Home > Brash Boss(48)

Brash Boss(48)
Author: A.S.Roberts

‘How badly do you want to come, Bee?’

As he asked the question, his hands cupped my heavy feeling breasts and he rolled my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers.

‘Ahhhhh.’ The sound of pleasure leaving my mouth filled the large walk-in shower.

‘Tell me,’ he demanded as he pinched my nipples again.

‘Badly… very badly,’ I managed to force out.

‘Your breasts, angel… they’re beautiful and so very fucking heavy with your need.’ I had to agree with him, my contented life with him had seen me put on all the weight I’d lost in the last year, plus a bit extra. Pleasingly to my new husband, my breasts were now more than adequate to fill his large hands and some.

‘Please, I need you to touch me,’ I gasped.

‘Lean forward, hands on the tiles in front of you,’ he demanded.

‘I need you to…’

My voice stopped as his hand slid down over my stomach and over my bare mound, before two of his large fingers slipped in between my soaking wet, engorged lips and he pinched my clitoris between his two fingers.

‘Ohhhh, Nic…’

‘Shhhhh… now do as you’re told.’

Sparks of pleasure ignited from that small area and reverberated rapidly throughout my body. Now a woman drunk on the pleasure I knew only he could offer me, I leant forward and felt out in front of me for the tiles he had demanded I should place my hands on. At last the cold reassurance was beneath my palms and I relaxed into whatever Nico was willing to give me.

‘Spread your legs wide for me, angel.’

Feeling the coarse flooring, abrasive beneath my feet, I slowly began to open my legs and primed myself for whatever was coming next.

Nico moved quickly as his need for me took over.

With the fingers of one hand still holding my clitoris, his other left my body and without any warning he guided his cock along my soaking wet slit just once, before he pressed the heel of his hand onto my pubic bone and pushed himself fully inside me in one thrust.

A groan left his mouth at our initial contact. Hearing his carnal expression unleashed, a scream of absolute pleasure left my mouth and ricocheted off the green marble walls of the shower.

His hand lifted and after pushing his fingers into my hair he twisted his hand through it, and winding it around his fist he pulled my head up and turned it towards him. For the first time today, I laid eyes on my husband.

He was breath-taking, with his dark, wet hair framing his masculine face and deep, dark brown eyes. His need and love for me was sent wordlessly to me as our eyes connected.

‘Do you want to fuck?’ His eyebrows lifted and a smile twitched the corners of his mouth.

‘You know I do,’ I managed to reply.

The moment he knew he had me securely in his hold, he started to move in and out of me. At first it was painstakingly slow as if he wanted me to feel every single millimetre of where our flesh touched each other’s. With a gleam in his eye he began all too slowly to rub one of his fingers over the engorged flesh of my clitoris and slowly he drove us on.

Upwards we climbed together, towards the pleasure we knew we would both find in our mutual release.

‘Can you feel me loving you, mio angelo?’

His words of love fell effortlessly out of his mouth and I nodded at him unable to say a word.

‘Now, I’m burning for you, Bee… I need to fuck you hard.’

‘Then do it,’ I forced out of my mouth. ‘Fuck me and make me yours forever.’

The force he unleashed on us both was unyielding. I had no guarantees if the need we had for each other would always be this strong or demanding, but somewhere deep down inside of me I knew it would always be like this between us.

With our eyes fixed on each other’s we rode wave after wave of pleasure until we arrived at the crest together and fell over the edge of our orgasms simultaneously.

Eventually, our heavy breathing and cries of pleasure subsided and after removing himself from me, he pulled me down onto his lap as he sat down on the floor of the shower.

All I could hear was the water as it cascaded from the overly large showerhead and all I could feel was the beat of our hearts as they spoke to each other with words of love.

In those few silent moments, as we held onto each other tightly, I understood that I had everything I hadn’t even realised I was looking for and I hoped that fate would be kinder to me from now on.



Chapter Thirty-One




I watched from behind my sunglasses as Bee finally emerged from the villa to come down and sit beside the pool.

‘Look at me, Bee,’ came a shout from Bruce who was using his water wings to good effect in the shallow end, going between Nonna and his mom. I watched Bee dip down and ruffle his dark head of hair after he’d splashed his way to the edge.

But looking at her through the darkened lenses wasn’t nearly enough. I hooked my index finger into the top bar, dragged them down my nose and looked admiringly at her over the top of the glasses. At last I could see her properly and the sudden jolt inside my chest let me know just how far fucking gone I was for the woman. My cock stirred in my shorts, even though I’d only recently emptied everything I had inside of her. Casually I adjusted myself, making sure no one else would be able to see how much I wanted her. But it wasn’t that part of my body that was causing me to worry, it was the fact that my heart skipped a few beats as I allowed myself to run my eyes up and down her.

‘You are so fucked,’ Trip uttered under his breath from the bed closest to mine.

I heard him, but not being able to tear my eyes away from my wife, I ignored his quip.

‘And by not denying it, tells me you love the woman… this is the beginning and end of your life, Nic.’ He laughed out loud at his own words. ‘And this moment was brought to you by The Beatles… Help!’ He didn’t stop there but started singing the words at the top of his voice, which made his son and the three woman who were paying the small boy attention turn their heads and look at us both.

Bee looked over and smiled, before turning her gaze once again back to the pool. Her hair was once again coiled messily on top of her head, despite my fingers having pulled it down not an hour ago and her skin was sun kissed. But there was more, I narrowed my eyes to focus on her better and it clicked. Finally, she stood up to continue her walk around the edge of the water. I watched her walking with a confidence that I hadn’t ever seen her own before and knew that it looked better on her than anything. Her eyes found mine again and she smiled shyly at me, but at the same time added an extra wiggle to her walk. With the yellow bikini hugging her curves and voluptuous breasts I was jealous as hell of the white chiffon wrap draped over her shoulders, as it blew on the gentle breeze and caressed her skin.

I heard myself clear my throat and I knew immediately, when her eyes darted to mine and she grinned, that I’d been caught admiring her. There was no getting away from the fact I’d married the best goddamn looking woman I’d ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on.

The only thing that concerned me was the dark shadows under her eyes. She’d been tired since we’d got back from Vegas over a week ago and I had put it down to her struggling to adjust to the jet leg. I’d left her in bed this morning while I swam my normal lengths of the pool, but when she still hadn’t surfaced afterwards my need to touch her had driven me to go and find her. Morning shower sex with my beautiful wife was now chalked up as one of my most favourite things to do.

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