Home > A Sea of Smoke(68)

A Sea of Smoke(68)
Author: Karen Lynn



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“Where were you? Why'd you sneak out? I was about to go without you.”

Kristen gave him a second to catch his breath, studying every inch of his face.

The adrenaline rush had worn thin leaving Jake deflated. All he wanted to do was collapse in her arms and confess everything. “Come on baby. You finally fell asleep and I couldn't wake you. I went for a jog and lost track of time. I got your stuff too.”

He began unloading fruits, juices, and boxes of herbal tea. After a quick inspection, he embraced her, bending down to bury his head in her hair. “You look like you rested enough.” As reality crashed down on him, he felt moisture swelling in his eyes.

“I guess. I missed you though,” she whispered, cradling his head.

“I missed you too, baby. You ready to go?”

Despite his desire to see the baby, his numb limbs refused to comply.

“Let’s lay down for a few minutes. He's not going anywhere.” She smiled, taking his hand. With a relieved sigh, he followed her to the bed.

They kissed for a while, slowly at first then with increasing passion and intensity. A sudden fear gripped him, like she would disintegrate if he released her. As much as he hated floating out of moment, he knew he couldn't rest until he told her. “Kris, I have something to tell you. You're not gonna like it.”

He felt her shudders as she clung to him.

“What is it?” She drew in a deep breath, bracing herself.

“I was at the beach, but I wasn't jogging. I saw Logan.”

She wiggled out of his arms, jumping up. “What? Where?”

He gazed up at her, the panic in her face disturbing.

“On the beach somewhere, he was with that woman.” He hesitated, stiffening from the affect her harsh reaction had on him. As her breathing made a gradual return to normalcy he continued, keeping his voice low and steady. “He got up in my face and we got into it. Then I kicked his ass.”

An unexpected resurgence of pride shot through him. His eyes went vacant as the image spun around in his head. The son of a bitch deserved everything I gave him and much more.

When he felt her hands tightening on his arm, he remembered how upset she was, and tried to hide the grin. She’s lucky I told her, even though I stretched the truth a little.

She gasped. “You what? Jake, you promised you wouldn't! Did anyone see?” What did Logan tell him about us?

“Naw, just his girlfriend or whoever the hell she is. He's lucky I didn't mess him up worse.” He closed his eyes, unable to abandon the pleasure it gave him. “I really wanted to waste him. I didn't because of you.”

And too many witnesses. But I’ll leave that little detail out.

She swallowed hard. He gazed up at her, a serious expression on his face. Grabbing chunks of hair, he pulled her down to him, the need to forget it all, to devour her, overpowering. In the middle of a passionate kiss, he froze, pulling back. “He did say something strange though.”

He felt her go rigid. After taking a few moments of contemplation he continued, “Something about you going to him. I never got the chance to ask for an explanation.”

The tension in her body unnerved him.

It took a few seconds of squirming around before she could meet his eyes and respond. “I don't know. You know how erratic he is; it could've been anything or nothing. I haven't seen him if that's what you're asking.” She inhaled and looked away.

Always the master of deception. “Yeah. Guess it will have to remain a mystery, right?” He observed her through the corner of his eye. She didn't say a word. After studying her for a while longer he grunted and got to his feet. “By the way, do you remember your nightmare earlier? You were really freaking out.”

Stifling a surprised gasp, she shrugged. “I was? No, I never do.” She frowned, her mind spiraling. I wonder if I said anything.

“Yeah, I don't either, usually. Sometimes I do though. You kept saying, something like… ‘stop’. Remember anything like that?”

I know it has to do with Logan. He narrowed his eyes, staring at her.

“Really? I don't remember anything.” She looked up at him, her eyes filled with innocent wonder. He nodded acceptance.

“Hmm. Well, let's go then. We don't want that little guy missing us too much.” He held out his hand to her, helping her up and wrapped his arms snuggly around her. “I'm being honest with you; I expect the same. Whatever I do is for you and the baby.”

“Yes, Jake, I know.” But her voice was so low, he barely heard it.




When he let out that horrifying scream, the scream of pure pain and anguish, he didn't care who heard him. He stared up into the blazing sun and wailed, his tormented soul on fire. Gina, at her wits end, stood forlornly beside him while he knelt on the sand, gawking up at the sky.

“Logan, we should go.” Her touch was guarded, as if she feared being scorched by the contact. Whipping around, she scoured the beach. The immediate area was scarcely populated, beyond that a few swimmers floated out of earshot.

The unexpected release proved to be therapeutic to Logan. After a few additional seconds of vacant peering into the distance, he forced hair out of his face with a quick, snapping motion of his head. Then rising mechanically, he turned away from her like she was a figment of his imagination and headed towards the ocean.

“Logan, what are you doing? You're hurt! You need to...” she called after him, but his slow strides had accelerated to a frantic jog. He splashed through the rising waves, swimming out deeper and deeper. She wasn't stupid enough to go after him. Unsure of what to do, she sank onto the sand to wait.


The warm breeze swept across the sand. The sun created a ring of vibrant, multi colored hues in the sky as it began fading out of view. Logan finally emerged from the ocean. He towered over Gina dripping cold droplets of water onto her.

“Do you have a towel?”

Dazed, Gina realized she must've dozed off on the sand. Her hair was dusted with it. She shook her head dispelling the granules and rose. Beads of humidity moistened her face. “Do you see a towel Logan? I didn’t expect to go swimming.”

“You know I live for the moment.” A silly grin couldn’t hide the hint of gloom in his eyes. Not wanting her to notice, he faced the opposite direction and clasped his stomach. The cool water had anesthetized his body and eased his mind, but the effects were wearing off. He took a deep breath, crouching down, desperate to overcome the increasing pain. Without a word, he struggled to his feet to start the long trek back to the condo.

“Hijo de puta!” she yelled, stomping after him.




“Why is he so cranky?” Kristen couldn’t hold back her distress any longer.

Jake observed her as she held the baby close. For the first time since he met his son, she was unable to comfort him. He'd been wailing since they arrived at the NICU. It was deafening and he had no clue what to do to ease it. As Kristen’s anxiety grew, Jake became frightened.

“Get the nurse, Kris. Something's wrong.”

“Can’t you go baby? I’m so tired.” She begged eyeing the other side of the room where the on duty nurse rested as if it were a million miles away.

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