Home > Game of Love : A Mafia Romance(56)

Game of Love : A Mafia Romance(56)
Author: Khardine Gray

I’d been waiting for about ten minutes and was told Armand was on the way. He’d be joining us for dinner.

I’d sat here like a shell, waiting and wondering what would happen next.

It was bad enough that I hated coming here. Waiting around with worries swirling through my mind was worse in the place I used to call home.


The house I lived in before I’d left for college.

This was the place where Ma had been killed and where Pa locked me away in my room for months. Three months of what I called solitary confinement. Me away from the world. No one asked questions because they knew who Pa was. If his daughter had to skip out on the start of school it was what it was, no questions asked. Plain and simple.

The fear people exhibited when they were around him was astounding sometimes.

But now people who may be able to take him down were after him.

Xander Cage. I still don’t know who or what you are, but your presence has me worked up something fierce.


Just thinking his name made the backs of my eyes sting but I willed myself not to cry anymore.

No more tears. No more.

I didn’t have the strength for any more tears. Each drop drained the life from me and I couldn’t do it anymore… I didn’t want to cry anymore.

Xander hurt me deeply.

It hurt that he got involved with me knowing he couldn’t be with me and I wished he hadn’t bothered. Not bothered with any of it, just left me alone from the very start. It would have made life simpler.

Now I wouldn’t feel worse than I did before when I just had Armand to deal with.

Pa came out of the kitchen carrying a tray of food.

There was a large square Pyrex dish with the lasagna that looked gorgeous and smaller bowls that contained the vegetables and salad.

Pa had chefs and cooks here who cooked for him on a daily basis, but when I came around he always insisted on cooking for me, like tonight.

“There, there. I am so proud of how this food turned out.” He chuckled. He did look proud. “Bellezza, I added extra cheese for you, this meal is fit for God himself.”

I cast a glare at him, pretty certain that not even God would eat from him.

Him with his dirty, evil hands. His hands weren’t scarlet as the bible made mention. His were whatever color evil bore. Whatever color that was.

He looked back to me and the corners of his lips curled with displeasure.

“Still not talking to me. Well at least you are here. Time. Bellezza…”

I continued to stare at him. “Time?” I asked.

“In time you will see that your papa knew best for you. You are young and impressionable. You are young and foolish when it comes to men. Men like Xander Cage.”

Could I answer?

Jesus, take the wheel please because my father was right.

I looked away and blinked back the tears, but one got away, streaming down my cheek. I wiped it away quickly and forbade the others to fall.

My father was right. I had to be young and foolish because what he said was exactly what happened.

I was a fool when it came to Xander.

When Pa started laying the food on the table, the doorbell chimed, signaling the rest of my nightmare.

Glenda, our maid, went to answer the door.

Seconds later Armand, my beloved ex, appeared at the door.

He looked to me first with satisfaction all over his face, then to Pa.

“Welcome son,” Pa boomed. “Please take a seat.”

“Thank you, boss,” Armand answered.

Pa shook his head. “No this is not a meal like that. Tonight you are here as family. You will not call me Boss tonight.”

Armand bowed his head in the customary fashion and made his way over to the seat next to me. He was to sit next to me and Pa at the head of the table. One on my right, the other on my left, barricading me.

Armand looked to me and I stared back at him, not knowing what to say.

“Bellezza,” he began with the endearment Pa usually used. He stuck out his hand for me to take.

I looked at it not wanting him to touch me. Pa cleared his throat and my gaze snapped to meet his.

Like the obedient servant I was supposed to be, I gave Armand my hand and groaned inwardly when he lowered to kiss my knuckles.

God… it was happening. All that I feared.

Being with this man.

It was so ironic that when I caught him cheating on me with not one but two cheap skanks who looked like two dollar hookers, I didn’t feel an ounce of what I’d felt when Xander told me it wouldn’t be fair for him to see me anymore.

I’d been angry at Armand. Sure I was pissed off but I was mainly pissed off with myself. I thought I should have seen it coming because I sensed it. A woman always knows. I thought a woman always knew when her man was cheating.

I’d sensed it, then it happened and I saw him balls deep in one of the women who was begging for more.

That was the person my father wanted me to marry.

He released my hand and Pa moved to take his seat.

“This is nice. I am happy that the three of us can sit like this together,” Pa began.

I tensed when Pa looked at Armand with a proud smile.

Armand returned the smile, gazing over me. “I appreciate the invitation like everything else you have given me. You set me up for life and that is something I will always be grateful for.”

It was all so fake. He wasn’t grateful. He was lucky. That was what it was. Luck was different to just showing some form of gratitude for something that had been given to you. Pa gave him that luck on the basis of that old familial bond our families shared.

No, there were no prior arrangements for me to be with him, but it didn’t bode well when I was with him. Seeds were sewn that I never wanted to plant.

“Armand, I appreciate your gratitude. You’ve always been good to me.” Pa straightened up in his chair and shuffled so he could look at me and Armand. “We are here tonight for a special purpose. That purpose is your union. You Armand Ricci and my bellezza, Jia Marchesi. A union that will not just be one of love but one of strength.”

A union of love and strength?

No, this wouldn’t be that at all. Yes it would make Armand stronger because he’d get some part of Pa’s billion dollar empire, but me? I would just be a means to his end.

His words just pushed the last part of me out the window. Just shoved my hopes and dreams to the back of beyond. They coursed through my veins like poison. Slow and sure. Hitting the mark and killing me slowly, softly. Surely.

“A union of love and strength,” Armand agreed.

What a hypocrite. He had the audacity to reach for my hand and give it a gentle squeeze.

“That is what I want for the two of you. Armand, I don’t have to tell you my child means everything to me.” Pa spoke to Armand but he was looking at me. He looked at me as he said those words. He focused on me, aimed the words at me then switched his focus to Armand. “Jia means everything to me. She is everything to me and the greatest gift I will give to you to take care of. We have spoken a few times about this union and it’s time to speak about it together as one. The three of us, especially in light of what is happening. The danger that lurks.”

“I agree.” Armand nodded.

“So the grand plan is this… In ten days you leave for Italy. You will leave for Italy and you are not to return until I give the all clear. No matter how long that may be. You must not return. Jia, I have arranged for you to further your art studies at the Accademia delle Belle Arti Florence. You will join late but you are enrolled. That is my gift to you for your artistic abilities. I however do not expect it to interfere with your upcoming wedding and duties as a wife. I have set the wedding to take place in a month’s time. We will join you in Italy for the occasion. After that, Armand and I will discuss the portions of the business I want him to have control over. ”

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