Home > Not My Type(9)

Not My Type(9)
Author: Anna Zarlenga

‘I thought I had the group from A to O?’

‘I had to change it. The course days of the first group are more compatible with my commitments. I’m busy with my yoga class on Wednesday.’

‘Riiiiiight…’ Eleonora mutters disparagingly, earning another dirty look.

‘Well, I think that’s everything. I suggest we return to our commitments. Good day.’

‘Good day to you too!’ I say eagerly, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear.

‘Oh, and I’ll be in my office, if you can bring me those notes I gave you to review.’

‘Of course.’

‘I’ll be expecting them,’ he concludes, walking away.

I curl up in my chair with a sigh, but I already know that Eleonora is looking at me. Turning around, my intuition is confirmed by two eyes full of disapproval.

‘You know he’s taking advantage of you, don’t you?’ she asks.

‘I know.’

‘And that he treats you worse than a stupid secretary?’

‘I know.’

‘And that he takes the credit for your research and sits in office playing Sudoku, while you do all the work?’

‘I know!’ I burst out, exasperated. ‘But what else can I do? I really want the opportunity to carry out my research here. And he didn’t ask me to do anything so very terrible. He’s quite an understanding person, at the end of the day.’

Eleonora shakes her head in exasperation. ‘You also know that’s a load of rubbish, don’t you?’

I sigh, taking my head in my hands. ‘What is it, ‘you know’ day today or something? There’s no need to remind me of my pathetic condition. It’s not my fault if I can’t think straight when he looks at me like that. There are things that cannot be explained, which are not completely rational.’

‘I know, I know. I’m not judging you. Although I really don’t understand how you can be attracted to a man who is fifteen years older than you. They do say that the logic of love transcends human understanding, but it’s one thing to have a crush on an authority figure, and quite another to let him treat you like doormat. And that’s what you’re letting him do, babe.’

‘I know, but all my defences just melt away when it comes to him. I’m not a shallow person: physical appearance just doesn’t matter to me. I’m drawn to his charisma and his voice. I don’t care what he looks like, or how old he is.

‘You’re a strange person, Sara. And that’s not an insult, just an observation. But no one should put up with that sort of treatment.’

I give her a bitter smile. ‘Maybe I don’t think I can do it without his approval.’

Eleonora jumps to her feet. ‘You? Are you serious? You are the most intelligent woman I know. You’re smart, fun and witty. You are tough. You deserve better.’

‘Wow, is that a proposal?’ I ask, smiling.

‘Of course not!’ she replies quickly. ‘Don’t try and change the subject like you always do. I just wish that you would take a look around you. You deserve someone who understands you and appreciates you for what you are.’

The memory of two blue eyes comes into my mind for a second, but I push it away quickly.

‘Most men are superficial and vain. They’re only interested in physical appearance. What I want is for someone to look beyond my glasses and appreciate what I have to give.’

‘And you think the professor is this someone?’

‘Why not?’ I reply dreamily. ‘He just needs to realize that I’m powerless to resist him.’

‘You’re a desperate case.’

‘What’s so wrong with admiring a man for his intelligence and charisma?’

‘Pfft! You beat him hands down at both! Although I may need to deduct a couple of points from your IQ for becoming infatuated with him.’

I laugh, not at all offended. ‘My brain functions are intact. I only have problems with lucidity when I see him. Once he’s gone again I’m almost back to normal.’

‘Then it’s not love. Love should make you feel suspended in the air twenty-four hours a day, don’t you think?’ she muses, sitting back down and crossing her legs.

‘Who says I want love? Maybe I’m just looking for an adventure.’

Eleonora covers her ears. ‘Please tell me you didn’t just say that. Just the thought of it makes me feel queasy. How can you feel physical desire for this guy?’

‘Body and mind are closer than we think, you know? Intelligence can be really sexy. It’s not all about physical appearance.’

‘Well fine, but you’re talking about getting freaky on the professor’s desk. Only you could be attracted to that human sloth!’

I burst out laughing and get up to retrieve my notes from the printer.

‘Do you think I should unfasten my blouse?’ I ask jokingly. Not that it would work, because he always has his head buried in a book, but I like to tease Eleonora about it. She pretends to be scandalised.

‘You’ve got a screw loose.’

‘It’s the secret of my genius.’ I say with a wink.

Eleonora shakes her head, resigned. She knows perfectly well that when we have a disagreement, I will always be the winner.

The person able to beat me has yet to be born.






It’s not easy being me.

Everyone is constantly harassing me to do stuff, to work hard. And creating the illusion of being busy is a full time job.

That’s why I need so many distractions, you see – to combat the stress.

‘Baby, do you want a chocolate covered strawberry?’ The girl lying next to me pouts her full lips at me.

‘Thanks, er…?’ I trail off, doubtfully.

‘Ramona!’ she replies sulkily.

‘Right! I thought you were called Debora,’ I explain, helpfully. I hope she’s not offended.

‘Debora is in the bathroom with Natalia,’ she says. Shit, how many of them were here last night? I must be more stressed than I thought. Plus, I now have to take up the slack for Silvio. ‘It’s a dirty job,’ as they say, ‘But someone’s got to do it.’

Natalia and Debora walk out of the bathroom, completely naked. Damn. I’ve definitely still got it. When I choose who to take to bed, I choose well.

‘Good morning girls. How about a nice breakfast?’ I ask in my most persuasive voice, stretching lazily on the bed.

One of them runs her tongue over her lower lip, eager.

‘Yes please. What’s on the menu?’ She looks me over from head to toe, her eyes hungry with desire.

‘I didn’t mean me making it for you, I meant you making it for me! I’d like a brioche, freshly squeezed orange juice, and a black coffee. Two sugars. Thanks!’

All three of them jump to like well-programmed robots, but I also have another appetite, and that can’t wait.

‘Hey! Come back!’ I call, turning to the girl who wanted to taste me earlier.

She turns back immediately and gazes at my body with a look full of promise.

‘Why don’t you come here and give me an appetiser?’

She needs no further persuasion and straddles me with the poise of a gymnast. I grab her hips and do the thing I do best. The thing that makes me feel better.

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