Home > Let Me In(88)

Let Me In(88)
Author: Ali Parker

“Nope. I plan on surprising her. I’m going to cook her a nice dinner, and hopefully, she will forgive my neglectfulness.”

“You don’t think it would be wise to take her out to a nice dinner? Maybe impress her and properly grovel if you really want to smooth things over.”

I leaned forward. “Trust me. I know how to grovel and my groveling is best done in the privacy of her home.”

He burst into laughter. “Okay then. I get it. I suppose you do your best work without your pants on.”

I got to my feet. “I do.”

“Call me before you leave town,” he shouted at my back.

I put up a hand, indicating I had heard him. I was anxious to see Evie. I was banking on her enjoying my surprise.

I quickly texted her as I walked to the waiting car. It was my usual text, checking in with her and asking what she was doing. She was working at home. I instructed the driver to take me to a grocery store where I picked up a few things to make her a lasagna I knew would knock her socks off. I was hoping it would knock a few other things off as well.

I made my way up to her apartment and knocked on the door. When she opened it up, I was hit by a myriad of emotions. I felt happiness at seeing her. Desire at seeing her. And a sense of relief I didn’t know I needed.

“Hi,” I said with a smile.

She was staring at me with her mouth hanging agape. There was a pen stuck in the mass of black curls precariously perched on top of her head. “I’m—you’re here.”

“I am here. Will you be inviting me in?”

“Oh shit, sorry, yes.” She moved out of the way and gestured for me to go inside.

“I was hoping I could make you some dinner,” I said and held up the two bags filled with my groceries, which was not easy with my overnight bag hanging on my shoulder. I felt a bit like a pack mule.

“You’re here,” she said again.

I put the bags on her kitchen counter before going to her and pulling her into my arms. I kissed her like I had not seen in her two years rather than two weeks.

“Damn, I’ve missed you,” I breathed when I finally managed to pull myself away from her.

“I cannot believe I’m standing here looking at you. I’m floored.”

“I wanted to surprise you.”

“You definitely did that,” she said with a laugh. “I would have put on something a little less frumpy if I had known I was getting some company.”

I looked over the leggings and loose T-shirt she was wearing. “I think you look perfectly doable.”

Her pretty smile melted my heart. “Well, that is one hell of a compliment. I’m afraid to ask, but does this mean you are back?”

“I’m here to see you,” I said, dodging the question. “I would have been here earlier, but I had to stop and talk to Charlie.”

I didn’t tell her seeing Charlie and apologizing for fucking him over had taken priority over seeing her. She was a very good reason to come back, but obligation was the motivating factor.

“I’m very happy to see you.”

“I was thinking we could have dinner and stay in for the night?”

“Does that mean you will be staying over at my place?” she asked.

“If you’ll have me.”

“I will absolutely have you.”

“Great. I am going to make you my not so famous lasagna.”

“I’ll pour the wine. Let me put away my work stuff really quick.”

I kicked my bag out of the way and began to unpack the groceries. Her apartment was nice. I loved the openness of it. As I expected, it was neat and organized with no random clutter spread about. It could have been the image in the brochure for the apartment building.

“I like your place,” I told her when she stepped into the kitchen that was separated from the living room with a long, open, raised bar.

“Thank you.” She pulled a bottle of wine from the little wire holder in the corner of the kitchen. She poured us each a glass and then leaned against the counter to watch me. “I cannot believe you are in my kitchen. I’m still in shock.”

“I’m here, in the flesh.”

“Can I help?”

“I’ll need a pot to boil water and a pan to make the lasagna in.”

She quickly retrieved both items. “What have you been doing these last couple of weeks? I know you have told me nothing, but you have had to be doing something.”

I shrugged. “I bought a new boat.”

“You said that.”

“That’s what I’ve been doing. I’ve been out on the water most of the time. I’ve done a lot of fishing and truly doing nothing.”

“You mentioned Charlie went up to Oregon to see you. Was this visit to fix whatever you said you broke?”

“I almost broke his company,” I confessed. “I fixed it. At least for now. But really, that was just an excuse. I came to see you.”

She gave me that same pretty smile I had been missing for too long. We chatted about her work and recent news in the city while I showed her how to make the lasagna. Three glasses of wine later, both of us were feeling very full after our delicious meal, and we retired to the couch.

The city lights shone in the distance through the large picture window in the living room. She had lit a few candles, casting the room into a soft glow. She leaned against me. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and simply enjoyed being near her.

“I’ve missed this,” I whispered.

“Me too.”

“I like when it’s just me and you and the rest of the world is far away. When it’s just the two of us, I don’t have to think about anyone or anything else.”

She sat forward a little and turned to look at me. “I like when it’s just me and you too.”

“It’s quiet here,” I commented.

“Not as quiet as your house.”

“It’s a lot quieter than I expected an apartment to be. Maybe because I’ve been living in a hotel for too long. I’m used to hearing my neighbors above me walk and the neighbor on the side of me shower every morning. It’s very loud. I never realized it until just now.”

“I imagine hotel living would be loud. You hear far too much in a hotel.”

“How about here?” I whispered. “Will your neighbors hear us when I make you scream my name?”

Her lips parted, her eyes dropping to my mouth. “I guess we’re going to find out.”

She leaned forward and kissed me. It was just as I said. Nothing else in the entire world mattered when I was with her. The last two weeks without her had been fraught with stress and worry. With her lips against mine, I wasn’t thinking about anything else except her. She was the salve I needed.

“Bedroom,” I murmured against her lips.

She got up, extending her hand to help me off the couch. She led me down the short hallway to her bedroom. There were several candles burning on the dresser. The curtains were drawn, and it was just me and her.

I pulled her close and kissed her slow and deep, savoring every breath and whimper she released.



Chapter 58






I told myself to guard my heart. That rational side of me was easily shushed and sent to a corner whenever he touched me. My body longed for his touch. I craved his kisses. I was addicted to the man in the worst way.

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