Home > Legend(11)

Author: M.R.Leahy

Leaning forward, he kisses my forehead before uttering his last words, "Go. Chase your destiny. You are the legend now, Janey."

Without another word, he grips my arms, and before I can stop him, he throws me overboard. Screaming, I plunge into the ocean. The icy water shows me no mercy as it swallows me whole. Using every ounce of strength I can muster, I swim against the heavy pull and reach for the surface, gripping the side of the boat. With renewed force, I somehow pull myself up and into the boat. Choking, I barely have a moment to breathe before the ship explodes, the sound and debris carrying for miles.

"Talon!” I scream.

Surging forward, I lean over the side of the boat, searching with desperation for any sign of movement. "No!" I cry when my search is futile. "No... Uncle Talon!"

Hours, maybe only minutes go by as I watch the last of the flames burn out. The storm long gone, I lay at the bottom of the small boat, the now relaxed current taunting me as I drift into the unknown. My wet nightgown sticks to me as it begins to freeze from the chilly wind. Shivering, unable to move, I stare up into the sky and count the stars. I no longer feel cold, even though I know I should. My body is shutting down and I feel more tired and helpless with each passing second. My brain knows I’m dying, my resolve screams at me to do something, anything, but my body refuses to cooperate. This is it. I failed.

How is this the way it ends? What will happen to my Papa? What will happen to the island? What will happen to the man from my dream?

Out of nowhere, the air around me grows dense and the night sky gives way to a fog so thick it’s suffocating. Still unable to move, I begin to wheeze as the thick wall of fog takes me captive.

My eyes close against my will and I hear the whispered voices from my dreams. “Sleep, our chosen one, for when you awaken your destiny shall begin.”

Unable to fight the lull of slumber any longer, my eyes flutter shut, my mind becoming clouded. Suddenly, a light, brighter than any sun flashes as if someone opened the doors to heaven. Just before my world goes dark, I hear the words I’ve have yearned my whole life for.

“Welcome to Insula Sacra.”



“I can split my hunters up into two groups of ten, my lord. One group can stay in the east while the other makes its way west to cover more ground.”

As I examine the war table that has the map of the island carved into its aged wood, my head of hunters, Sabor, moves the group of rocks meant to be his team to the west of the map.

“Can they cover the same amount if their numbers are split in half?” I ask, not wanting to leave an inch of the island unchecked. It’s been three months since I heard the whisper from the gods. Despite the silence, I’m not letting my guard down.

“Yes, my lord, they will be able to cover more with two groups, but it will slow them down a bit.”

“By how much? I don’t have the luxury of time any longer.”

“We’ve never conducted this thorough of a search before. We’re cutting down every tree in our paths and digging through every mountain we come across. By splitting them up, it will cut their time in half, but as I mentioned, it will also gain more ground.”

Placing my fists against the table, I stare at the small spot covered in ash that indicates the non-existent dent we’ve made in tearing this island apart. “Send out more hunters, that way we can keep the time and expand our reach.”

“Your majesty, if I may, I do not believe that is wise.” Snapping my attention to him, I bare my teeth, my animal showing his displeasure at the argument.

Stumbling back from the aggression I put off, he quickly defends himself. “What I mean is, you need the protection here, my lord, with the rise of the rebellion the kingdom is not safe. My hunters have been working tirelessly to ward off the beasts who have been wreaking havoc throughout the kingdom.”

Still leaning against the table, I drop my head and shut my eyes, breathing in deep. I try to stay focused, but my animal isn’t having it. Not willing to bow down to the rebellion, he pushes forward, his fur sprouts from my arms, and my nails give way to claws. Opening my eyes, I can see through the change in my sight.

Sabor’s gasp draws my animal’s attention, and I tilt my head in his direction. “My lord, you… you’re shifting…” he announces in awe.

The curse fights against the change causing my animal’s power to fade until he recedes back into his cage. Out of breath, I stretch as my muscles scream from the exertion.

“How, my lord?” my head hunter asks, desperation in his voice.

My animal grows stronger, and the curse is becoming weaker. This is the first time I’ve lost control like this in front of others, but seeing and feeling his reaction gives me an idea. Taking one more second to compose myself I straighten and lift my chin. Staring at Sabor, I smirk as he falls to his knees.

“Please, your majesty, free my animal. You already have my undying loyalty, I will always serve you, my King, through life and through death.”

Standing before him, I place my hand on his head to cease his begging. “Rise, head hunter.” Following my order, I create a new prophecy, one that could put an end to this pointless rebellion. “Go. Spread the word of what you have witnessed today. Speak of my power. The beasts who rebel are just lost, they need to remember why we are cursed, why there is no sun. They need to remember why I am their king. If the Gods can’t hold me down, nothing can.”

Elation and admiration I haven’t seen since the fall of the sun, shines within the beast before me. Before he can speak, the doors to the room open, interrupting us.

“Your majesty,” my advisor, Tantor, calls out announcing his presence. “Word from the hunters in the west.” Holding out a note from a raven, he brings it to me, his eyes cast down.

Suspicion rings in the back of my mind as I grab the note, not taking my eyes off my advisor. “Where have you been, Tantor? I had my servants search the entire castle for you and they could not find you.”

Keeping his eyes on the floor, he tucks his hands in his sleeves and answers. “Doing your bidding throughout the kingdom, my lord, visiting the sickened beasts and spreading good word all in your name.”

Watching him for a moment, I wait until his eyes connect with mine. Seeing everything I need to in those depths, I roll out the note, my brows furrowing at what I read.

“What is it, my king?” Sabor asks, worry for his beasts evident in his tone.

Handing him the note to read, I turn and give them my back as he reads it out loud. “Report: Something is happening. We’ve been hearing things that we’ve never heard before. A call; a yell. And the jungle responds to it, feeds from it. Something is coming.”

Pacing the length of the war table, I examine the island in all its suffocating glory. “The jungle is waking. It is coming alive.” I say in regard to the message. “The end of the darkness is upon us. We must prepare for the final battle.”

“Could this be—”

“The young prince has risen.” I interrupt, my body buzzing with the anticipation of war. Spinning in a half-circle, I face the beasts, intent on giving orders. The sound of the table rattling draws our attention before I can utter a word. Confused, we all take a step towards it when the whole room, followed by the entire castle, begins to quake. Maintaining my balance, I hurry to the window that overlooks the jungle. A chill runs down my spine as I see the trees shaking with power as a low rumble echoes across the island.

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