Home > Up in Smoke (Hotshots #4)(72)

Up in Smoke (Hotshots #4)(72)
Author: Annabeth Albert

   “I know.” It wasn’t like he’d ever been totally opposed to bottoming. More like he hadn’t felt ready on some internal level, a little twinge of uneasiness that sent his fantasies in other directions. But he was ready now, sexy speculation replacing that reluctance. “I wanna feel what you feel when I’m inside you.”

   “That’s a tall order.” Eyes sparkling, Brandt laughed as he made an expansive gesture. “I feel lit up. Like hundreds of little lights, glowing brighter and brighter.”

   That sounded perfect, all the heat inside him given purpose. He rose up on his elbows to stare Brandt down. “Do it. Light me up.”

   “Oh, I’m gonna try my best.” Grinning wickedly, Brandt leaned up to brush a kiss across Shane’s mouth before he reached into the nightstand. He tossed the lube on the bed, and some of Shane’s curiosity took a left turn. His body tensed even as he tried to talk himself back to that place where this seemed like the best idea.

   “Relax, baby.” Brandt pushed him back down, settling over him for another kiss, slow and possessive. “We’re not gonna fuck tonight. You’ve never even fooled around. We’re not going zero to sixty all at once.”

   “I don’t need training wheels.” He wasn’t sure he appreciated being coddled even as part of him thrilled to Brandt’s caretaking.

   “But you do need this.” In a single graceful movement, Brandt slithered down Shane’s torso until his mouth was level with Shane’s cock. Not giving Shane a chance to adjust to this most welcome development, he swallowed Shane to the root, making a pleased noise.

   “No fair.” Hell if he could think of any objections now. And he sure as hell wasn’t going to complain about Brandt blowing him. Those hungry noises he made were almost as much of a turn-on as the warm heat of his mouth. Holding him deep, Brandt milked him with the flat of his tongue until Shane was moaning.

   Right when Shane was about to lose his damn mind, Brandt released his cock with a wet, lewd sound before scooting lower. He teased Shane’s balls with little licks of his tongue. More real estate Shane had clearly neglected far too long because each movement added little sparks to that heat inside of him.

   “Fuck.” His voice dropped to a whole new register as Brandt went even lower, attacking Shane’s rim with his mouth. More of the same urgent noises he made when blowing Shane, and his obvious enjoyment of this smoothed over whatever awkwardness Shane might have had picturing this act, leaving only need. “More.”

   “Damn. So sensitive. Love it.” Brandt met his demands by tracing firm circles with his tongue before going back to more flicks and teasing until Shane was whimpering and shuddering. He was shameless now, pulling his legs up and back to give Brandt better access. The sparks of pleasure gathered, causing fireworks behind his tightly shut eyes. Damn. If this was what Brandt felt, Shane was going to make a career out of doing this for him too.

   “So good.” His feet dug into his thighs, muscles starting to tense. Unlike Brandt, he’d never had an orgasm without friction on his cock, but his dick was drooling against his stomach and thick, heady warmth swept through his whole body. “Fuck. Fuck. I might...”

   “That close already?” Sounding all smug, Brandt backed away before Shane could beg him to finish him off. He opened his eyes in time to catch Brandt slicking up his fingers. “This good?”

   “Yeah. Do it.” If a mouth felt that damn good, he needed to see what a finger could do. His ass tightened, but in a good way this time, like his curiosity had turned to outright need.

   “Easy.” Brandt’s voice was soothing but that was almost more frustrating as Shane’s body didn’t seem to know how to relax.

   “Not sure...”

   “Give it a chance.” Rearranging himself slightly, Brandt kept teasing Shane’s rim with slick fingers as he sucked his cock back into his mouth. It was almost too much, sensation overload, and he groaned as he reflexively arched his back. The movement allowed Brandt’s finger to slip a little deeper. Didn’t burn so much now, and if he didn’t get more of this hand and mouth duet, he might die.

   “More,” he panted.


   “It’s better... Fuck.” Any ability to talk fled as an electric current raced from his ass to his cock, up his abs, down his thighs. Fuck. Even his earlobes were burning hot as the wave of pleasure retreated. “Was that...”

   “Fuck yes. Meet your sweet spot.” Brandt’s triumphant tone would be adorable if every cell in Shane’s body wasn’t clamoring for him to do it again.

   “Stop. Teasing. Do it again.”

   “This?” Brandt returned his mouth to Shane’s cock as he started fucking his finger in earnest, each stroke pushing purposefully against Shane’s prostate.

   “Yes. Yes. More.” Perfect aim. Perfect pressure. Perfect suction of his mouth. Tension started coiling again, that hum of approaching climax, but despite the utter perfection of Brandt’s onslaught, he couldn’t quite slip over.

   “It’s okay,” Brandt whispered against his cock. “Let go. I’ve got you.”

   Suddenly Shane was back in that airplane with Brandt, poised to jump, not sure whether he trusted Brandt to get him down to the earth. But he had. He’d made Shane fly that day. And now he was Brandt, and Shane trusted him with everything, including his heart.

   Brandt added a second finger, and the pleasure was almost too much, too big, too scary. Shane had never been this high before, and it felt like he might rattle apart any second. He found Brandt’s free hand, gripped it tight. And trusted. His heart expanded as his body bowed, and this time he leaped with the rising pleasure, cock pumping into Brandt’s mouth, over and over.

   It was a long way down, but a smooth, soft landing. “Damn.”

   “Damn right.” Brandt grinned as he wiped his fingers on the towel that had been around Shane’s neck earlier. After cleaning Shane up too, he came back up to lie next to Shane, gathering him close. “Did you light up?”

   “I flew.” Shane’s voice was still full of wonder. It was a leap of faith, committing to this thing with Brandt, but if anyone was worth it, this amazing, confounding, special man was it. “You made me fly.”

   “Even better.” Holding Shane tighter, Brandt rocked against him, hard cock trapped against Shane’s hip.

   “You can fuck me now.” If rimming and fingering were that good, he could trust Brandt to make fucking even better, and doing it this boneless sounded marvelous.

   “Oh hell no.” Brandt gave him a stern look. “You don’t get to make that call all sex drunk.”

   “Wanna make you feel good.” Rolling slightly, Shane rubbed Brandt’s arms and chest.

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