Home > A Sea of Smoke(105)

A Sea of Smoke(105)
Author: Karen Lynn

She giggled, holding back the building tears at the same time. What could she say or do? After all the trauma they had been through in such a short period of time, his confession was overwhelming.

They returned Alex to his crib and lay silent in the comfort of each other’s arms, allowing the weariness of the day to bear down on them and lull them to sleep. Hopefully, this time all the dark memories would be obliterated forever.








Jake felt the time was right to dress and go to work. After a peaceful sleep, his lightheaded happiness promised a productive day. And it was only 8:00 a.m. Unwilling to let him go, she slid onto his lap, preventing him from putting on his sneakers.

“Did you ever feel like returning your birthday gift?”

A look of surprise crossed his face, giving way to a satisfied grin. “Thinking about it, huh?” She gave him a coy nod, her eyes wandering across his face.

After a pause, he kissed her forehead. “Maybe just once.” He smiled, knowing it wasn't entirely true.

Growing apprehensive, she stiffened, puffing her lips out. Although she expected it, it still hurt. “Really, when?”

He picked it up right away, energized by her strong reaction. “The day I read your text dumping me.”

She covered her face.

He took a peek. “But then, I knew it was impossible.”

She tipped her head to the side, a sudden defensiveness in her voice “After you found out about the baby?”

Jake couldn't hold back his laughter. “No, baby, way before I knew about Alex.”

Delighted, she looked up.

“But don't think it made me happy. It made my life a living hell.” His muscles tightened.

“Until now?”

“Yeah, until now. No, until I saw you holding Alex for the first time. That day in the hospital.”

“It will all be better now, Jake, I promise you.” She blinked, brushing away the tears.

He squeezed his eyes shut, praying it was true. Anything less was unimaginable.




Jake was riding high. Things were progressing nicely at work with one of his murals finished and a huge success. Thrilled by the outcome, Henry immediately referred him to several other club and restaurant owners in Miami, making Jake a hot commodity. Along with the increasing popularity came a welcome influx of cash and new sense of security. The renewed passion in their relationship, made it even stronger than ever. They hadn't argued once since his return and with Alex in the equation, it was pure magic.

There was no denying his happiness. Still, deep in his subconscious the nagging feeling that Kristen was hiding something about her last encounter with Logan, haunted him. It just didn't make sense that she would entirely write Logan off. As much as he desired it to be true, it didn't fit. He was starting to believe that even if she divorced Logan and they got married, that suspicion would always be there, digging a deeper hole in his soul every day.

Kristen felt more content and secure than ever before. For years she had resigned herself to the fact that total bliss was not in her DNA; there would always be that missing link and flourishing self-doubt. Jake’s sky-rocketing career and happiness thrilled her. Consumed by his need to take care of her and Alex, he did everything in his power to keep her satisfied and provide for them. She no longer stressed over how close he had been to hitting her that day, or if another outburst would prove deadly. Released from all fear, she convinced herself it had been a one-time regrettable mistake.

Their passion and undeniable love rocked her world. So why did that inexplicable emptiness still exist?

Jake finally had a day off and it couldn't have been more glorious weather. Itching to get out, Kristen convinced him it was the perfect time to take Alex for a walk along A1A.

“I'm starving! You wanna stop for a bite?” Jake secured Alex in his stroller and covered him with a fuzzy blue blanket.

Kristen pinched Jake’s arm, flashing a playful smile. “I am too, but I thought you were afraid to expose Alex to all those monstrous germs.”

“I guess it won't hurt just this once, smart ass!” He ruffled her hair, causing it to fall in messy waves over her face.

Not fazed by it, she gave him a triumphant smirk. “Whatever you say—you're the baby expert!” Giggling, she sped up to escape his slap on the butt.

Jake stopped by the second cafe they came to. “This looks good and it’s not too crowded.” He glanced at her before continuing to the patio area. Kristen couldn't move— it was the same cafe she and Alicia brought the baby to the day they saw Logan.

Does he know? The wild pounding of her heart stole the breath out of her lungs. She wanted to object, but he was already settling in with the baby at a far corner table. She caught up to them, then couldn’t bring herself to sit down.

“What's wrong, Kris? You look like you saw a ghost?”

Although he appeared concerned, she wasn't sure the choice had been coincidental. Shaking her head, she slumped into the seat and hid behind the menu. The waitress took the drink orders. This time she ordered a large beer.

Maybe once again I’m overreacting. There are dozens of restaurants on Miami Beach. What is the likelihood of us running into each other twice in the same cafe?

After downing half of the beer, her head finally lightened up, the tension diffusing. The baby dozed peacefully. Jake slid his chair closer to her, took her hand and placed it on his lap, his eyes lustful as he guided it along his thigh. Thrown off by his action, she let him take control, allowing the weightless relaxation to take her away.

Without warning, Jake's body clamped up. Alerted by his reaction, Kristen raised her eyes, following his line of vision. Relieved to see the waitress wheeling their lunch over, she sat back, watching. The second the plates hit the table Jake ripped his hand from hers, grabbed the burger, and chomped into it. She quickly scanned the area—it felt safe. After another gulp of beer, she picked up her own burger and began nibbling.

The wind picked up, causing a minor commotion on the street alongside the cafe as a few women screeched, holding onto their floppy beach hats. Her eyes wandered after them with mild curiosity. That's when she saw him entering. Her hands trembling, she pulled her eyes back to her plate.

Jake spied on her as he ate, wondering why she appeared so distracted. The deep flush spreading across her cheeks coupled with her drastic change in attitude, perplexed him. Wrinkling his brow, he twisted his body to get a better view of the street. Nothing unusual.

Logan perched himself against a patio wall a safe distance from the table. Nick sauntered up behind him, did a double take and within seconds stood smirking in front of them. Jake whipped around, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

“Kristen, so nice to see you again.”

“Get away from me, Nick.” Kristen leaned back, her eyes sizzling with rage and distress. Alex flashed in her mind; she turned verifying he was out of range.

Nick’s despicable smile widened. When his eyes settled on Jake, he took an awkward step backwards, seeking Logan. Taking an immediate dislike to him, Jake sized him up. Satisfied he could take him on in a heartbeat, he snickered, waiting for Kristen’s reaction. One wrong move, one signal from her that she couldn’t handle it, he vowed to knock him on his ass. After that everything was up for grabs.

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