Home > Precious Undoing(16)

Precious Undoing(16)
Author: Autumn Winchester

“Ok, fine. His uncle runs the place.”

“Cool,” I said.

“They will so love you,” Sawyer went on.

I wasn’t worried about that. I hadn’t cared what anyone thought of me this far, so why change now?

“Sawyer, my girl!” said a man as he came up to the table. He wore a white shirt that was rolled up to his elbows. His dark hair was gelled back, showing off his dark brown eyes. Sawyer was quick to scoot out of the booth and give him a tight hug. “How are you?

“Great!” she gushed, stepping back. “How have you been, Sean?”

“Can’t complain. Oh, you have a new friend?”

“This is Scarlett,” she answered.

I gave a small wave from my spot.

“Welcome, hun,” he said. “And hey, Miles. Don’t worry, I can’t forget about my nephew now, can I?”

“N-n-n-no,” Miles sighed out.

“All right, what can I get you folks today?”

“Miles and I will have our usual,” Sawyer said. She pulled out her phone and glanced at it.

“I’ll have whatever they’re having,” I said, my voice not wanting to work too well either. At the back of the eating area sat a toddler in a highchair, happily eating what her mom put in front of her. I dropped my eyes to the table, trying to keep them out of my mind.

“Coming right up!” He turned and headed behind the counter.

“You don’t know what we order.”

I shrugged.

“You okay?” Sawyer asked, eyeing me.

“Yeah,” I answered, my palms sweating. I would be fine.

“So, what are you doing after this, Miles?”

He typed on his phone again.


“I’m almost done with my sessions. I have like, two more to do. Then I’m not sure what I’ll do. Dr. Mayes still wants to meet again with my brother, but he wasn’t thrilled with the idea the first time they met. I mean, I don’t know what the big deal is.”

“Because she sees more than she lets on,” I hinted.

“Well, yeah, but there’s more to it. It’s like he’s afraid to find something out.”

“She can be a bit intimidating,” I said. “Or he just doesn’t like people who can read him.”

“Oh, I’m sure of that,” Sawyer laughed. “He’s not too forthcoming about much of anything.”

“Are any brothers?” Or family members, for that matter.

“Just wait until she meets your family,” she laughed.

At the perfect time, the man came back with plates of food. “Here ya go, kids.”

“Thanks, Sean.”

“Of course. And it’s all on the house today.”

“You don’t need to do that,” Sawyer said.

“Yeah, I do. Miles is having a bad day; it’s the least I can do.”


“Hey,” Sean said, bending down to be at eye-level with Miles. “Your mom called and warned me. It’s not a big deal. Don’t feel bad about it, all right?”

Miles nodded his head.

“I’ll be back to check on you in a bit then.”

“Thanks, Sean.”

It was a tense few seconds before Miles visibility relaxed. Sawyer was quick to fill the silence between bites of food and sips of milkshake. Between her ramblings, she’d check notifications on her phone. “Sorry. I have this thing about keeping up with news back home.”

When we were all about finished, my phone began to ring. Shuffling to pull it out of my pocket, I nearly dropped it on the floor before getting a good enough grip on it.

My heart sank at the name across it.


“Where are you?”

“Eating lunch,” I answered.

“Where, Scarlett?” he barked, causing me to jump.

“At a place with a couple of friends. Sean’s Place.”

“OK. Stay there. Do. Not. Leave.”

“What’s going on?”

“Just do as I say. I’ll be in touch.”

With that, he hung up, leaving me confused and scared.

“What’s up?” Sawyer asked, looking at me worriedly.

“I don’t know,” I answered. “Caesar isn’t the type to just tell me what’s going on. Just told me to stay here.”

“Your dad?”

“That’s the one,” I said with a sigh.

“So, what are you going to do?”

“Stay here, like he said.” What other choice did I have?

“You don’t have to do what he says. You know that, right?”

“Actually, I do. If he thinks I’m not safe here, he won’t hesitate to pull me out and ship me off across the country. He’s one man I know to never test his buttons”


“That guy who kidnapped me is still out there. If anyone tells me to stay put, I know I have no option but to do as I’m told. Not if I want to stay alive.”

“Y-y-y-you’re s-s-safe h-h-h-here,” Miles said.

“As long as he doesn’t come in here, I will be.”

I shifted closer to the wall, hoping that it’d block me from anyone entering, but I highly doubted it. So many questions raced through my mind.

I jumped when the bell on the door rang, a man entering without looking our way. I let a breath leave my lungs as he took a seat and picked up a menu. His light blue hat was down far enough on his forehead, I couldn’t see his face or eyes.

I let my eyes drift back to my phone as a text popped up.


I see you.


Fear spiked my spine at the three words.



T en minutes later, a text came through my phone from Wyatt.

Be there in thirty. Stay put.

I replied back with a simple K.

“How dangerous is this guy, anyhow?” Sawyer asked, sipping the rest of her milkshake from the straw.

“Hard to tell. Depends on how determined he is to really track me down. Or if he sent someone to do his dirty work.” How was my voice so calm when inside I was brimming with terror? My heart was beating way too fast, and I was trying the best I could to keep my emotions under control.

“That takes money.”

“I never said he didn’t have money,” I huffed quietly. “All I know is that Alan is getting on my last damn nerve. I can’t even start to get over what he did with him looming over me every step I take.” I took a breath. “Sorry. I just hate him.”

“Sounds like everyone does,” Sawyer said, laying a hand on my arm. “We’ll stay with you.”

“You two can go.” I looked at Miles first. “I don’t expect you to be caught in the crossfire.”

“We st-st-st-stay.”

“Kay,” I said, not liking the idea of having to be by myself, anyway.

“So, what movie should we watch later?” Sawyer asked.

“N-n-n-n-n-“ Miles huffed, giving up with talking.

“I know, not Star Wars. Or anything girly,” Sawyer said with an eye roll. “I have no clue what else is playing. We should go see something later after our sessions. Shoot! That starts soon.”

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