Home > Destined (Lair #4)(39)

Destined (Lair #4)(39)
Author: A.M. Madden

Having our families spending quality time together was one of my favorite things. There were always so many laughs. It was the first time Dad had seen my boyfriend shirtless since he’d gotten the tattoo over his heart that I loved so much.

Typical of my father, he teased Shane mercilessly, comparing it to Jack’s three pussy-whipped, love-inspired tattoos. That was until my mother reminded him of the seven he had that were equally pussy whipped and love inspired.

While our siblings splashed around in the pool, our moms alternated watching them and watching our dads. Whenever their attention focused on their husbands, one of them would whisper something that caused the two women to burst into laughter.

Sure, Jack Lair and Trey Taylor operating the grill was definitely a sight their fans would kill to see. Having them do so while in bathing suits and not the black-on-black-on-black wardrobe they favored would be even harder for their flock to believe. It was all evidence that their beloved rock stars were human.

But what a picture that would be gracing the cover of every gossip magazine on the market. Jack Lair looking like a swimsuit model even in his forties, wearing flamingo-printed trunks, and my father looking silly in his dancing-guitar swimsuit because of the ink covering most of his torso.

Meanwhile, my boyfriend sulked like his puppy had just run away. I suggested a swim in the pool, and all was great until I swam through his legs and my butt brushed against his semi hard-on. When I surfaced and couldn’t stop a giggle because of the sullen look on Shane’s face, he glared at me.

“Glad you think this is funny.” His sadness was a bit one dimensional. Well, actually, it was three dimensional and in the shape of his neglected dick.

My response was a good hard splash of water in his face before saying, “Relax. We’ll be alone again in less than twenty-four hours.”

“Too many hours to lose with what little time we have left together,” he reminded, and instantly forced the light mood I’d been in to plummet as I followed him out of the pool and grabbed us towels.

It seemed with every day that went by Shane became a little less excited about the tour. Comments he’d made regarding how thirteen weeks apart would be hell for him, and that he really needed me to come out every weekend or he’d be miserable, fueled my argument. The last thing I’d want was for him to miss out on the amazing experience he could have because of me.

Not until we were lying side by side on the farthest end of the deck did he say, “Soon I’ll be gone, and—”

“You don’t leave until September,” I cut him off, even though the thought made me desperate. Still, I had to be the strong one between us. “There will be other days we can escape alone together before then.”

“Yeah…” He added a sigh for good measure.

“Want to go in the ocean?” His brows rising in interest had me shaking my head. “To swim some more.”

“Oh… then, no.”

“A walk?”

He glanced at how much progress his father had made with the burgers and hot dogs. “We don’t have much time.”

And like a cruel joke, Jack called out, “Come and get it.”

Our moms forced the kids to scramble out of the pool, and among their noisy chatter, I leaned closer to say, “I love you.” First to get off the lounge chair, I offered him my hands and pulled him to standing.

That sexy smirk lifted one corner of his lips. “Me too,” he said, kissing me long and hard. And when he turned his head to see if anyone was looking, I had a feeling the kiss was an act of rebellion.

By the time we sat at the table, the smirk was gone, his scowl had returned, and I knew until he and I left the next day, short of a miracle, there wasn’t much that would cheer him up.



Chapter Seventeen




No sooner had she swallowed her last bite of pancake than I was up and saying our goodbyes. While my dad merely chuckled, Trey instead followed right behind and cornered me in the foyer.

“You could at least pretend you don’t have an agenda,” he mumbled low enough so only I could hear him.

Were we back to this again? “Come on, Unk. Give me a break.” Looking over to where Alivia hugged her mother, I met his narrowed gaze head-on, mainly because I wasn’t in the mood for his crap today. “I thought we were past this.”

“Relax, kid… I’m busting your balls, because as her father I take great pleasure in that.”

“Awesome.” My sarcasm was thick, and I got his smug smirk as a result.

“I actually need to tell you something.” He gripped a fistful of my T-shirt and dragged me around the corner. Expecting the worst, he delivered by saying, “I know what you did to get that Molly chick off Alivia’s back.”

All cockiness disappeared when my mouth gaped in shock. “Shit. How do you know?”

“Seriously?” His brows rose in disbelief. “Kid… your folks are my best friends… and your mother is a yapper. Did you honestly think they wouldn’t tell me all about the scholarship their son conjured up? How they loved the idea and more so because it came from you? Said they want to expand it to other high schools in the city… schools where so many need the help. If that dude didn’t have Jett as a name, I wouldn’t have thought twice about it. I’ve overheard my wife and daughter talking about Molly plenty. I’m not as dumb as I look… and I picked up she’s been a problem in Livi’s life. I also heard that bitch had a new boyfriend named Jett—and there is no way there are two Jetts in that fucking school.”

I didn’t know what was more surprising, the fact that the rock star paid attention to teenage bullshit, or the fact he remembered people’s names. “I meant well.” I felt sick… and no doubt the comforting hand he planted on my shoulder meant he saw it written all over my face.

“Yeah… I know, kid.”

“They don’t know the real reason I did it, though, right?” I asked, panicked. My mother wouldn’t be happy with me.

“No, they don’t. And I won’t be the one to tell them.” Relief caused a huff of air, but he was quick to shake his head. “Not so fast.” He folded his arms, assuming authority. “As innocent as you think the entire plan was, you played with people’s lives, Shane. If my father hadn’t manipulated my life at every turn, I probably wouldn’t care as much. Add the fact you did it for my daughter, and it became personal.”

He wasn’t saying anything I didn’t already know. “I was just trying to protect her.”

“To someone like Livi, that means you didn’t trust she could handle it herself.” His gaze remained steady. “What’s done is done, but Livi needs to hear it from you… and so do your folks. Got me?” He stared at me long and hard, and just as I nodded, Alivia came bouncing over.

One look at her father and me had her barking, “What?”

“Nothing but the usual,” I was quick to say with a wide smile.

Trey nodded. “Just asking your boyfriend to at least pretend you’re not rushing home to have…” He grimaced and waved a hand. “I can’t even say it out loud. Just go, or I’ll stop pretending I’m okay with this.”

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