Home > Sink or Swim (Shore Leave #2)(46)

Sink or Swim (Shore Leave #2)(46)
Author: Annabeth Albert

   “I know.” There was a rattling sound on Derrick’s end as something hit a skillet. It was three hours later there, and he’d called me while making dinner because my brother was busy with a work project. “And this new plan of everyone meeting in Chicago since it’s in the middle and a few people I knew growing up can come isn’t a terrible idea. But things keep getting added to the itinerary.”

   “Your problem may be having an itinerary in the first place.” I stretched my legs out, connecting with the edge of my closet. My narrow room felt so much smaller after the weekend at Felix’s spacious house and his bedroom which, unlike mine, didn’t resemble a dorm room in the slightest. Even my unframed posters felt more shabby this week, and I missed that big bed something awful.

   “Says the guy who never met a situation a spreadsheet or flow chart couldn’t fix.”

   “You have me there.” I was good at that, wasn’t I? My plans for Felix’s closet and pantry had gone perfectly. Having a clear checklist had helped, even if it did earn me some teasing. People like Derrick could rib me all they wanted, but they were the ones who praised my organizational skills when my spreadsheets save their asses a lot of work. Feinstein’s earlier praise rang in my ears too. I was good at what I did, and there was no shame in owning that.

   “Anyway, since apparently we’ve expanded from close family only for the wedding, did you want to bring a date?”

   “A what now?” Having just wrapped my head around needing to travel to Chicago for this thing, I had to blink. Also, I’d been trying so hard to stealth-date Felix that the word date caught me by surprise.

   “A plus-one.” Derrick’s tone was patient as he chopped something. “Someone to keep you company on the flight maybe? I know how you hate traveling alone. I don’t care if it’s Max or another friend if you’re not seeing someone special. But I don’t want you bored in the hotel room all weekend.”

   “I won’t be.” I flopped back against the pillows. Derrick wasn’t wrong. I’d much rather travel with someone else. But dragging a buddy along to the wedding held limited appeal. An image of how damn good Felix looked in a tie crept through my brain. Damn. Him all dressed up for the wedding would be exactly the distraction I needed. “And yeah, I might bring...someone.”

   I could ask at least. He’d probably say no, but maybe if I got extra persuasive, I’d have a chance. Heat rushed south at the mere thought of how I could persuade Felix, and I almost missed Derrick’s reply.

   “Good.” Derrick laughed before his tone shifted to more coy. “Are you wanting me to pretend I didn’t hear that pause or should I ask what’s new with you?”

   Even though he couldn’t see me, I still waved away the concern. “Oh, you know me. I keep busy.”

   “I know. And I can’t wait to hear all your latest adventures and wins.”

   Hmm. Not many wins lately. The last several weeks, I hadn’t had much time for cards or other games. I chatted with Felix most nights instead of hanging out in the lounge with the guys. Any adventures I’d been having were of the more domestic variety, but I also wouldn’t trade the last few weeks since meeting Felix for anything. We were rapidly approaching spring now, and I had no desire to go back to my old routine.

   “We’ll catch up.” I kept it vague, then changed the subject. “I know you don’t want a typical bachelor night—”

   “A night of cards is fine. Bring some decent beer and I’m good.” Derrick chuckled like he knew me so damn well. And he did. I wasn’t incapable of planning some pub crawl or bigger party, but given permission to keep it small, I was rather predictable. But this time, I was already picturing Felix at the poker table with us, the secret looks we might share, counting down until later...

   Yeah. I had to bring him along. Thinking of Felix reminded me to be nicer as well. After all, it wasn’t only Derrick getting married. “Arthur can come. It’s his bachelor night too.”

   “He’ll probably tell us to have fun without him, but I’ll ask.” There was a fond familiarity to Derrick’s tone that I truly envied. For the first time, I wanted that. Wanted to need to check with someone before making plans. Someone to cook for. Someone to come home to.

   “You do that. Tell him I hope he’s settling in well.” I tried to make my brain move on from thoughts of Felix and how much I wanted him to come along, but then I bumped into my mini-fridge. I needed out of the damn barracks. Okay, yes, I definitely wanted a home. A place I could spread out. A place with...

   Felix. Again he took over my brain, and I sighed, probably audibly enough for Derrick to hear.

   “I’ll tell him. You sure you’re okay?”

   “Me? I’m great.” I did an excellent job of faking a hearty tone. “Have a good rest of your day—night.” I’d forgotten the time difference again. And maybe there was more than three hours separating us these days. Funny that I’d intentionally gone the whole call without talking about Felix or anything else important going on in my life. But Felix was too new, like a fragile plant I needed to protect before sharing with the rest of the people in my life, even if I was rapidly starting to want that. And as to everything else going on, well, talking wasn’t going to help there.

   So, I ended the call with Derrick, happy for having gotten to talk to him but not feeling any more settled myself than I had when the phone had rung as I got out of the shower. And here I was, still in my towel. I went to stand in front of my closet, debating whether to put on a uniform and head to the chow hall or lounge in something more casual a little longer.

   Right as I reached in the dresser for a T-shirt, my phone buzzed again. It said a lot about my mood that I, the king of socializing, wasn’t in the mood for another conversation. I almost let it go to voicemail, but then I saw the pic I’d assigned Felix pop up. I’d taken a few of him while working on the pantry and closet, and I’d spent more time than needed deciding which to make his profile pic.

   And I’d always answer the phone for him.

   “Hey, there.” I kept my tone light as I pulled on a T-shirt. He knew that I’d been working an earlier shift this week, and we’d had several pre-dinner calls like this as he waited for the girls at some activity or friends’ house. “What pickup duty are you on today?”

   Felix’s answering laugh was the best thing I’d heard all day. “New after-school program we’re trying out. Lots of art and creative fun. If they like it, I may be able to get by without a permanent nanny a little longer. Madeline should enjoy it at least. I hope it’s not too boring for Charlotte.”

   “Anything short of observing surgery or scaling a mountain might be too boring for her.”

   “You know her well.” Felix was joking, but I did. I knew his kids better than any of my nieces or nephews, knew the girls’ likes and dislikes and little quirks. Man. I really was getting domestic. And I couldn’t say I hated it either. I rolled my shoulders as Felix asked, “How was your day?”

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