Author: V L Peters

I couldn’t stay here for much longer, I had to get back to my family and let them know what had been going on. It would not surprise me if they arrived at Lucien’s door at some point, demanding to see me to find out what had happened and why I hadn’t been in contact with them. I could see him really losing his shit. Having a group of witches at his door would send him crazy. Fucking hell, this was a mess, I could see everything we had planned, blowing up in our faces. I watched as he bent down whispering in her ear and placing his large hands on her hips, watching as he dug his fingertips into her flesh. Bringing their bodies flush tight against each other. If I’d knew him better, I would swear that he was angry, enraged would be a better way of describing the way he seemed to be trying to hold himself back and trying his hardest to control whatever rage that seemed to be building inside. I had to be wrong. I mean I couldn’t be right, could I? If I hadn’t been observing him so closely, I would have missed the flash in his eyes. The flare of red came so abruptly and was so fleeting that if you weren’t watching him, it would have been missed. I knew then, without a doubt, that I’d just witnessed his Demon coming forth. What shocked me in that moment was the fact I didn’t feel any sort of fear.

Whatever he was saying seemed to calm her down, though she still wasn’t entirely happy. No matter how much she tried to hide her reaction. I watched as he escorted her out of the room, his arm now wrapped around her waist. I didn’t miss the look in her eyes as she left the room. Promising retribution. I knew I had made an enemy. I don’t know what he had promised her, and I didn’t want to know, but it seemed to appease her. For how long through was another thing. I had a sinking feeling that she would, at some point seek me out. I had no doubt I could hold my own against her, but it was something I wasn’t looking forward to and no matter what I thought I had just seen, I didn’t think he’d be over the moon if I beat the crap out of his lover.






‘’I have found out that as well as your sister, a number of humans and naturals have been going missing in the last four weeks,’’ Lucien told me as he walked back into the room, alone. Closing the door with a slight click, as if nothing had happened, ‘’their families have reported them missing. The human police and my people haven’t found any new leads,’’


‘’So, Megan isn’t the only one to go missing? How are they being taken? How many have gone missing and where are they being taken to?’’ I whispered to myself, trying to take in what he had just told me. This wasn’t good, someone was taking humans and supernatural’s, but why? It didn’t make sense. Who would have that amount of power? They would have to have somewhere to hold them. Somewhere that was secure and out of the way. If he heard me muttering to myself like some loon, he didn’t remark on it.

‘’That’s what I’m trying to find out,’’ he told me as if I’d asked him the questions, I’d just muttered out aloud, ‘’as I have already told you, I now know who took your sister, but he’s in the wind. I expect he’s either working on his own or in a group,’’ he informed me.

And running shit scared, I kept the thought to myself, I knew that if the person had found out that Lucien was involved in trying to find out who was taking people off the streets, they would try to disappear. I watched as he eased his large frame onto the large green leather chair that stood there in front of me, as he indicated with a movement of his head that I sit on the one opposite. He leaned back into the seat, causing it to creak from the weight of his muscular body. I watch as he loosens the navy-blue jacket that was buttoned up, causing it to fall open, my eyes strayed to his hard chest, watching the muscles flex. I didn’t miss the smirk that formed across his firm lips as he caught on that I was staring, with some reluctance I complied to his gesture ‘’I expect a group. This particular Soul Keeper wouldn’t have the resources to do what he’s been doing and I expect he’s only a little spec in a larger picture,’’ he paused, deep in thought as if he was wondering how much information to give away, ‘’We don’t know where they are being taken,’’ he told me as he leaned slightly forward to grab the crystal decanter, that was sitting on the corner of the desk, it held a golden liquid inside, he pulled off the glass lip pouring some out into a glass, indicating towards me. I shook my head. I wasn’t a drinker, ‘’I’ve got to catch someone in the act of taking someone, either human or a natural and question them,’’ he told me, swirling the drink around the glass, before he brought it up to his firm lips, never once taking those black his eyes off of me. He took a long savouring sip into his mouth; I watched his throat as he swallowed the drink down, before placing it back down onto the desk. Just watching him, made me quiver. Causing shivers to run down my spine. A dark heat settled between my thighs.

‘’How are you going to do that and who really is going to be willing enough to be put out as bait?’’ I questioned, trying my hardest to drag my eyes away from the temptation in front of me. I was still very much aware of the other person in the room with us. I hadn’t forgotten that he was there. I also wanted to know how Lucien was going to find out where Megan and the others had been taken. All those poor people missing, their loved ones worried and wondering when or if they were ever going to come home. It was just terrible.

‘’Let’s just say I have my ……. ways. You don’t become one of the most feared men, living in existence and not gaining the reputation to go with it,’’ I wasn’t bragging, I needed Scarlett to understand what kind of person I was. I was not a kind man, neither parts of me were. The part of me she thought might be deep inside of me, was beaten out of me a hell of a long time ago. A beating that had changed me forever and one I had learnt to accept so long ago. This is how my world worked, and while I allowed her or her siblings to be here. They like her, would have no choice, but to live under my rules for their own safety... If I had to use force to gain any information I needed, then I would use it. I wasn’t the type who got off on it, but it was something that sometimes needed to be done, no matter how someone else might find it sicking. They would have to learn that, in my world, it was kill or be killed. If someone betrayed me, I wouldn’t be able to put it to one side, if they crossed me then they would have to be taught a painful lesson. I did my own dirty work when necessary, I wasn’t the type to leave the dirty work in the hands of my men. I wouldn’t apologize to anyone for who I was. No matter who they were.

I had no need to question Lucien. I didn’t want the details. I didn’t need to know. It wouldn’t be anything pleasant. I wasn’t the kind of female who would enjoy hearing about how he would deal with someone who had betrayed or lied to him. Some women would, I wasn’t one of those. If someone I loved or cared about was hurt by someone else, I would retaliate. Wanting to hurt the one who’d hurt them. I know sometimes you had to play dirty, after all, it was the way of the world we now lived in. I just liked to have peace and quiet in my life. I was faithful up to a certain point. If they were untruthful to me. That it cut me to the bone, then I it was unlikely I gave them another chance and I always felt that if I could be faithful to the person I would end up with, then I expected the same in return. I knew that once I found my true mate, the other half of me, then there would not be anyone else.

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