Home > Broken_ Broken #1(88)

Broken_ Broken #1(88)
Author: A. E. Murphy

His smirk widens. “Care to elaborate?”

“I…” Oh crap. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have… I just…” I’m an idiot. “I’m sorry.”

In four long strides he’s grabbing me and pressing me against the wall, his faces inches from mine. “Did you enjoy watching me?”

Oh my god. “I should go back to my room.” Nodding frantically I try to squeeze from between him and the wall.

“There’s nothing wrong with feeling aroused.” He traps me by pressing his body against mine, his thickness pushing up between us, resting between our pelvic bones. “If I touch you down there, will you be wet?”

Yes. God yes. “Nathan,” I don’t know whether I’m pleading or warning.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” he chuckles and nips at my neck, making me want to arch my back and push my aching breasts against his chest.

No. I didn’t come up here for this. “I should go.”

“You don’t want to.”

I place my hands on his chest between us and push him back a step, slowly and gently. “I need to.”

He looks at me for a long moment before speaking and what he says shocks me so badly, my mind goes blank. All previous thoughts flee. “I know you’re not ready yet. I don’t expect you to be. I also don’t care how long it takes.” He winds a lock of my hair around his gloved finger, reminding me of where that hand was not moments ago. Oh god. “I won’t stop trying.”

“T… trying what?” I stammer and lick my dry lips.

“To make you mine.” Thud. My heart just hit my ribcage in an attempt to run screaming. I blink in shock. “This is more than just an obligation to you and Dillan. I can’t hide it anymore and I can’t keep pretending that we aren’t perfect for each other when clearly… we are.” The arrogance in his tone should make me angry, the things he’s insinuating should make me really angry, but they don’t. I only have one thing on my mind right now. It begins with S and ends in X. His words only fuel my desire and it takes everything I have to stop myself from wrapping around him like a koala and clinging on for dear life. “But I won’t push you like I have. I want you to come to me when you’re ready.” His admission brings me back to earth for a flicker of a second and the guilt I feel pierces through my lusting state.

“And what if I don’t?” I ask, because I doubt I will. No matter how badly he seems to be affecting me, I could never betray Caleb like that.

Pain flickers in his eyes for a moment. “Then I’ll just have to enjoy you in any way I can get you.”

“And if I do?” Why did I ask that? It just came out.

I open my mouth to tell him not to answer but I’m too late. His words are firm and sure, his smile gentle yet cocky. “Then I intend to marry you and keep you for a very long time.”

My mouth forms the shape of an O, like Bridget Jones when she walks into the party wearing a bunny suit. “Oh.”



Chapter Twenty-Three



I’m stood at my car outside of the supermarket, piling my groceries into the boot, when a tall and odd looking male approaches me. “Excuse me, sweetheart.” He runs his fingers through his greying hair and blows out a long breath. “Sorry to bother you, I’m Carl.”

I don’t respond. I’m not a fan of being approached by strangers, no matter how friendly they seem. Where the hell is Nathan? He only went to change Dillan while I took the trolley to the car. He should be here by now.

He notices my lack of response but doesn’t seem offended. “I’m sort of a messenger.”

“Okay.” Where is he going with this?

“I was told to deliver this directly to you.” He holds out a large brown envelope that’s bulging at the bottom.

I stare at the envelope, my eyes blinking stupidly. Should I take it? Maybe I can…

Dillan is thrust into my arms and I barely manage to catch him before Nathan is on Carl. I let out a scream when Nathan brings his fist back and swings it around. It connects with Carl’s cheekbone but he quickly retaliates.

The hit didn’t even daze Nathan and it was a hard hit.

“You stay the hell away from her!” Nathan shouts, blocking Carl’s next swing and grabbing him by the throat. “Get Dillan in the car, Gwen.”

I don’t need telling twice. I quickly climb into the back and strap Dillan into his car seat. He lets out a baby cry but soon settles, which I’m grateful for.

During this time Nathan has Carl pressed up against the back of the car. I scramble out, convinced that Dillan will be okay for a moment. Nathan needs me.

Two men come over and separate the fight, not that it can be called that. Nathan was kicking arse until they showed up. I actually feel bad for Carl and his broken nose and his lip that’s bleeding so profusely from the side, I have a terrible feeling it’ll need stitches.

Nathan scoops the envelope up from the ground and tucks it inside his jacket. His hand trembles as he grips my arm, guides me to the passenger side and forces me in.

His angry brown eyes glare at Carl who is still being restrained and ordering that somebody call the Police. Everybody seems a little bit stunned by the events. This is a small town, this just doesn’t happen here.

“Are you okay?” I ask softly, not knowing what else to say. His lips are a thin white line and a vein bulges on his forehead. He turns on the ignition and reverses out of his parking spot, causing two people to leap to the side out of the way. Christ. Is he crazy? “Calm down.”

He ignores me and races out of the car park way over the speed limit. His anger is obvious, so much so, I’m surprised he’s not glowing red. Actually, he looks like he kind of is.

“Do you want to tell me what’s going on?” I snap and look over my shoulder at Dillan waving his chubby arms around. Nathan finally slows when we reach the end of the street and my body relaxes a fraction but not much. “Nathan. What’s in the envelope?”

“Don’t ask.” He doesn’t sound angry or even irritated, he sounds desperate. “Please. Just… don’t ask.”


“Because you’ll hate me,” he says this brokenly, as if this is worse than any other possibility.

“I doubt that.” I place my hand on his arm. “Tell me.”

“I refuse!”

Gah. “Fine. I won’t ask.” At least not while I can see how clearly upset he is.

We drive home in silence. It’s tense and uncomfortable and brings back memories of our first couple of months together.

“Nathan?” I call as he makes his way into the house. He stops to unlock the door before coming back to help me unload the boot.

“Take Dillan inside,” he demands. “Oh, and next time I leave you alone for five minutes, don’t talk to anybody. Not even Paula or Jeanine.”

My mouth drops open. “What?”

“You heard me.”

“You expect me to ignore my friends because of something you won’t tell me about? Something that will clearly affect me.”

His broken and pleading gaze comes to me. His tone matches his eyes. “Yes.”

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