Home > You Never Knew Me (The Never Series Book 1)(41)

You Never Knew Me (The Never Series Book 1)(41)
Author: B C Morgan

I’m pulled into Elijah’s arms and I swear I can hear him sigh, almost in relief. It feels like home being held by him, the problem is, it feels that way with all three of them.

He suddenly grabs my hands and spins me out, before twirling me back in and dipping me low. His mouth is so close to mine I could kiss him, but I’m holding back, it isn’t fair to do that with the others close by.

“I really want to kiss you right now. I’m walking you home alone tonight Hen. No arguments,” as if I would argue with that. I want the same thing and I don’t doubt that my eyes are mirroring the same hunger I can see in his.

He spins me around again and I see Amias at the buffet table and Chelsea has got her hand on his chest.

“It’s okay, he isn’t interested in her,” Eli says, but it doesn’t stop my stomach from twisting and when I see her walk out of the ballroom, I can’t stop myself from following her out.

“Henleigh, shit…” is all I hear before I charge out and rush up to her.

I grab her shoulder and spin her around, I see her eyes widen as I pull her forward and send my knee into her stomach.

“Don’t you ever lay your hand on Amias again,” I force out through clenched teeth.

“You don’t own him,” she wheezes and I love the fact she’s finding it hard to catch her breath.

“You’re right I don’t, but he’s way out of your league honey and I look out for the people I lo...care about.”

Fuck! I almost said love, how and where did that come from? And who does she think she is? As if Amias would ever be interested in a tramp like her, she really is beneath him, all of them.

I push her to the ground before spinning around to find Amias and Elijah standing there watching me, I can feel my cheeks flush as I rush past them and claim my seat beside Noah. Please tell me they missed my little slip up.

I can’t say if they did but it isn’t mentioned and we enjoy the rest of our night and I have the biggest smile on my face when Bella enters with her hand in Mattias’, I guess I can do the right thing occasionally.



“I’ve had a really good time tonight you guys, thank you.”

“All thanks to you beautiful and Chelsea was in a right state when we got to you, got to admit a jealous Henleigh is hot as fuck,” says Elijah and Amias elbows him in the ribs.

“It seems the night is coming to an end, you guys good to go?”

“Sure are, once Noah dances with you, it’s gotta be fair love.” This is from Amias and his eye only twitches slightly this time.

Noah stands up and awkwardly pulls me to my feet before shuffling me to the floor. People are leaving and there aren’t many of us left out here. Forgetting two other couples we have the entire dance floor to ourselves and the DJ is playing John Legend All of Me.

“It’s the perfect song,” he says smiling softly and I quirk a brow at him.

“In my mind this is now our song, I’ll think of tonight and having you in my arms whenever I hear it,” Noah says, reminding me why I have fallen utterly in love with him.

“Noah, I,” nope can’t say it, not until I know if I can be with him.

“Me and Amias will be outside waiting, you’ve got five minutes kids,” shouts Elijah making Roxie and Leah crack up.

Noah smiles at me before his eyes drop down to my lips, my tongue darts out automatically and he tracks it before dipping his head and brushing his lips across mine.

I rise onto my tiptoes so I can deepen the kiss, and I can’t believe it when his hands skim across my arse and pull me closer. He soon moves them to my hips, but that slight loss of control shows me that he does feel something. I know he’s said it, but it’s nice having him show it as well. I think we stand here kissing for close to five minutes, as the music switches off and cleaners move in, he finally pulls away.

“Do you want me to walk you back to your room?” he asks, as he places his thumb on my bottom lip, pulling it down before capturing it one last time with his mouth.

“Gods yes, but Elijah already claimed that duty,” I reply, and he smiles so genuinely I wish he was always like this.

“It’s not a duty Leighbear, we do it because we care. I’ll see you for breakfast in the morning?”

“Too right you will,” I reply, squeezing his hand before we leave the ballroom and join back up with Amias and Elijah.

“This buffoon says he called dibs on walking you home, lucky fucker.” I can hear his jealousy, but he seems to be in fairly good spirits so I’m not too worried.

“You guys over value the whole role, it’s just to my door,” I say, and I don’t know how to react when Amias is suddenly on me.

Fingers tangled in my hair, and lips claiming me in the most bruising kiss of my life. He pulls away and smirks before flipping Elijah off and walking away.

Noah is standing here with his mouth hanging open, before he shakes it off and hurries off after him. I see him grab Amias’ arm and he slows down so they can walk back together.

“What was that all about?” My fingers are pressed against my swollen and still tingling lips, as I stand here in a daze, watching him walk away.

“I think when we come back in September he may be upping his game to get you to change your mind on staying single. Come on Hennie bun let’s get you tucked up in bed,” Elijah says with a wink before wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me in.

“You are not coming in my room,” I say, and he smiles that cheeky grin before we walk back.

I meant it, he doesn’t come in but we do stand in my doorway wrapped up in one another for a good twenty minutes. I have to eventually push him away and order him to bed before I’m closing my door, and even though I’m smiling, I still can’t help but wonder. When will the other shoe suddenly drop?



This last week has been crazy, I still don’t know why Noah doesn’t do the advanced maths class. But that isn't really all that important to me now. He left school the day after the party, we met up for breakfast and he dropped a major bombshell. I can’t wrap my head around his revelation but what really bothers me is the way he’s acting about it. It’s the reason why I’m ringing him instead of queuing up for lunch, he can’t keep running from it!

“Hey Leighbear, how’s the last week of school going?” He sounds happy and I’m about to ruin it. Oh well, I’ll feel guilty later.

“No time for pleasantries, are you going to do it? Because you can’t keep living in fear, isn’t it better to know? What are you so afraid of?” I’m rushing through it, I think I’m worried he’ll hang up on me, even though I know deep down Noah would never do something like that.

“I’m afraid that I’ll have it and then I can kiss goodbye to any type of life I ever let myself imagine having. I’d have to face the reality that I’d never get a chance with you and I will spend a lot of my adult life in an assisted living place.” He sighs deeply and his fear is bleeding through the phone. “So yeah, I’m avoiding having the test done because I’m terrified, what would you have me do? Do it because you yelled at me to.” Here comes the attitude, I’m just not sure I really deserve it.

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