Home > Shattered Souls(96)

Shattered Souls(96)
Author: B C Morgan

One of her eyes is swollen shut, her lip is cut open, and dark, angry bruises cover the lower half of her face. I won’t even ask to see her body, I may just lose my shit all over again.

“I know what you tried to do for me, Sin, thank you.” Her good eye closes, and I look at Tucker. His face is a blank mask, but I know he’s feeling more than he can probably handle. Too much is happening, and this isn’t helping in the slightest.

“Can I help, brother?”

His eyes slide to me, pulling in at the sides, as his mouth tips down at the corners.

“I’m sorry about Rachel. I never should have gone after her. She was too tempting, and I should have ignored everything she said and did. I knew how you felt, but in the end, it didn’t matter. I’m sorry, Aer.” He swallows hard, his hand holding Luna’s just like I am.

“I wasn’t angry at you, I was hurt by the fact she spread her legs for Tom, when she said she wanted me to be her first. It’s why I steer clear of virgins, but it still hurt when Luna…”

“Yeah, but that was different. She would never go out of her way to hurt you, she cares too much, and it shows. Her heart is too big, and even my dad thinks I should push her away to try and keep her safe.” He laughs, this broken, twisted sound.

“I can’t let her go, Tuck. Can you?”

“No, but I do want to keep her safe. No matter what it takes.” His eyes meet mine, and I nod my agreement.

“Okay, then I have a plan to make that happen. All we’ll have to do is support Luna and make Emmet see that it’s the only way.” I smile slightly, as he stares at me, with questions brimming in her eyes.

“What’s the plan?”

“It involves an Aussie and a guard.”






“It’s done, I finally broke her spirit.” My mouth tastes like ash as I say the words, but I have no other choice.

“Good, I’ll be back in a few days and we can hand her over to Emmet. Remember what I told you to do the day before the assembly takes place. Do not disappoint me, Thallon. Who knows, maybe one day the keys to his legacy will be yours.”

Even through the phone, I can feel the hatred he has for his son. It makes no sense, he moulded him into the person he is. He commanded strength and obedience, and used his fists when words were not enough. Why would he suddenly want to replace him with me? I’m not his son. I don’t trust him and I don’t want the keys to the kingdom.

“Yes, Sir, I remember. It will happen, and he will have to deal with the consequences.” I force myself to laugh, and his laugh joins mine, but only for a moment.

“Yes, he will. If he was able to make her fall for him, then this should change all of that. He wants a happy, strong wife? He’ll have to find someone else. If he’s fine with being hated, then he can keep her.”

The line goes dead, and I slip my phone back into my pocket. I should go to the center and check on her, but I can’t. I went too far, and I know Allie would be so disappointed if she could see me now.

Then again, she’d beat my ass into the ground if I don’t go to her. Make sure she’s okay. I wonder if she hates me again, did she ever really stop?

I walk through the hallway, bypassing the nurses and their stares as I find the room where the beds are. Luna lies in the center of the bed, her eyes closed, but only one by choice. Tucker and Aeron sit either side of her, I can already tell that Aeron is saying something but Tucker doesn’t seem happy. Not by the scowl on his face and the pinching around his eyes.

I push the door open, and they both turn to look at me. His scowl only intensifies, while Aeron shoots me a shit eating grin.

“It’s not happening, Aer. He hasn’t earned the right.” He pushes up and shoulders past me, as I tilt my head to the side.

“What shit are you trying to stir this time? You should choose your moments better,” I say flippantly, as I drop down in his vacated seat and look at what I made happen.

“Emmet texted, his dad will be back in two days. Apparently, he cut his business trip early to give him what he wants. I chose the perfect moment. Think on that, friend.” He swaggers out the room, and her eye cracks open.

“They thought I was asleep, or maybe Aeron wanted me to hear.” She laughs, but chokes as her hand covers her side.

“Do I even want to ask?”

“He’s trying to get Tucker on board to vouch for you, if I ask to have you added to my ‘apparent’ harem. As if my opinion matters to Emmet.” A soft smile graces her lips, at war with her words.

“You can forget all about me once you’re free. If that’s what you want, Koala girl. I won’t blame you for it, not after this.” I sneer at my hands, as hers fall into them.

“Just casual, right?” She swallows, as my eyes shoot to her. “That’s what you said, now you don’t seem so sure.” Her grip is strong, and it reminds me how strong she really is.

“Yes, of course.” My voice comes out strangled, as I pull my hand away and get to my feet. “Sleep, Koala girl. Things will be better for you soon.”

I don’t look back as I leave the room, and she doesn't call for me either. Not that I expect her to.

I walk through back outside and see her friend waiting outside. I can’t acknowledge her, can’t show that I may care more for a friend than I’m willing anyone to see or know.

“You’re an asshole,” she shoots at my back, my fingers twitch at my sides as I look at her over my shoulder.

“Tell me something I don’t know. Anything else, Three, or is that it?”

“She’s way too nice for someone like you, not that she’d agree. You don’t deserve her, and I can’t see it ever changing.” She cocks a brow, as I stalk closer. I know I can’t do anything, but she needs to watch herself.

“You’re not one to speak, claimed by Maddox, yet spreading your legs for Jake.” Her mouth drops open as her cheeks heat. Not embarrassment though, oh no, this girl is furious.

“You don’t know a damn thing about me and them,” she snarls and I push my forehead against hers.

“Exactly, and you don’t know a damn thing about me and her.”

She smirks at me as she leans back, resting her head against the wall I hadn’t even realized I’d pinned her against. When did that happen?

“Thought so. Don’t hurt her, tough guy. There are a lot worse things out there than a blow to your body.”

“How can you be so sure?” My eyes burn into her, as she stares down at the ground.

“Because I’ve been on the end of it, and I also know that time doesn't heal everything. I think you may actually like my Homegirl. If that’s the case, then don’t screw it up.” She rolls her eyes at me before walking off to see Luna.

Who the fuck does she think she is?



Luna is back in her room. Ava did a good job and hasn’t done any lasting damage. The bruises and swelling will disappear in time, but this might not.

“What’s up, surfer boy?” she asks, nursing a hot chocolate and wincing every time the mug hits her lip.

“Sir will be back tomorrow, and there’s something I need to tell you. Only, you can’t let Emmet know until you’re his.”

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