Home > Shattered Souls(94)

Shattered Souls(94)
Author: B C Morgan

“Is this true, Vanilla?” Thallon drops his hand on my shoulder, and squeezes. I wince, even though it doesn’t hurt, and her eyes sparkle. Sadist.

“It wasn’t unprovoked, and I d-d-didn’t jump her. I did b-b-beat on her t-though.” I cast my eyes to the side, right as Emmet steps forward enough for me to be able to see him.

“Do you have anyone who can back up your claims? I will require a reason as to why you did this.” His tone is cold, ice cold.

“She approached me and… Daria. Said stuff that d-d-didn’t matter. About m-my claimer. Until she brought Daria in, and started s-saying stuff about Maddox. Things t-that are slanderous and cruel. I was defending him, and I w-w-on’t apologize for that.” I roll my shoulders, or try to. Thallon’s grip doesn’t give me a lot of room for movement.

“What kind of things?”

I look up at Miss Lucien, before shaking my head. Emmet steps around the desk, grips her chair, and tips her out.

“Leave, now.” His voice booms, just like Sir’s, and she narrows her eyes slightly at me, before doing as she’s told.

“What did she say, Luna? His order doesn't apply here.” He sits down in her chair, and I glance up at Thallon. I don’t know if he should hear this, but I can’t ask him to leave either. I also can’t ignore the way my heart aches hearing him say my name instead of Star.

“She was talking about Maddox being… gay.” The word falls out on a whisper, as he snaps a pencil in half. “Started saying… h-horrible things. Ask D, s-she’s not too embarrassed t-t-to repeat them.” I hang my head, shame filling me at the fact that I can’t tell him every vile thing that spilled across her forked tongue.

“Very well. You acted in defence of a Harkwright, for that, you will not be removed from the Academy. However, you still struck out against a higher number than you, I will leave it at your claimer’s hand to punish you as he sees fit.” Emmet stands up and leaves the room, and I’m shell shocked. What the fuck does he expect Thallon to do to me?

Thallon steps in, he doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t need to. His eyes say it all, whatever he does, it has to be public, and it could ruin whatever is building between us.

He turns around, and I scurry behind him, my eyes stuck on the floor as we climb the stairs. We stop outside my room, he pushes open the door, and I step inside. His eyes are hard, as the corner of one twitches.

“Thallon,” I whisper, but he holds up his hand.

“You’re really going to hate me for this one. Don’t leave this room until I come for you tomorrow. I’m sorry, Koala girl.” He turns around and stalks off down the hall.

Things really do go from bad to worse in this place. I’m dreading what tomorrow will bring, and it’s only eleven am.



I step over to the window and watch as the color of sky morphs before my very eyes. Shifting from darkness, as it starts to lighten up, reds and oranges taking over. Lost as though the sky is being set ablaze before me. I look out as people walk in and out of the maze, coming and going. Not a care in the world, now that the boogeyman has been defeated. No longer caring if they’re out before the sun sets in the sky, and lightens up the day. Oh no, the danger is all gone now. Like fuck is it. Just because a murderer isn’t on the loose doesn’t mean we’re safe. We’re nothing but fresh meat, or better yet, sacrificial lambs, used to feed the appetite of demons.

I laugh mockingly at myself, as I move into the bathroom, and step under the hot spray of my shower. I’m not going to waste a lot of time in here, as long I’m clean, that is all that matters. I wish I could say that I feel prepared for whatever will happen when I step out of my room, but I’m not going to lie to myself anymore. Soon, I’ll belong to Emmet, and then I’m going to do whatever I can to change the cards they keep on dealing to me. Like the crooked dealers these Harkwrights are. No more secrets. They spill theirs, and I'll return the favor. Hopefully, no one else will burn in the fire I create. Mostly, I hope that Darius can come away unscathed.

I step out and throw on my ‘now’ usual go to clothing. Leather pants in brown. They appeared after we got back from Australia, I know it’s all down to Thallon. Maybe brown is his color of choice, like black for Emmet, navy blue for Tucker, and I guess gold for Aeron. A tight sweater that stretches over my chest and falls mid thigh. Heeled pumps finish the style, before I throw on my red lipstick, and line my eyes in black.

I switch the coffee maker on, and watch as it brews over the ground coffee, before pouring it into my cup and drinking it black. No creamer or sugar. Bitter, the way my life keeps threatening to make me, no matter how hard I fight it.

The door opens at eight, and my eyes meet his. He doesn’t step into my room, or try to give me any words of encouragement. The Thallon I used to know is back, but his eyes aren’t the same. There isn’t any certainty in there now.

“Move, now!” I move towards him, slowly. I hear his growl as I brush past, but I don’t look back.

“Fuck.” It comes out strangled from him, still I don’t react.

I walk through the hall, not a single person in sight. I look behind as we reach the stairs, and a single nod is all I need to know I have to descend them. I keep my back as straight as I can, locking my arms in front of my body, to hide the way my hands tremble. I’m not the weak girl I used to be, I’ve grown. They’ve helped me to. Not just the guys, but D and Maddie as well.

I reach the bottom, standing stock still, as I wait for him to direct me to where he wants me to go. I don’t know why Emmet has left me in his hands, not when he must think that this guy despises me. He doesn’t know what goes on when the lights go out. How the darkness in me finds the darkness in him. Demanding it’s attention, seeking it’s solace, craving everything it can give. To heal my scars and smooth my jagged pieces that I no longer try to deny. I know I may be broken, jaded, and all kinds of mistrustful, but that doesn’t mean I won’t seek out what I need. Maybe Thallon isn’t good for me. Then again, what is?

We walk into the mess hall, seats for seventy, but not enough bodies to fill them. Those who have been forced out, and those who have died. He pushes me forward, and I stumble, but manage to find my feet before I can face plant the floor.

I watch as the servers start moving the tables back further in the room, the Harkwrights stare down from their altar as Thallon steps into the center of the room.

“Yesterday, Two decided to take matters into her own hands, and struck one of her betters. At least, where your numbers are concerned.” He smiles wide, as his eyes cut to me. He didn’t have to add that last part, but he did. For me. “So, I had the honor of deciding her punishment.”

“Why is she still here?” Five shouts, her glare trying to slice through me, but I ignore it.

“Since when do we have to answer to you? You’re nothing but a pet for us to play with,” Tucker says back, his voice calm but his face has subtle differences that tells me he is not happy about Thallon’s choice.

“Give a round of applause to Ava Harkwright.” He turns to look at the door and my face falls as a girl, no woman, walks in.

Tattoos up her arms, chest, and neck. Just how I remember. Her hair has grown out since we fought in the fight ring, but it’s still shorter on one side, making her look even fiercer than she did before. Her eyes are shining as she steps into Thallon’s arms, and sends me a wink.

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