Home > Up in Smoke (Hotshots #4)(71)

Up in Smoke (Hotshots #4)(71)
Author: Annabeth Albert

   “Speaking of stable routines, at least she’s asleep now. She was a bit fussy without your singing, but we managed.”

   “You do just fine on your own.” Damn it. His dreary tone was back and that was probably not what Brandt needed. But he couldn’t help it. He liked being valuable to Brandt, even for something like his lullaby skills. He’d even pulled on a pair of flannel pants after the shower and a T-shirt, to be ready for more bedtime duty.

   “Not true.” Brandt squeezed him closer, settling a hand over Shane’s heart. “We need you. I need you.”

   “I’m not going anywhere. I’ll help—”

   “Not as a workhorse. Or a babysitter. You’re more than that.” Brandt spread his palm wide so that the heat of it seemed to melt into Shane’s heart. Or maybe that was simply his words.


   “You make this a family.” Brandt’s voice was as gentle as Shane had heard it. But strong too, like he truly believed his pretty words. “Without you, we’re a triangle without its points. You connect everything up.”

   “Are we sure you’re not the songwriter?” He tilted his head back further simply to watch Brandt blush.

   “Hush.” Brandt tapped Shane’s lips. “I’m trying here.”

   “I know. And I appreciate that.” Inhaling Brandt’s familiar smell, he rubbed his cheek against the faded T-shirt Brandt had changed into after court. “I like having a family. Never thought I’d get one of my own though.”

   “Me either.” A world of meaning passed between them, two less-than-ideal childhoods shaping their adult selves, the choices they’d made to keep themselves safe. Shane had assumed that stability simply wasn’t in his genes, but Brandt sure as hell made him want to try, showed him what a family could be. What it should be. And maybe it made him a better brother too, made it easier to hold Shelby tight and wish her well. Like it or not, they were all in this together.

   “I like it though,” he admitted softly. “The other night at the contest...knowing you were watching, that made all the difference.”

   “We’re gonna get shirts and pom-poms next round.” Brandt jostled him with his leg, strong thigh rubbing against Shane’s and making it so he didn’t know whether to laugh at the ridiculous joke or moan at the contact.

   Laughing won out. “Please don’t.”

   “Don’t lie.” Tickling Shane’s ribs, Brandt playfully nipped at his ear. “You love the idea.”

   “Ha.” What he truly loved was this wrestling around like puppies. It made the heaviness that he’d carried all day evaporate. “I love you guys, but I draw the line at shirts with my face on them.”

   Brandt stilled his hand. “What’d you say?”

   “No shirts—”

   “Not that part.” Brandt’s voice was strangely bashful. “The other.”

   “I love you guys.” Shane leaned back again, studying Brandt’s pink face. “You didn’t get that from my song the other night?”

   “Eh. Songs are metaphors, right? Not literal. I wasn’t about to take it to the bank just because you found some pretty words that fit your tune.”

   This man. This sweet, hot, confounding man was going to be the death of him. How someone so confident could doubt his appeal for even a second was almost comical.

   “You. You fit the song.” Nuzzling Brandt’s neck, Shane hid his face. “I love you.”

   “Oh.” Brandt formed a perfect circle with his mouth as he gave a soft exhale, eyes going half shut, clearly pleased. He didn’t say it back, but that was okay because he dipped his head and was kissing him with an intensity that made Shane’s feet curl against the couch. Awkward angle and all, they kissed until finally Shane’s neck was about to give out.

   “Damn, man. I was about to ask if you wanted a beer to unwind, but...”

   Brandt’s husky chuckle made heat lick at the base of Shane’s spine. “I think we can find a better way to relax than that.”

   “I’m open to suggestion.” Shane stretched suggestively against him before hefting himself off the couch. They were both tired enough that he figured they better find the bed first.

   “I’ve got plenty.” Accepting Shane’s hand up, Brandt joined him standing. Shane couldn’t resist giving him another heated kiss. Bed. Soon. This first. He was never getting enough of this man’s lips.

   “Bet you do.” After pulling away breathing hard, Brandt tugged him down the hall toward his room. Laughing, they both collapsed against the door for another kiss, hands still linked. Eventually, though, lips were not enough to quench the heat building between them. Skin. He needed skin.

   “Get these clothes off.” Brandt’s command was a tease as he used gentle hands to pluck at Shane’s clothing.

   “You too.” Shane leaned in for one more kiss. Then another as they undressed each other between kisses until they were both naked and rubbing together. Still wasn’t enough.

   But before he could voice that need, Brandt pushed him down on the bed. He was more aggressive tonight than usual, and Shane liked it. Ordinarily, his brain would be clamoring for him to take over and control the encounter, but right then he was more than content to soak in all Brandt’s raw power, see what happened when he unleashed the full force of his confidence.

   “What do you want?” Pinning Shane to the bed, Brandt loomed over him, hair spilling around his face.


   “Don’t go stealing my best lines now,” Brandt scolded before dropping his head to kiss Shane’s collarbone. “And you leave it up to me, we’re gonna be here awhile...”

   “You? Slow? I wanna see this.” He stretched underneath Brandt, offering himself up.

   “Be careful what you wish for.” Chuckling, Brandt peppered him with more kisses. Shoulders. Jaw. Chest. It was new, lying back like this, letting Brandt explore, trusting him like this.

   Using his hands as well as that devilish mouth, Brandt brought fresh awareness to all sorts of spots Shane had taken for granted. Behind his ear. His sides. His stomach. Closer and closer to his straining cock until Shane was a shivering ball of need. And curious. So very curious.

   “I wanna know what it’s like,” he whispered.

   “Yeah?” Brandt raised his head from Shane’s stomach, one eyebrow going up.

   “You keep boasting. Maybe you finally convinced me.” He shrugged against the mattress, not wanting to make a big deal of this.

   “It’s not a flavor of soda. You don’t have to.” Brandt’s voice was surprisingly serious.

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