Home > A Sea of Smoke(67)

A Sea of Smoke(67)
Author: Karen Lynn

He wasn't convinced. “What's going on? Something's up! What is it, Kristen? Why are you so jumpy? Why won't you look at me?” His tone remained harsh but concern clouded his eyes. When she tried to slide away from him he gripped her shoulders. “You talked to him yesterday, didn't you? Did you see him? Did he hurt you?”

“No! Are you crazy?”

The survival instinct took over. Taking a defiant stance, she pulled herself together. “I'm just extremely achy and hyper. How do I know why? I need to lay down.”

She glared at him, until he dropped his hands. He followed her to the bed, sitting next to her.

“Then rest.” He planted a kiss on her lips, stroked her hair. His eyes darkened for a second. I need to believe her. We can’t start this bullshit all over again. One of us has to give in to keep the peace.

Getting up, he called back to her, “We were in a gay bar in South Beach. That perfume stink you mentioned? That was Franky’s cologne.”

Kristen froze, speechless, then burst into uncontrollable laughter. With a huge, satisfied grin he strolled away. I won. This time.

He never noticed her burying her face in the pillow, struggling to stifle the coughing.



* * *

A few hours later Kristen’s restless stirring was followed by a vicious coughing fit. Jake dropped the laptop, rushing to her side. As he knelt beside her, she calmed down. Still asleep, she flopped to her side, taking in a long, harsh gulp of air that progressed into deep breathing. Then the moaning and muttering started. He concentrated, his ear close to her lips. Her words were garbled but it was evident she was trapped in a distressing nightmare. After a few minutes of thrashing around, her desperate pleas to stop became clearer.

Unable to think straight, Jake took up a frantic pace. Kristen settled down again. She needed the rest. They weren’t going to see Alex for a few hours. What would he do until then? How could he calm the storm raging in his soul? Not by sitting by idle and lame waiting for it to blow over. He wanted to pick up some stuff at the grocery store, something to soothe her throat. But first it was time to soothe his mind.


He was pretty sure his truck wouldn’t be recognized and a feeling in his gut told him Logan would eventually come outside. Until then, he’d stay parked by the sand across the street from the condo.

It was safe to walk along the beach while he waited. Scanning the area, he found a bench shaded by some palm trees. A random seagull swooped down next to him, then fluttered off again to circle over the sand.

Smart move. Get away before the trouble starts.

He chuckled to himself, but his good humor instantly soured.

Stretching out his long legs in front of him, he reflected on Kristen. How often had she relaxed on the same bench, taken advantage of the shade of the exact same palm trees? He grinned, lost in the memory of her dreamy eyes. An unusual tranquility seized him. Not wanting to miss her call, he double checked his phone. The volume was still set to high. Good. Now he could wait in peace. His eyes strayed to the building.

Everyone walks around here, don’t they? Why would they live by the ocean if they don’t enjoy it? Then again, he’s such an asshole, bet he hates the sand. Shit! What if he drives out instead? I should wait in the garage. Fuck! I don’t have the code and there has to be video surveillance. He grunted thinking back to the allegations of the surveillance camera in Bay Ridge and how he’d messed up big time.


He must've dozed off. The breeze changed direction, picking up intensity, the air cooling down. He glanced at his phone. No calls. It was 5 p.m. Damn it! If Logan walked by already, whether he saw me or not, I missed my chance! How the fuck could I fall asleep?

Giving up, he rose. They had to go see the baby and he didn't even go to the store yet.

Then he saw him—he was with a tall woman. Squinting into the waning sunlight, Jake struggled to focus. She looked familiar. Then it dawned on him.

The Latina from the club in New York City.

Shit! This messes up my plan. I wanted him alone. Maybe I should forget about it for now. Ray's face flashed through his mind. Then Kristen's.

No, I can’t back off now. Getting up, he exhaled and hid behind a bush.

They were arguing, heading along the sand. She rushed after him. Logan looked frustrated.

Fucking asshole! Your gonna pay for everything!

“Hey Logan!” Jake yelled out as Logan passed by. Stepping out ominously from behind the bush, he took long, deliberate strides towards him. At first glance Logan appeared confused. He removed his sunglasses, peering at him. As Jake moved closer, recognition and apprehension took over. Logan stiffened. With his legs spread and planted firmly in the sand, he glared defiantly at Jake. Through the corner of his eye, Jake viewed Gina off in the distance.

They were face to face now. “What the fuck do you want?” Logan’s cheeks sizzled, hot and red.

“I told you, keep away from Kristen, but you couldn't leave her alone, could you?” An uncontrollable fury burned inside of Jake and he knew if he had a weapon it would've been all over. For both of them. His mind went blank, the scattering of people on the beach invisible to him.

At Logan's side now, Gina looked anxiously from one to the other. A grin passed over her face. “I remember you from that club.” Her chuckle sounded diabolical to Jake. She held onto Logan's arm. Logan grimaced, gave her a rough shove, knocking her off balance.

“Idiota! What the hell is wrong with you?” She screamed, but he didn’t pay attention.

“Fuck you. She came to me!” Logan smirked, stepping back just enough to create a comfortable distance between them. With mounting anxiety, he watched Jake's body inflate with rage, his eyes ablaze.

Gina hurled out venomous curse words in Spanish, shaking her hands at Logan. He snapped his head around to tell her to shut up. Without stopping to think Jake lunged forward, getting closer. One quick jerk of his muscular body was all it took. He drove his fist into Logan’s stomach, then immediately wrapped his forearm around his neck, pulling him in. With quick precision he landed two more powerful jabs into his gut, stepped back and exhaled long and hard.

Logan doubled over in pain, falling to his knees. Gina's frantic screams echoed in Jake’s head. Then the voices took over.

Finish him off. Do it!

Paralyzed, he stared down at Logan writhing on the sand. The indistinct sound of laughter and voices caught his attention. Children? He turned to look, and saw nothing.

Not today—get outta here!

This time the voice in his head didn’t register; he couldn’t stop, it felt too good. With one swift kick, he landed his foot in Logan’s face. Logan yelped in misery, his hands flying up to shield his face. With every agonized moan that came out of Logan’s mouth, the amazing rush Jake experienced heightened, the high almost frightening.

Gina’s screams were out of control, knocking Jake back to reality. “Who are you gonna fuck now, huh, pretty boy?” He hovered over Logan, unable to resist glowering a few seconds longer.

Gina closed in on them, her loud cries a warning that the fun had come to an end. Without hesitating, Jake whirled around, trotting back to his truck. Before he had second thoughts, he accelerated into the evening traffic. When he felt far enough away to relax, he let out a loud, exhilarated shout.

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