Home > Broken_ Broken #1(42)

Broken_ Broken #1(42)
Author: A. E. Murphy

“Caleb hated them?” I blink at this announcement. “Caleb would love them.”

“He told me so himself.” He shrugs like it doesn’t bother him, but part of me knows it does.

A thought flashes across my mind. Does Nathan secretly seek acceptance from people? He seems so hard and so unaffected by everything. Is it all just a façade?

“Well I think they’re great. If I were to buy something, that first disk with the red gem would be the first thing to catch my eye.” I’m not saying it as a hint for him to get me one either, although that would be nice. “Why don’t you put them on the market?”

“It’s my father’s company. What he says goes.”

“Your father is an idiot,” I grumble and relax in my seat. “You’re very talented. I imagine your father was once. He still is but his style is older, more elegant. Yours are modern and eye catching. I know obviously your father’s jewellery sells well, but I bet yours would sell better.”

“I doubt that but it’s kind of you to say so.” He smiles gently at me, his eyes seeming to see me in a whole new light. “You’re not actually that bad when you lose the attitude. I’m starting to see what my brother saw in you.”

My mouth drops open at his teasing words. “I’d say the same to you but…” I tap my chin in thought. “I really shouldn’t lie.”

His laughter sounds through the car and my heart almost stops. He has a nice laugh. Very nice. It’s deep and throaty and full of joy. His smile brightens his entire face and those hard and stern lines completely vanish. He looks his age and he looks more like Caleb, but this time it doesn’t hurt so much to see the similarities. For once I welcome it and find my lips curving up with it.



Chapter Twelve



We arrive at the hotel. It’s fancier than the one we stayed in before leaving my home town. I wonder vaguely about what happened to the food we ordered, but that thought vanishes when I see the huge tub in the en-suite bathroom.

“Dibs,” I announce and close the door behind me.

It’s been a while since I’ve had a soak. There’s a nice enough bath at Nathan’s, but this is a hotel tub. You can’t go to a fancy hotel and not use half of their bubble products. It wouldn’t be right. I’m certain there is a law against forgetting to test their wares and if there’s not, there should be.

Once the bath has reached capacity and the heat is as I desire, I step into the foamy water and sigh as it heats my body perfectly.

“What do you want to eat?” Nathan calls through the door.

“Something greasy.”


“Something extra greasy.”

“Lots of salad.”

“You’re an arse.”

“Even more salad.”

I smile to myself, my hands rubbing over the bump poking out of the water. “Whatever. Surprise me.”


My breath comes out in a rush as I let out a small giggle. I’m happy when guilt doesn’t follow immediately afterwards. “Thanks.”

He stops speaking through the door, leaving me to soak and wash my hair.

By the time I’m done, the food is here and I’m relieved to see proper food, not salad.

There is some salad but it’s with chicken wings and ribs and steak. Oh my god, I’m so hungry. There’s peppercorn sauce. I almost cry. You can’t have steak without peppercorn sauce.

Another thing that should be illegal.


“Come sit,” Nathan says and points to the seat beside him. Why does he like me sitting beside him? Every breakfast, lunch and dinner we’ve shared, he’s pulled me next to him. When I went into his office, he had me sit next to him. I don’t get it. I can still talk to him from across the way. What’s up with that?

I completely ignore the chair he holds out and sit in the space next to it. Nathan pulls out the chair a little bit more and pats the seat.

Why am I winding him up?

“I’m okay here,” I say and gauge his reaction.

“Is there a reason you don’t want to sit beside me?” He asks, his features carefully blank as I slide my plate to my new spot.

I shrug. “No reason.”

“Okay.” He elongates the word and looks down at his food. I start cutting into mine, happy to see it’s not pink in the middle.

I watch him out of the corner of my eye as he begins to eat, his eyes drifting up to me every so often. This makes my lips twitch. “So, how long will you have to work tomorrow?”

“I should be done by noon,” he says after a moment’s thought. “Would you like to join me?”

I eye him warily and tease, “Are you going to accuse me and shout at me?”

His eyes soften and I can see he’s sorry for his actions before he even says it. “No and I apologise profusely for reacting that way.”

I wave him off and flip my braid over one shoulder. “It’s fine.”

“No,” he says sternly. “It’s not fine. You shouldn’t be subjected to that by anyone. Even me.” His lips curve up at the ends. “Well, not including when you annoy me.”

Scoff. “I don’t annoy you.”

“No, you’re right,” he says, his voice soft and quiet. “You don’t.”

My breath hitches. I’m not sure why and I don’t get a chance to think on it as he’s changing the subject.

“I thought we could go out tomorrow when I’ve finished.” I continue to chew on a piece of steak as he speaks. “Have you ever been to the city?”

“No, but there are a lot of places I want to see,” I admit, keeping my fingers crossed that he’ll let me see them. I should just ask him but I don’t want to impose too much on his generosity, despite the fact that I’ve promised myself that I will one day pay him back.

“Brilliant. We’ll spend a few hours wandering around if the weather is agreeable and then I’ll bring you back in a few weeks. We’ll see a show.”

“A show?”

“Theatre.” His eyes search my face. “Unless you don’t find the theatre enjoyable?”

I shrug, a smile teasing my lips. “I’ve never been, so I’d love to.”

“Great.” He blinks, seeming surprised that I’ve agreed. I see a spark of excitement in the depths of his brown eyes and feel a twinge of happiness because he’s happy. It’s not much but it’s there. “I’ll make the arrangements.”

“Thanks.” I take another bite and fail to stifle a moan. My eyes close and my belly tingles with appreciation. Everything tastes better when pregnant and hungry. Everything. “Damn this steak is amazing.”

I catch his eyes on me but they flicker away the second I fully refocus on my surroundings.

Quick, gloved hands skilfully slice through his food using the fancy cutlery. I notice how he only eats the food on his plate, not even touching the ribs or the chicken wings. How odd. I don’t comment, though, I just eat as much as my stomach will allow. The way he eats is none of my business, although I can’t deny that it fascinates me as much as a grieving person can be fascinated.

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