Home > Between Heaven and Hell(39)

Between Heaven and Hell(39)
Author: Erin Trejo

“I won’t be long. We’ll have dinner wherever you’d like.” Pulling Ava off the bed, I press my lips to hers. If anyone would have told me that I would have her back in my arms, I would have called them a liar. I never dreamt that she would be here again.

“Ok. I’ll be waiting.” Those three words seep into my skin. Bumps ignite over my body.

“You keep making me feel like that and I won’t leave.” Her eyes sparkle before she lays her head on my chest. In this moment, I’m lost in her. I’m lost in all that is Ava. This is what I’ve dreamt of having, her in my arms, and here she is. But with everything good, I know there comes a bad. It’s inevitable. It’s the way of my life. It’s never faltered, and I don’t see that changing now. Pressing a kiss to her head, I pull back to look at her.

“Mia bella ragazza.” I breathe the words as I look into her eyes.

“I need to go. If you need anything, tell Jordy.” Her smile radiates through the room. She’s so immaculate.

Pressing another kiss to her head, I turn and leave the room.

I walk down the hall in complete bliss. A bliss that I have to get under control. I can’t leave the confines of this house with my guard down. I can’t be weak. Jogging down the stairs, I turn to Jordy.

“Stay with her. Anything happens, you call me.” He nods, knowing that I’m not playing around. Nikolai steps up next to me, exhaling as he adjusts his jacket.

“You ready for this?” Taking a deep breath, I nod.

“We have to make things move forward. This is the only way I know how to do that.”



Chapter 39



Plans can change much like the seasons. Worry and regret are evident in everything I see these days. Not knowing if I’m making the right decisions is hard for me to accept. I’ve always been on top of my game, always comfortable in the decisions I’ve made. Lately, those decisions seem to have come back to haunt me. Business is moving forward as it should be, though. Taking risks is what we do. So why does this risk seem to be so great? Why is it eating at me?

“We can reconsider.” My eyes come up to find Nikolai studying me with intent.

“Would it make a difference?” He shakes his head, knowing that it wouldn’t. I didn’t make this decision lightly; in fact, it’s been on my mind more so than ever. It’s a matter of opportunity. It isn’t a decision to be made lightly. I take great pride in all that I do.

“We will receive a great amount of backlash with this choice.” I nod once. I already know.

“I’ve thought that over as well. I don’t think we, nor the Luciano family are going to be able to make a move if the Russians move back in with them around. I’ve spoken to Roberto. He agrees this is the best choice.” I know the repercussions of my actions. In fact, I know them all too well. That doesn’t mean I like them, but business is business.

“Luciano is a strong leader. He will handle the Chicago family as well as Italy.” I glance at Nikolai as he sits there so calm and collected.

Thoughts of what the family would be like if he were to be in charge have filtered through my mind lately. He would be a strong, fair leader. He knows his place and holds it dearly.

Shaking my head, I look back out the window. So many things tug at me, but I have to force them back into the darkness where they belong. No mistakes can be made now. I have to pull this off with finesse and skill, both of which I possess. Pulling up in front of the restaurant, Nikolai shifts in his seat.

“You are more than welcome to sit this one out. I know how much of a past lies between the families.” His eyes come to meet mine and a new look I’ve never seen takes over him.


“This is my job, my life, Cordae. Never insult me by asking me to sit out.” The complete look of rage is etched across his old worn face.

“My apologies.” Words that have never left my lips tumble free as his eyes widen.

Respect is something that is demanded in this world. It isn’t to be taken lightly, and it isn’t given freely. You prove yourself time and time again that you are truly deserving of it.

Nikolai is the epitome of worthy. He has never faltered.

We recompose ourselves before stepping out of the limo. Striding toward the restaurant, I examine the area. This shouldn’t be an issue. I glance at Nikolai as he nods his head. Everything is set up as expected. Romero holds the door as we both step inside. A piece of the past is being left at the door. What’s about to take place is going to rock our world to the core.

“Gonzo.” I grasp his hand in mine as he nods.

“Bonoto.” Shaking hands with a man I’ve known since I was born doesn’t even register in this moment.

“Allergo.” Nodding to the last man as he stands and grasps my hand, my stomach clenches.

This is it. This is the first second of the rest of my life. This is a defining moment in who I am as a leader, as a Boss.

“Please, let’s be seated. We are all glad that you were able to attend this meeting, Cordae, although we aren’t sure why you called for it.” My eyes linger on Gonzo. Leonardo Gonzo. Boss of the Gonzo Family. A man that my uncle worked closely with for years. A man that runs a lot of the downtown business region.

“Let’s drink men. We shall discuss this over dinner. Hopefully we all agree to things before this is over.” I state. The men nod as the women bring rounds of drinks and food. As much as I’d like to sit here and eat, I know that’s not what needs to be done. The men, all Bosses of families in the area, eat their food while I nurse my drink. My eyes travel over the restaurant noting the three armed guards near the back. If I see them, Nikolai does as well.

“Should we begin?” Clearing my throat, I glance around as they all nod in agreement.

“I’ve called this meeting for one reason only. The Russian Bratva is closing in. Luciano has experienced great loss at their hands in Chicago. I offered soldiers which were used but are no longer able to hold them off.” Allegro throws up his hand.

“Vitale, this has been discussed. We agreed that we would not be getting into the middle of that war.” Keeping my composure, I nod.

“I do know this as well. My concern is that once the Bratva overthrows Luciano, then they will come seeking opportunity here in New York. I, for one, am willing to pull out all my reserves to make sure that doesn’t happen.” Bluffing. I’m good at it.

“We are not, Vitale. We have had meetings with the Bratva that have ended with our approval of them running here. They don’t step onto our land, and we don’t step onto theirs.” Fire burns through me. I knew they had a secret meeting, but the terms were never disclosed to me.

“My hopes for this evening men, was one of agreeance. You may want to lie down and bed the Russians, but I will do no such thing. You are making a mistake in not taking this time to listen to what I have to say on the matter.” Nikolai can see where this is going. I see the way his hands twitch at his sides. He’s ready for this war just the same as I am.

“We’ve settled on this Vitale.” Gonzo grins as I look around the table.

“You’ve forced my hand. As the Boss of the Vitale family, you have forced me into this.” They look at each other as though they’ve won.

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