Home > Never with Me(28)

Never with Me(28)
Author: Kaylee Ryan

“Always, baby.” As if he needs to show me, he cradles my cheek in his warm palm and presses his lips to mine. “Am I allowed to call you my girl?” he asks, a grin tilting his lips.

“Do you want to?”

“Damn right I do.”

“Then that’s what you’ll call me.”

“Come on. Palmer’s probably pacing the floors by now.” He places his hand on the small of my back and guides me out of the room.

“Everything good?” Palmer asks.

“Perfect,” Deacon tells her. “Swimming, and we can order pizza or something later. I’m going to call Orrin back.”

“Well, we need to go get our suits.” Palmer points toward me.

“Okay. Hurry back,” Deacon says. He then leans in close and whispers, “You should leave one here so that I don’t have to lose time with you next time we want to swim. On second thought, never mind. We can skinny-dip.”

I have to shift my weight to alleviate the ache his words cause between my thighs. “Yes. That, we should do that.” I pull out of his hold and stride toward Palmer. His eyes heat at my confession, and he winks.

“We’ll be back,” she calls out, grabbing my hand and pulling me toward the door. As soon as we are in her car and on the road, she speaks. “Spill.”

So I do. I tell her about running into him at his office and then dinner after. I tell her about him coming to the Tavern last night, and I tell her he wants to see me exclusively. She’s quiet the entire time, which is unlike her. When we pull into my apartment complex, she turns off the engine, removes her seat belt, and turns to face me.

“I need to confess. Deacon is the one I’ve been trying to fix you up with. You were both too stubborn to let me even try. The blind-date shoot was just an excuse to get the two of you in the same place at the same time. Sure, it’s great for my career, but I could have chosen any random stranger. I’m so happy for you.”

“It’s new,” I remind her. Although I suspected Deacon was the guy she’s been begging me to meet for the last few months, I can’t help but wonder if I had met him sooner if we would be where we are now. I firmly believe that I wasn’t ready for him yet. That we weren’t ready for each other.

Now we are.

“Nah, this is the start of something incredible.”

I can’t help but hope that she’s right.








I wait until they’re gone before I call Orrin back. “Everything good?” he asks.

“Yeah, it’s all good. I wanted to make sure Ramsey was good with the plans before I made them.” My girl wants honesty, and I plan on giving her nothing but. I figured I might as well spill the beans with my best friend before he gets here. I know I’m not going to be able to control myself, and she doesn’t want me to.

“Why is Ramsey there?”

“She just left with Palmer to get their suits.” He doesn’t need an actual explanation, and he’s not getting one.

“Why did you need to check with my baby cousin?”

“First of all, she’s a grown woman, who is younger than you, but she’s not a baby. Second of all, that’s usually what you do when you’re dating someone.” I let the words fall. No point in easing into this conversation. He’s either going to accept it, or he’s not.

“You want to repeat that?” Orrin asks.

“You heard me the first time, but since you’re so old and all, I’ll repeat myself. Ramsey and I are dating.”

“Dating?” I can hear the disbelief in his tone. “She’s my baby cousin.”

“She’s also a very beautiful woman.”

“How long has this been going on?”

“It’s new.”

“Fuck, I was not expecting you to say that.”

“Well, she and I talked, and there are no secrets, so I thought I might as well tear off the Band-Aid, so to speak, so that when you get here, you don’t cause a scene and upset her.”

“Would that bother you?”

“Of course it would bother me. What jackass wants to see their girl upset?”

“Your girl?” he asks.

“What part of we’re dating do you not understand?” I laugh.

“You’re claiming her? That’s a hell of a lot more than just dating.”

“She’s mine, Orrin. Look, I understand she’s your cousin. I know she’s been through some shit, and you want to protect her, but you don’t have to protect her from me. Hell, if anything, I’m the one you should be worried about. She’s torn into my life like a tornado and has me thinking and feeling things I’ve never thought or felt.”

“Damn,” he mutters.

“Yeah. I’m into her, man. This isn’t just some ‘get my dick wet’ scenario. I really like her.” I more than like her. I’m starting to care about her. It’s too soon to be saying that, but I challenge anyone to spend time with Ramsey Smithfield and not harbor feelings for her. Friendship or otherwise. No wonder she and Palmer hit it off so well. My sister is the same way. Hell, both of my sisters are that way. You can’t help but want to be around them.

“She’s ten years younger than you.”

“And? She’s an adult. She’s twenty-two, I’m thirty-two. Yes, there are some years between us, but I don’t notice them when I’m with her.” I’m not just blowing smoke up his ass. I know that the ten years are there, but I don’t feel it. At least not yet. Besides, there isn’t anything he could say that I haven’t thought of myself. I’ve fought an internal battle from the day I laid eyes on her, and I’ve come to the conclusion that I just don’t give a fuck. I don’t care what anyone has to say about our relationship. The only people who matter are Ramsey and me.

“Fine. You treat her right, and we won’t have any issues. I’m telling you, man, she’s blood, and if you fuck her over, you’re going to have my brothers and me to deal with,” he warns.

“Trust me, that’s not going to happen, and the last thing I want is nine Kincaids after my ass. Even the younger ones.”

“They’re closer to her age than you are,” he quips.

“Fuck off.”

He roars with laughter, the sound ringing in my ears through the cell phone. “So, what’s the plan?”

“The girls went to get suits, and we already grilled out, so I figured I’d just order pizza.”

“I’ll pick up some beer. Brooks and Declan are with me. Sterling is hemming and hawing around and can’t decide what he’s doing tonight, so he might be with us too.”

“They’re all welcome. You should warn them about Rams and me.”

“Yeah, yeah. I’ll tell them.”

“Later.” I end the call, sliding my phone into my front pocket. That went better than I anticipated. I knew the age difference would be an issue for others, and I know it should be an issue for me as well, but I just can’t seem to find it in me to care. Not when I’m kissing her.

Walking into the kitchen, I clean up our dinner and head upstairs to change into some swim trunks. I take the stairs two at a time as excitement courses through me. It’s not just the time I get to spend with my little sister and my girl, but also the guys. I need to make more time for life outside of work. I don’t want to wake up in another ten years and have nothing but my job. I’m settled within the practice, and I’m the obvious choice to buy them out. If they don’t choose me to do that when they retire, then I’ll just start my own practice.

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