Home > Shattered Souls(26)

Shattered Souls(26)
Author: B C Morgan

“You won’t hand the reins over to someone who isn’t your son, we both know that. So, you can make your threats, but they’re as empty as your promises.” My jaw ticks as he pushes back his chair and gets to his feet.

“Are you certain about that, son?” He emphasises the word son and my blood runs cold. “I built this legacy, and I’m not about to hand it over to someone who will destroy it in a matter of days. If that means I give it to him, then so be it. Man up and stop relying on the fact that I AM YOUR FATHER,” he shouts it out at me and I watch as he removes his cufflinks and rolls his sleeves up.

I don’t know how he can do that, shout and lose his cool, but still remain collected enough to appear unruffled.

“I’m sorry, Sir. I’m just worried, you brought Thallon here. Surely you must realize what that means for Luna, and after what Shane did… why would you bring someone who’s even worse than him?” I throw my hands out and I’m struggling to not cuss right now. But he’s already primed to strike me, I need to take a step back and tackle this from a different approach.

“Emmet, when you are the head of an organisation as powerful as ours, you sometimes have to take calculated risks. The clue is in the name, it is a risk. If you cannot handle the fallout, then you don’t take them. If you can’t take them, then you shouldn't be in charge.” He loosens his tie, and I get the urge to fidget, which I thought I’d grown past after all this time.

“Can I inquire about what you hope to achieve by bringing Thallon back?” I just need to stay calm, try to mirror him even if I detest everything within me that even resembles my father in the slightest. Which is a lot.

“I promised Luna to you, my boy, and despite what you think, I do keep my promises, as long as you keep yours. Thallon is here to ensure that she doesn’t stray from the path I have in mind for her. Don’t worry, it’s all in her best interest. She wants her own bakery after all, she can’t afford to become distracted. The same goes for you. Do not worry about Thallon, he will not step out of line.” He places his hand on my shoulder and sets his cold eyes on me.

“Yes, father. What will my task be this year? After my failure of keeping her safe from Shane.” It pains me to admit that I failed, but he already knows. He knows everything that goes on in that palace, thanks to his nameless spies.

“Control the boys, you will be in charge of them one day. As long as you continue to prove yourself, but just because you can handle yourself in the office does not mean you are able to take on my role. If you cannot control those beneath you during this year, then I will know that you will never be ready. Let them have their fun, but remember, Luna is off limits to them. If they start to believe they can have more than I generously allow, then you show them the error of their ways.” He squeezes my shoulder and pushes down until my knees start to buckle.

“Yes, Sir,” I grind out, and he smiles. But it lacks all warmth.

“Oh and before I forget, the next time you decide to tell me how to run my business, remember this.” I brace myself for the blow, but nothing happens.

He steps back and holds his hand out to the door. I nod my head before I turn around and head towards it. I have no idea what kind of lesson this is supposed to be, but at least I’m not bleeding. I guess there really is a first time for everything.

“Emmet,” he calls, I turn to face him and I’m met with his fist to my gut. “You forgot your gift.” He wipes his hand on my shirt before dusting me off and then he opens the door and ushers me out.

I pull my phone out to see missed calls from Mad, and I really do not want to deal with anymore bullshit. I just want to go back to my room, kick her little friend out, and let Luna distract me. Fuck, I feel like such a pussy. When did I start needing her to make me feel better? No, better isn’t the right word. I’m happy when I’m with her. Damn, I never thought I’d use that word to describe myself.

It’s settled, Mad can wait until I’ve cooled off a bit. I know Star wouldn’t appreciate it if I took my aggravation out on him.

I go down to the next floor and head to our room, and I don’t know why I’m surprised to see Mad here. Shit, maybe I shouldn’t have ignored his calls after all.

“Don’t you ever answer your phone? Seriously, what if something bad had happened?” he asks, as he gets up, but he doesn’t come over to me. Probably scared I’ll pull a Shane and leave a mosaic of bruises on him.

“I was with dad, you know how he is about taking phone calls.” I roll my eyes and Luna stands up, while wringing her hands.

“Star, what’s wrong? Did something happen?”

“Aeron has gone missing, Tom was looking for you to help him go look, but he ended up going on his own.” My heart rate is calming down, Aeron can take care of himself, as long as she’s okay. I don’t really care about those fuckers. “I also remembered what happened to me.” Her eyes drop to the floor and I don’t move. She seems so skittish right now, and I don’t want her to clam up. “Someone did it to me, I don’t know who, but they put me in a raft and made it difficult to get out. It wasn’t an accident.”



“Emmet,” I can hear all three of them calling my name, but I can't do this right now. I’m going to confront the bastard who did this to her, and see how they like being faced with the knowledge that they’re about to fucking drown.

I don’t need an investigation into it, because it’s obvious who it was. That bastard Thallon. He should have been smarter, if he’d copied the strangler then I never would have suspected him but he didn’t. Oh no, he made it perfectly clear it was him.

My fist pounds against his door, and I’m seconds away from kicking it in.

“What the fuck are you doing now?”

“Get lost, Scott, this has nothing to do with you,” I snarl, as I take a step back and grip onto the door frame.

“Why are you trying to break into an empty room?” he asks with a smirk, and if he isn’t careful, I’ll remind him of the very reason why he should fear me. Hang on, empty?

“No, this is Thallon’s room,” I say, as I finally turn around to look at him leaning against his door.

“Nope, it was but he moved rooms. Apparently, Aeron was being loud and his sensitive ears didn’t like it.” I half expect him to cackle but he just stands there, with one leg bent and his foot resting against the doorframe.

“I take it you got cleared if you’re up here. Want to tell me where the bastard is?” I ask, moving closer and he straightens up and ducks his head slightly. Yeah, that’s right.

“Down the hall, nearest to the elevator. Hey, if you’re going to kick his ass, can I film it?”

I shake my head, but I can hear him following me as I head to the right door this time. Pretentious asshole, who the fuck asks for a new room because of a little noise?

The door opens before I even get a chance to slam my fist down on it. Our eyes lock and his lazy smile just makes my blood boil even more.

“You realize I’m not just going to stand here and let you pummel me. I will fight back, and I like my chances.” He holds his arms out at his side and my vision fills with red. “Come on, big bad Prince, I’ll let you take the first shot.” He’s still smiling and I drive my fist into his jaw.

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