Home > Forever Mine (Hazel Island, #1)(26)

Forever Mine (Hazel Island, #1)(26)
Author: Iris Morland

Debra hadn't texted him since he'd gotten his new phone. The last time he'd talked to her on the phone had been...he had to think a moment. Five years ago? Jack had only kept her number in case of emergency.

Instead of replying to his mom's text, Jack called his brother Danny. Their relationship was distant at this point; they spoke maybe once a year.

Jack felt guilt, thinking how he'd abandoned his family all those years ago. He'd been young and dumb. But what excuse did he have now?

"Who died?" was Danny's greeting.

Jack grunted. "Nobody died. And most people answer the phone with a 'hello.'"

"Why are you calling me, then? I'm busy."

Jack couldn't help but feel stung at his brother's complete disinterest in talking to him. Then again, it'd been this way for as long as Jack could remember. He had a feeling Danny had never forgiven him for leaving him with their mom when he was still a kid.

"Mom texted me out of the blue. Do you know why? She said she's sick." said Jack.

"I haven't talked to her in months. The last time I saw her, she was asking me for money to pay for a deposit on a new place." Danny scoffed. "The last time I gave her money, she spent it in three days on booze. Really doubt she's actually sick."

"She might be. She hasn't tried talking to me in years."

"Look, dude. I have to go to work. Call her and ask her what's up."

Before Danny hung up on him, Jack said in a rush, "How are you doing? Doing okay out in the big city?"

Danny was quiet a long moment before responding. "Not sure why you care."

"The fuck does that mean? Of course I care."

"Well, you're not so great at showing it." There was another pause before Danny gave a hurried goodbye and hung up.

Jack stared down at his phone. He'd tried to keep in contact with Danny when he'd first moved to the island, but he'd been so busy that he hadn't tried very hard, either. And then Danny had reached adulthood and hadn't wanted much to do with his big brother.

Jack then stared down at his mom's text. Guilt filled him. He wondered if their mom was really sick, or even in the hospital. Or was she just sick because she'd run out of money for booze or drugs?

The thought that he'd ignored her when she genuinely needed help ate at him. No matter how much he told himself she'd made her own bed, he'd never been fully convinced of it.

He called her number, hoping against hope that she wouldn't pick up. But after four rings, she did.

"Thank God. Jack, I need your help. Where are you? Can you come to my place this afternoon?" said his mom in a rush.

Jack pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm still living on Hazel Island. I have work this afternoon. What's wrong?"

"I'm sick and tired of this fucking apartment. I need to get into a new one, but my credit is shit. Not my fault. George stole my identity, remember? He fucked it all up, and now it's impossible to get a place."

Jack couldn't remember who George was. Probably one of the many boyfriends that had come and gone from his mom's life.

"What do you need?" said Jack.

"I need money. That's what I need. If I can pay double the deposit, I can get this nice little studio close to downtown. It's right by the bus stop. I can't drive anymore, you know. My license was suspended again. Did I tell you that?"

Before Jack could reply, Debra added, "And I know what you're gonna say. 'I can't give you money.' Just know that where I'm living now is a hell hole. Mold everywhere, my neighbors are selling crack. The guy across from me threatened to kill me. I have to get out of here."

The desperation in Debra's voice made Jack's heart crack a little. He couldn't stand that his mom lived in a place like that. How could he stand by when she needed help?

"How much?" His voice was quiet.

"Twenty-five hundred." Debra paused. "I also need money for food. I just lost my job."

"What did you do this time?"

"Nothing! They got rid of me because I'm old. That happens all the time around here. They want young kids who can do twice the work. So they fired me while saying I wasn't putting in the effort. Buncha bullshit."

Jack felt a headache coming on. "I can lend you three thousand. That's the limit," said Jack.

"Thirty-five hundred."

"Three thousand or nothing."

His mom made an annoyed sound, but she finally agreed. After providing him with her bank information, she told him she had to go and hung up. There was no thank you. Jack hadn't expected one, if he were honest. His mom had always assumed that, as her son, he had a duty to provide for her. If she wanted money, he needed to give her money and not wonder where it would actually go.

Jack's tiny house suddenly felt oppressive. Grabbing his raincoat and keys, he got into his truck and drove into town without any destination in mind.

His own bank account was dwindling with every passing day. With his mom needing money now, he knew he wouldn't be able to help Gwen like he'd promised. The thought of letting her down, though, made him want to drive his truck off the nearest cliff.

Gwen would understand, of course. She always did. She was too good for this world. But Jack had his pride, and to admit that he didn't have the money when he'd said he did was a fierce blow. Even worse, he'd have to tell Luke.

Would Luke still be interested in financing the restaurant if Jack backed out? Jack groaned at the thought, the headache that had been building reaching epic proportions by the time he'd gotten into town.

It was raining softly, as it usually was this time of year. Despite that, there were still people meandering about, wearing raincoats or, if they weren't from around here, using umbrellas. Those folks would eventually learn how useless umbrellas were on the island. One windy day would set them straight.

He went to the bed and breakfast, not sure why he needed to see Gwen right then. Maybe he just needed to confess that he was letting her down. Maybe he wanted to tell somebody about his family, or lack thereof.

He found Gwen in her office. She was busy typing, but when she saw him, her face lit up.

How has she gotten under my skin so easily? he thought, a little terrified at the realization. I'd do anything to keep that look on her face.

Gwen must've sensed something was wrong because the smile faded from her face. "What's wrong?"

"I just—" He didn't know what to say, or how to explain. Instead, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her.



Gwen froze, taken aback by Jack's ardor. But then her body soon responded, and her brain shut off. She just let herself feel. His hands roved over her body, caressing, as his mouth claimed hers.

She knew something was bothering him. She could feel it in the way he clutched at her, the way the kiss deepened until she felt dizzy.

She was about to break the kiss to try to get him to talk, but apparently he had other plans. He pushed her papers off her desk and, setting her on top, he stepped between her legs.

"You're so sweet," Jack said, husky. He sucked on the side of her neck. "I just can't stop wanting you."

"I feel the same."

He groaned, delving into her hair, pulling her so close that their bodies were aligned. She could feel his hardness, and her own core heated in response. When he touched her breasts and licked at her collarbone, she felt like she was going to burst out of her skin.

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