Home > Snowy Ever After(56)

Snowy Ever After(56)
Author: Samantha Chase

And Evie was a wonderful partner for him.

What? No cynical thought about how love only exists in the movies and happily ever afters are designed to sell chocolates and greeting cards?

The more he saw the people he loved find their perfect partners, the harder it became to cling to the idea that love was a sales tactic. Especially since he found that “pretending” to be in love with Lily was a whole lot easier than it should have been.

“You’re so cute.” Zoey pressed a hand to her chest. “There’s nothing better than seeing a guy get all mushy for his one and only.”

As the other “groomsman” in the bridal party, she’d chosen to wear a fitted silk tuxedo jacket and tight black pants with a pair of staggeringly high black heels. Her multicoloured hair was pulled back into an elegant twist. The effect was fun and stylish, while matching well with Jasper and Sean.

Classical music played as they waited for the bride to arrive. The seats filled with guests, all dressed to the nines. Evie’s mum was flittering around like the social butterfly she was. Ethan and Monroe ushered people in and made sure everyone was comfortable.

“Make sure you hang around for the bouquet toss later,” Jasper said, nudging Sean with his elbow. “Might give you and Lily some added luck to manage the long-distance thing.”

“Firstly, the bouquet toss is for women, and frankly, I do not want to impede a single gal looking to catch a flying bunch of flowers.” Sean shot Zoey a look. “You ladies are scary with that shit.”

“You’re not wrong. I once saw a woman get knocked out by a flying espadrille at a bouquet toss.” Zoey laughed, and Jasper’s eyes bugged. “I’m not joking.”

“Secondly,” Sean said. “I’m going to let nature take its course. When it’s time for things to be done, then that’s fine by me. I’ll have fun while I can.”

The words were bitter on his tongue. Lies always tasted funny like that.

Jasper raised an eyebrow. “If you want something, then you have to go after it and put some effort in. Letting nature take its course is taking the easy way out, because then if it doesn’t work you can shrug and console yourself with the fact that at least you didn’t try.”


“Wise words from the groom.” Zoey nodded. “I’m with Jasper. If you want to make this thing with Lily work, then you need to have a plan for it.”

“I’m sorry, did I ask for you two goons to dissect my love life?” Sean huffed. “No, I did not.”

“I’m duty bound as your best friend to point out when you’re being an idiot,” Jasper responded with a pointed look. “And right now, you’re being an idiot.”

Sean looked to his sister for support, but Zoey’s expression told him he was alone with this one. “How am I being an idiot?”

“You’re in a relationship with your dream woman and you’re acting like you don’t give a crap whether she dumps you. That’s textbook idiocy.”

Sean blinked. “How do you know she’s my dream woman?”

Jasper leaned forward and made eye contact with Zoey, and they both shook their heads as if Sean couldn’t see something that was right in front of him. “Oh, how about all the times you would fluff a catch in basketball so you could jog over to where she was sitting just to get her attention?”

“You noticed that, huh?” He rubbed a hand at the back of his neck.

“Oh, and every woman you’ve ever dated is a dark-haired, dark-eyed creative type. Like you’re trying to find someone just like her.”

Sean glowered. “I don’t like this conversation.”

“All we’re saying is, don’t let a good thing go because you’re too scared to put yourself in line for potential rejection. Better to know where you stand and to have a chance of getting what you want, than always missing out for the sake of self-preservation.” Now it was Jasper’s turn to clap him on the back. “Trust me, I spent too damn long hiding myself away thinking it was the easy option. I could have missed out on marrying the most amazing woman in the whole world.”

As if on cue, the music died out for a second and a hush fell over the room. People in the audience turned toward the double doors at the back, which were still closed. The familiar strains of ‘Canon in D’ came through the speakers cleverly hidden away in the top corners of the room. As the doors opened, they caught sight of the people gathered there.

Katherine and Amelia were dressed in silky red dresses that fit the Christmas wedding theme perfectly. They held matching bouquets of red and white flowers with rich green leaves and gold ribbon. Behind them, there was a glimmer of white that indicated Evie was standing behind them. But there was movement and a changing of positions as someone slipped in front of the group.


She wore a fitted champagne-coloured dress covered in dazzling beads that gave off an ethereal glow. Dark hair tumbled down her shoulders in glossy curls, and smoky makeup enhanced her beautiful eyes. For a moment, Sean stood transfixed. Everyone else might be desperate to see the bride, but as far as he was concerned, Lily was the only woman in the room.

She wasn’t a bridesmaid. The happy couple had kept the bridal party small and, of course, Evie had wanted her sisters by her side. Lily had volunteered to be a flower girl—or flower woman, as it were—and she walked down the aisle with a basket filled with rose petals. Beside her, Evie’s oldest nephew, a boy of about ten, was dressed in a suit and he carefully held onto a velvet ring box.

As they walked down the aisle, Lily threw creamy white rose petals onto the floor and she smiled down at the boy beside her to make sure he was okay. It was a family affair, through and through.

As she got closer, her eyes locked onto his and a jolt of something hot and electric sliced through Sean’s body. It was like his mind glitched—and suddenly he was the man waiting for his bride, and she was coming toward him, ready to embrace forever.

That’s not what this is.

But how could he convince himself otherwise, when every cell in his body knew that Jasper and Zoey were right? She was his dream woman and Sean was trying to protect himself by not getting too invested. All the signs were there—he’d purposefully found out what flight she would be on, so he could see her as soon as possible. He’d dated women who looked like her and always felt a pang of disappointment when nobody could match Lily.

I love her.

It was as clear and predictable as the sun peeking over the horizon in the morning. Lily was the woman he wanted, not just now but forever. She was the woman who saw the vulnerability in him, even when he tried to hide it away behind smiles and jokes. She was the one he’d always wanted.

This wasn’t new information. It was simply that he could no longer ignore how he felt. Did he have any idea how they might make it work? No. But was that an excuse not to at least try? Also no.

It was time to tell the truth and stop letting time pass him by.



The ceremony was absolute perfection. Lily sat in the front row, dabbing at her eyes with a tissue while Evie and Jasper shared the vows they’d written. One thing that Jasper said really struck her.

I promise to never allow either of us to hold back from our dreams, no matter how terrifying they may be.

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