike Miss Carter, I don’t think I’ve ever heard her utter a single curse.” His eyes soften around the edges, but they don’t lose their manic edge. The one that is always there, lurking in the background, trying to remain hidden from his unsuspecting victims.

Basically, all the poor saps who ever agree to go into business with him. It never lasts, he gets what he wants, and they lose the hold they once had. Like Four’s father. He was supposed to remain in charge of the hotel he sold to Sir, but that only lasted for about a month before he was strong-armed out of his position.

“You’re right, I should know better. Sorry, Sir.” It makes me sick to my stomach to bow my head to him, but I’d rather not have a black eye or worse the next time I video call my daughter.

“Now, your belongings have been packed up and Simone will be along shortly to carry them to the car. You’re going home, Tucker, to your family. Where you belong.” He smiles, his shark-like grin. I’ve always thought it to have too many teeth, and my opinion hasn’t changed on the matter.

“I didn’t realize my parents needed me,” I say slowly, like I’m a child, no not a child. Like I’m slow on the uptake because that’s how I feel.

“Don’t be such an imbecile, I know you’re intelligent, so act it. You are going home to your daughter and now fiancée. Congratulations, Tucker, you just got engaged.”

I’m… I just… I can’t… I… fuck!!!

“Sir, please, don’t do this.” I look up at him and he just laughs, right in my face.

“I didn’t do anything, you did. You’ve had more than enough time to rectify this situation. You are a goddamn Harkwright and yet you couldn’t get the job done. It should never have gotten as far as the courts and I should never have had a phone call from your stupid little ex begging me to fix your mistakes. I will not have our name tarnished because you got a girl pregnant and couldn’t fix your mistake. You wanted the child, you’ve got her. Now, you have to deal with the consequences and that includes raising her in a family environment. Mother and father. Enjoy family life, Tucker, I expect you to honor your vows.”

Like you do.

Damn, I wish I could say that out loud.

“Why would you agree to her demands? I don’t understand.” I feel like crying. Not that I will, but the urge isn’t lost on me.

“You don’t need to understand, but I am curious as to why you can’t see it. She was going to take you to court. She would use the fact that you are in the Academy as just cause for Isabella not to be put with you. All the NDAs in the world wouldn’t matter in that instance. They would want to know why that would matter. Rachel was an Academy girl, she saw what the girls were subjected to and what you ‘boys’ put them through. Not only would she win, but no judge would ever let you see that little girl again.” He smiles sympathetically, but it’s all an act. He isn’t doing this for me or for her. He can’t even get her name right for fuck’s sake.

“And when that all came out, we’d have less girls applying to join the Academy. It would ruin you,” I say, meeting his eyes even though it’s been ingrained in me since I was old enough to understand that I should never do that.

His fist connects with my jaw and my head ricochets to the side.

“Watch your tongue. Now, go and say your goodbyes. You leave in ten.” He straightens his tie and brushes off his suit before walking away, and my whole world crumbles around me. I have to find a way to get out of this, even if it kills me.



I feel… numb. I think that’s the word for it. Although, I don’t know if it fully encompasses the ice forming in my gut and spreading throughout my body.

I can’t be with Rachel, not in any way and I don’t know what I can do. I’m always so in control, but he’s just robbed me of that. Because he wanted to, he’s always wanted to show me that I’m just as controllable as the rest of them. I guess he finally got his wish.

I storm into Aeron’s and Luna is sitting on a kitchen stool, staring right at me, biting her nails. I didn’t even know she did that.

“How did it go?” she asks, but her small smile disappears as she takes me in.

“Give me and Aeron a moment, I’ll come and speak to you in a second.” I jerk my head towards the bedroom and she walks off without any argument.

“What’s going on, fuckboy?” Aeron asks as he rolls a cigarette, at least it isn’t a joint. Small mercies and all that.

“Arthur is making me leave and I need to ask you for a favor. I’m going to need you to use your special skill to get me out of this fucked up mess.” I tug at my hair and he sits up straighter.

“What’s he done?”

“He’s making me marry Rachel. I just need to stop it before she sinks her claws in too deep. I can’t marry her Aeron, I won’t.” I walk over to the bedroom door and pause before opening the door.

“What if I can’t find a way out? I will try, Tuck. But what if there isn’t anything that will change his mind?” His tone is soft and I know he isn’t trying to be a dick, just realistic.

“Then I’ll take my little girl and disappear. I’ve got enough saved away that we could live comfortably and I’m the least known Harkwright out of us. If he makes me marry her, then I’ll go and I’ll never see any of you again.” My voice is cold, but for once, I have to fake it. I don’t want it to come to that, but I will do whatever it takes.

I walk into the bedroom and head straight for Luna, although, I make sure to close the door first. He doesn’t need to hear what I have to say.

“I didn’t want to share you because just once I wanted to be able to trust someone, to maybe be a little more vulnerable. I wanted something that was just mine. I don’t know what it is that I feel for you, but all the fears and worries I had that surrounded you are still there… but now they don’t make me want to avoid you at all cost.” I sink down beside her and her eyes are sparkling with unshed tears as she looks up at me. “I thought you could make the issues between me and the guys even worse, be another Rachel. Especially with Emmet on the scene, and the way Aeron stormed out. I wasn’t about to release you, but I could at least stop anyone else from laying claim and making it harder for him.”

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