Home > Shattered Souls(22)

Shattered Souls(22)
Author: B C Morgan

“Miss Carter.” My spine goes straight, but I try to stay as relaxed as possible. I don’t want him to know I’m awake.

His footsteps sound again until a shadow falls across my eyelids, and I have to fight everything within me not to react when he brushes my hair off my face.

“You really are the spitting image of your mom. I wonder if this is life’s weird way of giving me a way to make up for my mistakes. Sleep well, Luna. I will be seeing you soon.” Sir’s hand glides across my cheek before he moves away and I don’t dare move until the door clicks shut and I’ve counted to a hundred. Better to be safe than sorry.

By the time Emmet comes back in, I’ve given up the pretence of sleep.

“Hey, Star, feeling any better?” he asks, as he strokes his hand across my head and my stomach rolls at how similar it is to what Sir just did.

“I’m okay, how long do I have to stay here?” I ask, as I shift onto my back and try not to scratch at my hand where the IV is.

“Soon, the doctors just want to make sure that there isn’t any lasting damage, but give it a day or two and we can get you out of here. At least that way, we can pull Aeron out of his stupor,” he groans, as he rubs at the back of his neck.

“Wait, what? What’s wrong with Aeron?” Why is my head still so fuzzy, damn it. I really hate my own mind sometimes.

“Someone may have forgotten to keep him updated when you first got here, so he went off on a little tantrum. That and a few people may have accused him of causing you to walk off.” He rubs furiously at the back of his neck and my temper is starting to spike.

“Was that someone you? More on the second point, I already know you didn’t bother to tell him how I was doing.” Damn, I need to calm down a little. Didn’t I learn my lesson from last year? Clearly not.

“No, I never accused him out loud. That happened once he came back as high as a kite. But before he drowned himself in a bottle of whiskey. I’m not sure where it falls on him giving Tom a good beating.” And now he’s grinning like a damn fool. What do I even see in these guys? Everything they are, all of their parts including the beautiful and the ugly. They wouldn’t be them without it, and I don’t prefer one over the other.

I rub at my head, trying to stop the headache from building. I mean, I’m sure rubbing won’t actually do anything, but it’s still oddly soothing.

“Emmet,” I sigh and I find it hard to finish the sentence. What am I supposed to even say? It’s fucking Emmet Harkwright. There isn’t anything I can say, I can’t exactly admonish him for what he did.

“My Star, you’ve told me off before. Then again, I did warn you from doing it too often, so how about this? Seeing as you are in the hospital and you did nearly die, I’ll allow it this once. It can be my good deed of the month.” He smiles with all his teeth and it’s really hard not to smile back.

“Only one a month? Aren't good deeds supposed to be a daily occurrence?” I ask, as he takes a seat on the edge of my bed and grasps my hand between his. My breath falters as he stares at me, and wild horses couldn’t drag me away from looking at him right now.

“Lesser people do it daily because they don’t have anything else to feel great about. I don’t have that issue.” Wild horses might fail, but that won’t.

“Don’t be so arrogant, and let me tell you off.” It’s really hard to sound fierce when my voice still sounds croaky.

“Yes ma’am.” He gives me a mock salute and I can’t resist rolling my eyes.

“You guys have agreed to ‘share’ me. That means letting them know that I’m okay, and what’s going on. That also means not letting anyone blame him for something that isn’t his fault. I don’t know how I ended up in the river, but if I did wander off, then that is on me. He shouldn’t be shouldering any blame, Emmet, and you guys need to figure out how this is going to work because I don’t want to be another Rachel.” My heart is hammering in my chest and my palms are clammy. But at least I feel as though I can take a breath now.

Why is he laughing?

“Oh, sweetheart, you could never be another Rachel. For one thing, I was never interested in that catty little bitch, and for another, she’s not even in your league. I hear what you’re saying though, I’ll let them know that they need to try harder.” He pats my hand and I grit my teeth.

“You need to try as well,” I grind out, and he narrows his eyes on me.

“Yeah, that’s not going to happen. I’ll do what I need to, but I’m not playing nice. This is a temporary truce, and I’m still out for myself. But don’t worry, the next time you decide to take a swim, I’ll keep them well informed.” He rolls his eyes this time and although I hate his attitude, I know this is a battle I have no hope in winning.



Freedom, has it ever tasted this sweet before? I can taste it on the air, the only thing that could make it better would be if I wasn’t being wheeled outside in a damn chair. I can walk, it’s not like I forgot how to or anything.

“It’s procedure, stop grinding your damn teeth,” Emmet says with a smirk, and if I was anyone else, then I would definitely flip him off.

“Fine, but I’m walking the minute that beast eyed nurse stops watching me,” I grumble and his laughter washes over me.

“Come on, let's get to the hotel. We have two days before we’re officially due back and he thought it would be better if you had a couple days to rest. My father is never this considerate, so I don’t take it as a good sign.” He wheels me up to the car and stares me down until I succumb and allow him to help me get up. Because, apparently, I’ve forgotten how to do that as well.

We climb in and I frown as I see Michael in the passenger seat. I always expect Darius, maybe I should stop doing that.

“I thought we’d be going straight back, why are we going to a hotel? Full disclosure, please, Emmet.”

“Damn, I do love it when you say my name.” He drops a kiss onto my hand, before biting down on my palm, which makes my toes curl. “We’re not entirely sure you wandered off, which I’ve already said. So, father dearest is keeping everyone who was at the retreat on a temporary lockdown while we try to figure it out, or you remember something. Seeing as we’re not suspects, we’ll be staying on the top floor with the other four who have already been cleared.” His eyes have gone to scary mode.

“So, who made the cut?” Why am I shaking? This reaction can’t be normal.

“Aeron, mainly because of how he reacted. Tom, but that’s because Aeron and I vouched for him, we know he wouldn’t have done it. Thallon, which has my father’s say written all over it, not sure I agree, and Bradley. None of the girls though, other than Daria and Caitlyn, but she has to stay with Sam and he hasn’t been cleared. Oh and, of course Maddox and Jake, but that pretty much goes without saying.” He nods his head as he says that last part, and pulls his phone out.

“Is everything okay?” I ask, as I rest my head back against the seat.

“Tom is just asking when we’ll be back, I think he’s getting a little tired of playing babysitter to Aer.” He shakes his head again as his thumb flies across his screen.

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