Home > Shattered Souls(15)

Shattered Souls(15)
Author: B C Morgan



We get absolutely soaked on the water ride but it is so worth it, and I don’t mind my seats getting a little wet if we haven’t dried off by then.

“That was so much fun, what’s next?” She’s still jumping up and down, and I can barely keep up with her. Where is she getting all this energy from?

“They have one that goes up high and then just drops, it’s crazy,” I say with a dark chuckle, and her eyes light up with glee as I lead her over to it.

We get strapped in once we’re seated and we slowly ascend to the top, until we’re looking down over the park.

“Wow, this is incredible,” she says, a little breathlessly.

I hold her hand as we suddenly drop before stopping half way down and climb up again. That happens two more times before we climb up one last time. Her cheeks are red, and we look at each other as we drop one last time, she screams as we hurtle to the bottom and we’re both laughing once we make it to the bottom.

“Are you having fun?”

“I am, thank you for bringing me here, Tuck. This has been the best day,” she says, before she throws her arms around my neck and smacks her mouth against mine.

My arms wind around her waist and we just stand here, not caring who’s watching as we devour one another with our mouths. I fucking love that she’s done this. It’s so out of her comfort zone to be so forward, and it’s the same for me as well. I’m not a fan of public displays, yet another rule that has gone out of the window.

I pull back and thread our fingers together as I lead us over to a fast food stand and grab us both a chilli dog. We find a bench to sit down on and watch as people pass us by while we eat in silence.

“I’ve broken a lot of rules for you, Luna.” What the fuck? I did not plan to say that.

“Sorry,” she says hesitantly, as though it’s her fault.

“Don’t be, it’s not your fault. I don’t even know why I am. I just know I don’t regret it.” I rub at the back of my neck, after I throw my trash away.

“What rules did you break?” she asks, and I want to shout hallelujah that she didn't ask permission to ask a damn question first. But that will only embarrass her and I’m trying to be nice.

“Way to go, you didn’t ask if you were allowed to ask me first.” So much for not saying it.

“Jerk,” she mutters, with a smile on her face, and I can’t resist stealing one more kiss before I sit back against the bench.

“So, first rule was that I don’t kiss. Second was that I don’t fuck while looking at a girl and the big one is that I wasn’t going to fuck a girl this time around.” Her mouth drops open and I use my fingers to close it.

“After what happened with Rachel, while we were at the Academy, I didn’t want history to repeat itself. So, I was just here to finish my education and to keep an eye on things. Then you came along. In the beginning, I wasn’t impressed, I thought you were just another girl, another Rachel.” My own words make my blood boil, but I won’t lie to her. “Then I tried to prove that point to Aeron, that you were more than a damn task set by Emmet and it backfired. I got intrigued. Until you got under my skin. The minute you told me you weren’t a virgin, it was like a switch was flipped and I couldn’t hold back any longer. There are other rules I’m sure, but they’re the only ones coming to my mind at the moment,” I trail off and resume people watching and she just sits beside me. Not even moving.

“I can’t believe you haven’t slept with anyone else. Do you still worry I’m like Rachel?” She bites her lip, I can see it out of the corner of my eye and I have to resist the urge to pull it free with my thumb, or my own teeth.

“Not even a little bit. You don’t try to pit us against each other, and you haven’t gone out of your way to make the others jealous. Besides, she’s a manipulative bitch, I don’t think you have it in you,” I think that sounds like the complement I intended.

“It seems like there is always something to ruin a good time between us, but… I met her.”

Her words make my blood run cold, but I’m trying not to react. Maybe it’s because of how timid she sounds, or the way her cheeks hollow out. Maybe it's the way she’s stroking at her chest, or pulling at her lip, I don't know, but I don't want to make her feel worse. Even if I am livid that she didn’t tell me as soon as this apparent meeting happened.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Okay, I’m supposed to sound calm, not fucking cold!

“Because I didn’t know what to say, I didn’t want to make things worse for you.” I set my eyes on her and she flinches. Yeah, because that doesn’t make me feel like a piece of shit. “She said that I should get ready to say my goodbye because you’ll be leaving soon. That I’ll only be allowed in your place if I’m the cleaner or cook. That it will be her place soon. Apparently, I don’t have what it takes to make it as an Academy girl. I never told her what I was, I just said I was your friend, but she knew. I’m sorry, Tucker, I didn’t mean to make things worse.” She buries her face in her hands and I want to comfort her but I can’t. My good mood has completely died and I’m worried. What was she even doing going to my place? And why would she think she would even have a hold on my place or worse, me?

We get back in the car and start driving. I actually think it will be better to get back to the others and focus on the shit that Arthur has planned. At least I won’t have to think about anything else.

“Can you turn my phone back on, please?” I ask, failing to keep the bite out of my tone.

“Okay,” she says quietly, her voice wobbling, and I can’t do shit to fix it.

“Umm, Tucker…” I turn my head to look at her, and she’s as white as a ghost. Well, whiter at least.

“What’s wrong?” There’s a ball of lead in my stomach and it feels as though something bad is about to happen, and there is nothing I can do to fix it.

“You have a message from Sir, he wants you back. Now.”



That ball of lead may as well be a boulder now. It could be nothing, but I doubt this is because I took Luna to a theme park instead of going for a stupid hike.

“Everything will be okay, won’t it?”

It’s the first thing she’s said since she told me about the message, and the first time she’s looked at me since I found out about Rachel.

“It will be fine. He’ll probably make a big show about me fucking off instead of participating and that will be the end of it. Don’t worry about it, but I do think you should be as far from him as possible.” I gnaw on the inside of my cheek as I consider the possibilities.

Emmet is probably the best option, but he could be with his mom and he’s been in a foul mood ever since she turned up. Tom’s being a douche of the highest order, so I guess that leaves Aeron. He’d better not be high, or I’ll dunk him face first into the river.

We get out of the car and I direct her to Aeron’s cabin. I stroke at my jaw as I grip the handle. Why would I knock? A little thing called manners, like what I’m teaching Belle.

“All I ever seem to do is screw up, I’m sorry, Tuck. I won’t leave it too long in the future.” She rocks back on her heels as she stares intently at her shoes.

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