Home > Blackout(99)

Author: Janine Infante Bosco

“How is it possible?” she questioned.

“The car?”

“To love you more than I did the day I married you.”

“If you think you love me now just wait until you get to the email with the subject line that reads, I couldn’t help myself.”

“Is it completely romantic?”

“No, it’s completely dirty,” I volleyed. “Make sure you’re by yourself when you get to that one.”

“I love it when you’re dirty.”

“See, I won’t even have to beg you to marry me again after you read that one.”

“I can’t wait to marry you again,” she whispered.


“Yeah, not too many people get to relive the best day of their life, do they?”

I suppose she had a point.

Our conversation didn’t go on too much after that. I think mainly because she was eager to get to work on those emails. It actually worked out because I was expecting a visit from Schwartz.

I should’ve realized the arrogant fuck had no concept of time. Then again, I never met a person who charges by the hour who did. It’s how they make bank.

Still, waiting for the suit to arrive is grating on my nerves. I’m about to get up and go to the reception area when the door swings open.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear in a tailored suit and loafers that probably cost as much as my first motorcycle.

“God, I hate places like this,” he grunts. “Some woman tried to get me to donate a tree.”

Twenty bucks says it was Sunny.

I watch as he unbuttons his double-breasted suit and takes a seat, setting his leather briefcase on the table between us. His gaze rakes over me and he lifts an eyebrow.

“You look human.”

“Aren’t you just full of compliments,” I counter.

“Sometimes,” he retorts, opening his briefcase. He pulls a few documents out and sets them on the table before leaning back. “I’m not sure if it was you or that pain in my ass father-in-law of yours who requested it, but I got the goods on your cellmate.”

With everything going on between me and Lacey, I forgot about Bishop and his boy.

“What did you find?”

“Well, for starters, his name is Gabe Bishop in case you were wondering. As far as the kid, child services have taken him out of the uncle’s home. He got arrested and made bail. His next scheduled hearing is in four weeks, that’s when the kid will testify against him. This Bishop character doesn’t have a shot in hell of getting released in time for the hearing and even if he did, CPS isn’t letting him near that kid.”

“He’s his father,” I argue.

“Yeah, and? He doesn’t even have a decent lawyer. He’s got a public defender who doesn’t give a flying fuck if he sees his kid or not.”

I don’t know why I can’t shake this guy or his problems. Lord knows I have enough of my own that I’m dealing with. But I was there. I saw a father fall to pieces because he couldn’t protect his son. I watched him cry for that boy. That can’t be forgotten. Especially when I’m on the cusp of becoming a father.

I don’t know if this rehab shit is making me soft or if I’m finally realizing its high time, I pay it forward for all the second chances I’ve been granted.

“How much?” I ask.

“Come again?”

“How much for you to take his case.”

“I’m a criminal attorney. I don’t play in family court.”

“You’re a fucking attorney. Period,” I growl.

“I didn’t come here to take on a charity case, Blackie. If you’re done wasting my time, I’d like to get on with the visit.”

Leaning forward, I rest my elbows on the table and narrow my eyes.

“You came here as my attorney. My very well paid attorney. Now, I’m telling you I want you to take Bishop’s case and while you’re at it, I want you to pull a fucking rabbit out of your hat and get that kid out of CPS’s hands.”

“Okay, let’s say I agree and by some fucking miracle I get the kid out of CPS, what do you propose I do with him then? You do realize he probably needs all sorts of fucking therapy, don’t you?”

“He needs to feel safe,” I snarl.

“He’s safe where he is.”

“Says you.”

“Says the system,” he volleys.

“A system that’s failed how many children?”

“I see what’s happening here, you got yourself straight and now you want to fix the world. Well, quit the motorcycle gang and become a monk then because you don’t have a future at being a foster parent.”

“Who said anything about being a foster parent?”

“The only way that kid gets out of CPS is if he has a foster family who is willing to take him in and meets the credentials. You do not qualify Mr. Rehab,” he snaps, shaking his head. “I can’t believe I’m entertaining this.” He draws out a sigh and slaps his palm against the table. “Look, Jack mentioned some biker thing.”


“Yeah, that. Have your biker friends show up to the hearing and call it a day.”

“You really don’t get it, huh? B.A.C.A. is all about making a child feel safe but that only works if he knows them and trusts them. Connor would have to be around them. He’d have to meet with the club and feel safe around them otherwise it’s just a bunch of leather in a courtroom.”

While it’s true, I also know that Schwartz has a point. I can’t ask him to get Connor away from CPS without having someplace for him to land and right now, taking on that responsibility would be biting off more than I can chew. Still, there’s got to be something more I can do for this kid and until I figure out what that something is, Schwartz is going to work on getting Bishop reunited with his boy.

“Fine, take Bishop’s case and leave the stuff with the kid alone for now.”

“Are you doing drugs again?”

“Don’t be a dick, Schwartz.”

Biting the inside of his cheek, he shakes his head and glares at me.

“I curse the day I ever met you, people.”

“We get that a lot,” I say with a shrug.

“I’m not making any promises other than it’s going—”

“To cost me, yeah, yeah, I know.”

“Now, can I tell you why I’m here so I can fucking get the hell out of here?”

“The Playboy club awaits.”

“You know, I should just let you rot. That’s so much more of an appealing option.”

Leaning back against the chair, I cross my arms against my chest and roll my eyes, knowing he’s too greedy to follow through with his threat.

“The judge who mandated you to this fucking country club happens to be a friend of my father’s.”

“Is this the part where you remind me you cashed in a favor?”

“The judge is going to review your case in five weeks to make sure you’ve made progress. At that time anyone who has had a role in your recovery will make a sworn statement on your behalf. I will then petition the court to lower your sentence, stating you’ve done your due diligence and are ready to be acclimated into the real world and all that bullshit.”

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