Home > Totally Schooled(18)

Totally Schooled(18)
Author: Nicole Dykes

I grin up at him. “Ah, like compliments, do you?”

“Who doesn’t?” His voice is quiet, and he’s whispering since Hailey is down the hall.

“You’re kind.” I kiss the ridiculously cut V of his hips. “Patient.” I kiss the other side. “Sexy.” I move down his thighs, eliciting a deep groan from him when I skip over his leaking cock.

“Rafe.” He’s pleading with me.

I can’t resist teasing him a little. “Yeah?” I look up at him with a wry grin, but he pulls me up to his mouth, kissing me breathless until he pulls back and looks into my eyes.

“Shut up.”

I chuckle at that and kiss him harder, our cocks dragging against each other, making us both moan and writhe together on my bed. I pause only for a minute to grab lube, coating my hand and then grasping our cocks together.

Our hips thrust together as we slide against one another. I use one arm to hold most of my weight off him as his hands roam over my back and my ass, pulling me into him. “Holy fuck, that feels so damn good,” I moan against his lips.

“I’m close, Rafe.”

I can feel my balls drawing up tight, and I know we’re on the same page. I kiss him, nipping on his bottom lip. “You’re so fucking hot.” My cock slides against his, his firm body under mine and pleasure creeps up my spine. “Come with me.”

I feel his body tense beneath me, his teeth finding my neck as he loses control, hot cum drenching my cock and hand as I continue to stroke us together. “Fuuuck,” I groan, lost in my own ecstasy, my release joining his, making a mess between us that neither of us care about.

We kiss, moving from hungry and desperate to slow and lazy. Both of us smile against each other’s mouths.

Finally, I roll off of him and onto my back next to him. “Seriously? How can we not do that?”

He chuckles, his muscles flexing while he does. “You’re ridiculous.”

I grin, because most people think I’m uber serious. Like, all the time. I rarely let my “ridiculous” side show. Unless I’m with Hailey. “Can you tell me you’ve had sex that good before?”

He turns his head to face me, still breathing hard as he subtly shakes his head. “No. Never.” He looks back up at my ceiling. “You?”

I laugh at that, scoffing, “No. Nowhere near this. It’s always been in a rush before.”

He looks almost pained as he turns back to look at me, searching my eyes for something. But then he asks, “What are you doing for Thanksgiving?”

For some reason, I don’t think that’s what he actually wanted to ask me. “It’s a few weeks away.”

“Only two and a half.”

I smile. “We’re going to my Aunt Jo’s.”

“That’s good.”


“My mom and dad’s. I’m an only child, but my mom has four brothers, and my dad has three. So, it’ll be packed full of people the way my mom prefers her house.”

“Wow.” I’m sure I look a little freaked out by his massive family because he laughs.

“Yeah. What about you?”

I shake my head. “It’ll probably just be my aunt, Hailey, and me. She doesn’t have kids, and my parents . . .” My body tenses, thinking about them and how much they hate me now. I shrug my shoulder and sit up. “They won’t be there.”

“Oh.” He sits up, and I go into my bathroom, wetting a washcloth and cleaning up, not wanting to think about my family as I wash the cum off my stomach. I rinse the washcloth and walk back to him, handing it over so he can do the same.

“Yeah. It’s no big deal.”

He doesn’t believe me. He cleans up, and then, when I sit down, he surprises me by wrapping his arms around my neck. He kisses my temple, and I lean into him with a smile. “I have to go.”

I hate those words, but I nod. “Football next Sunday?”

He chuckles and then releases me, pulling my face to his and kisses me deeply, resting his hand over my heart. When he pulls back it’s with a big smile on his face. “I think the game is at noon.”

“I’ll order wings.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

With a plan in place, I feel oddly better about watching him walk out the door.

Knowing deep down, I’m going to get to touch him again.



* * *


As usual, I know I really shouldn’t be here, but here I am again. Watching the game with Hailey and Rafe. It was a noon game today, and it’s nearly over now. Hailey looks cute in pigtails and a red jersey as she sits, playing with her Barbies and occasionally cheering for her team.

At the two-minute warning, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and look at the screen, smiling before I answer, “Hey, Mom.”

Rafe seems slightly interested when I say hello but then turns his attention back to the game. “Oh my goodness, you’re alive!”

I roll my eyes at my mom’s dramatics, but I chuckle, “Nope. You’re talking to a ghost.”

Hailey’s eyes widen in my direction, and I smile at her, winking and shaking my head. My mother only laughs, “Well, do you think you can make some time for dinner tonight? I’m making fried chicken and mashed potatoes.”

Her homestyle cooking is why I started my gym habit in high school. “Um.” I look at Rafe out of the corner of my eye, not wanting to leave. “I’m kind of at a friend’s.”

I see the corner of Rafe’s mouth raise in a smirk. “Well, bring them! You know, the more the merrier here.”

I smile at that because I definitely do. “I’ll ask.”

I look over at Rafe. “Do you want to go to my mom’s for dinner?”

Before Rafe can say no, Hailey jumps up. “I do!”

I look over at Hailey’s excited expression. “Yeah? You like fried chicken?”

She nods her head excitedly and then looks over at Rafe. “Please, Daddy?”

Oh, they’re definitely going. I hear my mom’s delighted voice in my ear. “Is that a child?”

My mom loves kids. “Yeah. My friend Rafe has a daughter.”

“Oh, bring them!” I can hear the glee in her voice, and it makes my heart soar a little. She’d make a wonderful grandmother.

“I’ll see what I can do. I’ll text you.”

“Okay.” We hang up, and I turn to Rafe to see if he’s made a decision yet.

“What do you say? Home-cooked meal? Overbearing motherly type who will try to fatten you and Hailey up?”

He grins at that but tries to keep it contained. “It’s a school night.”

“My mom and dad eat ridiculously early. She’s probably already cooking.”

He turns to Hailey. “You really want to go?”

“Yeeesss.” She’s already walking toward the door, and Rafe hops up from the couch.

“Wait. Jacket.” He grabs her little purple jacket off the hook by the door, helping her into it as he looks at me. “Are you sure you want us to go?”

More than I’d like to admit, but I play it cool, grabbing my hoodie and slipping it on. “Yeah. My mom loves to feed people. You’ll see. You guys will make her week.”

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