Home > Shattered Souls(91)

Shattered Souls(91)
Author: B C Morgan

“So, why keep her with Thallon? I will propose, if that is what you want. It’s no skin off my back, but I don’t want a completely broken wife.” I smirk, even though it pains me to do so. It’s getting harder to keep my emotions bottled up inside.

“You may not be aware of this, but I had Tom feeding back information to me. Letting me know everything that was happening while I was away. Unfortunately for him, someone found out. I know the way she is treated, by the girls and guys alike. I don’t particularly care what happens to her. However, if she is going to be your wife, then she needs to be strong enough to handle what our world will throw her way. The disappointment of not owning a bakery, the sneers, and fear. If she hasn’t experienced it here, in a controlled environment, then she’ll never be ready.” He chuckles darkly, as he leans back, and places his hands flat against the cherry oak wood of his desk. “The girls will no doubt be a little nicer now that she is getting a taste of what they have already experienced, which means we only have to worry about Thallon. If he goes too far, then you let me know and I will put a stop to it. I have full control over that cretin, do not worry, my boy.”

“When can I claim her?” My knuckles pop, as I clench them out of his line of sight, keeping the rest of my body language relaxed.

“When I return. I will release her from his hold, and then she will be yours to do with as you will. Have no fear, son, that little girl is all yours.” He smiles and I return with one, my mouth tastes like ash and I hate myself for humoring him. What else can I do? My hands are tied, as long as he’s alive, I have no control.



New Years Eve, a night for getting shit faced, and fucking any girl in sight. For most anyway. For me, it means that I will soon have Star to myself. Only I won’t, not if I want to keep her safe. I have to keep her safe, at least until we leave here. Then, all bets are off. I’m never going to share her long term, it’s not in my blood.

I stand in the corner of the ballroom, watching as the girls dance with whatever guy steps up behind them. Sam is with his claim, and Maddox is with Daria and Jake at one of the tables. No doubt they’ll disappear before the clock hits midnight so she can have her kiss with Jake. It can’t happen in public, but my brother will make sure it does.

I’ve been nothing but aloof with him, of my own making. I didn’t want to disappoint Dad by showing weakness. As if being kind to my own brother could ever be weak. I think it’s too late to make up for that now, as long as he knows I accept him for whoever he wants to be, I’ll be happy enough. I don’t doubt he’ll disappear once he has his degree. He doesn’t want to be a Harkwright anymore than Cole did. The difference is, Mad won’t come running back the moment things get a little too hard for him.

Aeron is break dancing in the center of the room, pushing away any girl who tries to get too close. Tucker isn’t here, he chose to spend tonight with Isabelle, and I can’t say I blame him. When Luna has my kids, I’ll spend every holiday with them. No matter what is going on at work, I’ll never let them feel forgotten or unimportant. Been there, done that. I won’t make dad’s mistakes. I won’t allow the past to play on repeat. If Shane can make a change, and be a good guy to his wife, then maybe there is hope for me.

What if I can’t make her happy? What if she grows to resent me? Can I stop it from happening? Am I even capable of loving someone? I think I love her, but what if it’s nothing more than the obsession that took hold of me from the very beginning? Manifesting and warping my mind, tricking me into believing it’s something pure. Because that’s what I want, something good. For once in my life, I just want to do the right thing, by her.

The doors open and my head turns to track her movements. My Star. Always mine, no matter what anyone thinks.

Her hair is half up, half down. The waves cascading down her back, with a curl framing the side of her face. Her dress is a pale pink at the top. Fabric criss crossing over her chest, and leaving her stomach bare. The sleeves fall down to her wrists, but fall off her shoulders. The skirt sits on her hips, and starts off a darker shade of pink. It grows darker as it falls to the floor, until it turns black. It flares out every time she moves, and her eyes meet mine, before she looks away.

Thallon is beside her, a black suit, with a pink tie to match her dress. I’m surprised he even bothered, but I guess even he will make an effort tonight.

He pulls her out onto the dance floor, and all I can do is stand and watch as they dance as one. His hands on the small of her back, while hers rest on his shoulders. Her head pressed against his chest, as they sway to the music. It’s fast and upbeat, but clearly they’re dancing to their own tune. I can’t stand this bullshit, she shouldn’t be dancing with him, it should be me, or at least one of the others. At least they’d be a better fit than him.

He leans down and whispers something in her ear, they spin and I catch the look on her face. She’s smiling? Maybe he told her that she’ll soon be free, that’s the only thing that makes sense. There’s no way she’d fall for him, not after everything he’s done. Yet I expect, or at least hope, that she’ll fall for me. I’m a hypocrite, it doesn’t change anything though.

I move to the bar, grab a bottle of whiskey, and drink straight from the bottle. Aer joins me, and we watch together. Creepy as fuck, but we’ll make no apologies for it.

“Think he’ll grant us a dance?” he asks on a mocking laugh.

“Oh yeah, right before he hands her to us and tells us to enjoy the night,” I reply deadpan.

“She looks happy,” he sounds thoughtful, and I jab him with my elbow.

“It’s fake, he’s probably ordered her to look like that, all happy and shit. No way it’s genuine. He’s a piece of shit, and she knows it.”

“She likes us and we’re not much better.”

“Go smoke a joint, maybe then you’ll stop talking shit,” I snarl, and he shakes his head at me, with an eye roll.

“You’re the one not thinking clearly. Tom messed her up, you know. With the way he used her, all of us did. Yet, she still lights up when we walk in the room. If she falls for him, then we’ll have to figure out a way to deal with it.”

“No, we won’t. No one else is joining this fucked up arrangement. It’s us, and that’s it.” I take a swig before passing it over, and luckily, he keeps his mouth shut this time.

The song changes and they walk over to the bar, she carries both the drinks with her head bowed. He leads her to a table close to ours, and I know he’s chosen it deliberately, just to rub it in my face.

He says something, and her mouth pulls into a frown, before she nods, and he walks off. He leaves the room, and it’s the perfect chance to talk to her.

“Shit,” Aer mutters, as he sits up straight. We watch as Tom walks up to the table, and slides a hand down her face.

She recoils from his touch, before she pushes her chair back, and stands up.

“We should go over.”

I don’t need to be told twice, we make our way directly to them, as he reaches for her again.

“I told you not to touch me,” she shouts, as her eyes narrow to slits.

“He never made you off limits to me, you won’t get in trouble.” His words slur together as he stumbles on his feet. Great, the asshole is wasted.

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