Home > A Sea of Smoke(70)

A Sea of Smoke(70)
Author: Karen Lynn

Unable to hold back any longer, he angrily flung the can of beer against the wall, sinking to the bed in despair.




The excruciating pain in his stomach worsened, exploding into his ribs. Every time Gina touched it, every time he moved. Even when he cringed. It had already turned several different shades of purplish blue. To make matters worse, his cheek was hotter than hell, his left eye rimmed with a hideous black and blue circle.

Lucky me. The beast was too stupid and clumsy to get my nose. But I still look like shit.

On his second shot of whiskey, with no relief in sight, he turned to the pain killers.

“Logan, you really should go to the emergency room!” Gina had no idea why she even cared, since he continued to treat her like garbage. But much to her dismay, she did.

“No. I'm not going anywhere. Just leave me alone,” he moaned, rolling onto his side, twisting into the fetal position. He crammed the pillow against his stomach.

“But…it looks really bad!” she placed her hand gingerly on his stomach.

“Just shut the fuck up and leave me alone, then maybe I can get some rest! You never shut up!” His face flushed bright red in a mixture of pain and anger. I can’t stand her constant bitching one more second!

“I'm just trying to help you, you motherfucker! I should just let you die!” She recoiled, lifting herself from the bed.

“Then do it Gina, I don't give a shit!”

“Oh, you don't give a shit? When you want to fuck you give a shit! When you want a blow job, you give a shit! Then it's always ‘Please Gina, baby I love you, come over! I'll do anything!’” Her mouth twisted in disgust.

“SHUT UP! You're driving me crazy!” In desperation, he covered his head with the other pillow.

“No wonder your cunt wife left you for him! You are a pussy and a…” Before she could finish he lunged forward, his fist grazing her cheek as she instinctively ducked out of the way. She stumbled backwards, screaming from the sharp burning sensation spreading throughout her face.

“I told you not to talk about her!” Logan yelled, the exertion sending him collapsing back onto the bed in agony.

Gina's jaw dropped. After the initial shock wore off, she found a large pitcher of ice water and threw it at him. It bounced off of his arm onto the bed, splashing water all over. In too much pain to think of an escape, he rolled onto his side doubling over and clutching his stomach.

“Get the fuck outta here, don't fucking come back, don't call me, don't text me!”

“Maricon! I hate you!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.

“Now!” His rage-filled voice rattled the walls.

Out of control now, Gina's face blazed as she grabbed every hard object she could, find flinging them at him in an endless assault. “You deserve everything you get, asshole! I hope he kills you next time!”

It didn’t take very long before she broke down and fled the condo. As soon as Logan heard the door crash behind her, he let out a loud sigh of relief and peeked out from under the blanket.

“Fucking cunt.” If he wasn’t in so much pain he could’ve died laughing.




The room was bathed in darkness, only the muffled sound of Jake’s breaths filling the air. Tiptoeing along, Kristen took extra care to avoid waking him, but a slippery substance sent her sailing off balance into a chair.

“What the fuck was that?” Startled, it came out much louder than intended. She swept her foot cautiously along the floor until it found the beer can. Right as she stooped down to pick it up, Jake switched on the light.

“Sorry about that. You okay?”

“What happened? I almost killed myself.”

“I was pissed.” He shrugged.

“Ugh!” Eager to walk away, she broke from his gaze. His hand shot out to hold her back.

“Baby, please don't walk away from me again. I didn't come down here to fight. I need you.” Screw it. If I have to beg, I don’t care. I can’t take this anymore!

She didn’t have to consider his words, the undeniable love in his face gave her the guarantee she needed. “I do too. I hate fighting with you.”

With one quick movement, he lifted her up into his arms.

Once in bed it was like they'd never been apart. When their lips eventually separated, their bodies blended into each other.

“When can we make love again?” he asked, breathless.

“I won't know for sure until I see the doctor next week.” She took in the wave of disappointment spreading across his face. When he closed his eyes and laid back in defeat, it destroyed her.

“I don't wanna wait.” The smoldering desire in her eyes brought him to his knees.

“I don't wanna hurt you, baby,” he whispered between kisses. “Stop me if I do, okay?”

She didn't answer, it was too late for words.








Nick was looking for Logan, his constant barrage of texts and voice messages, really getting on his nerves. Logan warded him off the best he could, repelled by the idea of revealing what had happened. But it didn’t dissuade Nick. For some unfathomable reason he continued harassing him with questions about how it was going with Kristen. At a point where he couldn’t stand it any longer, Logan ended up answering his call.

“What the hell is going on with you Logan? Did you work it out with her or not?”

Yeah, we worked it out. I almost killed her, but I didn't. Aren’t you proud?

The truth wouldn't work. He had to get it through Nick’s thick head once and for all.

“It’s over. That baby sealed her deal with that asshole. I’m done trying. Now why don’t you shut the fuck up about it?” He took a deep breath, leaning back in his chair, savoring the moment. He didn’t give a damn if Nick was offended, pissed off or mad as hell. Not anymore.

For a few uncomfortable minutes, Nick was silent. Then he surprised Logan.

“So I guess that means you’re free to take care of business?”

Logan’s head was in the clouds. “Yeah. Set me up. I’ll do whatever. Send me to New York. I don’t give a fuck!” It wasn’t him talking, he didn’t recognize his own voice. Every inch of his body blazed with pain, his head about to explode. What the hell am I doing?

Nick was flabbergasted and thrilled, but it didn’t last long. Before he could get out another word, Logan came to his senses and told him it would have to wait for a while. He was so run down, he feared he was having another bout of the flu. The horrendous body aches he was actually experiencing made it realistic. He felt like he was going to die. Nick groaned then seemed to accept it, urging him to let him know as soon as he was up to it. Logan sighed with relief. There was a slim chance he would follow up by coming to the condo. Nick hated being sick.

After he hung up on Nick, it was impossible to unwind. He just couldn’t shut his mind down. I should've seen it coming and fought back. Even though he’s a big savage, I could’ve taken him on. The whole fucking thing is Kristen's fault for not controlling him. She probably doesn’t even know what he did! I should tell her, she’ll feel sorry for me and come over. No, she'll see Jake’s a monster and leave him.

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