Author: V L Peters

I pull myself out of the memory that was running around in my mind. Aria was becoming a major problem, a problem I knew I would have to deal with sooner, rather than later. I have enough issues to deal with, without her adding to the equation.

Scarlett, when had I began to start calling her by her first name and why did I think she was mine? She was fucking with my head. She had mesmerised me and I planned to find out how, I had every intention of showing her around the club, I wanted to see her reaction. There was more to my club that many didn’t get to see and I wanted to see her response first hand. I hadn’t lied when I’d said I had an appointment, well appointment wasn’t quite the right wording to use. There was another pain in the ass I had to deal with, Eddie Marshal, was a problem. One I had to deal with ……. quickly. He’d been an annoying bug for much longer than I normally would allow, and it had been brought to my attention that he hadn’t started to pay back the money he’d borrowed. It was something I couldn’t overlook anymore. I’d already given him two warnings, something I didn’t intently do, but I’d made an exception with him. One I now regretted. It was never a good thing to mix business with pleasure. I’d fucked his two older daughters several times, they had satisfied an itch. Even my demon had loved the taste of those two. To add to it, there was that little disgusting habit, I’d just found out he loved. Something that I really couldn’t let him get away with. I know I was an evil fucker, but the things I now knew about him even turned my strong stomach.

I stride over to the key panel and punched in the code. The door slid open, Damien stood there leaning back against the stone wall behind him, waiting for me. He straightens his large frame the minute he saw me, his blue eyes meeting mine. He knew not to touch a hair on his dirty little head. I wanted that first pleasure myself. Stepping through the entrance, we walked into the dark building. As soon as the door closed behind us, we could hear him.

‘’Help, help me, someone help me!’’

I crack my neck and rolling my shoulders to stretch out the tension that was building. Having Aria and Scarlett on my mind is screwing with my thoughts. I walk through the long hallway; Damien close behind me until we reach the door at the end. Bright lights shine below the door. Pushing into the room, I let satisfaction roll through me, the tension easing somewhat upon seeing my victim sitting bound to the chair.

He was as naked as the day he was born. He was a little piece of shit. Eddie Marshal likes to get naked with little girls, the younger they were, the better. How did he think he could keep something this disgusting a secret? Fucking dirty scum. I hated fuckers like him. As soon as he sees us enter the room he crumbles and starts to cry, tears start streaming down his fat face and I haven’t even done anything to him yet. Bloody pussy. I unbutton my tailor-made, navy, double breasted, jacket and slide it down my arms, hanging it on a hook on the wall, I’m not keen on soiling it with someone’s blood, sweat and tears. The bloody things cost too much money. I ignore the begging as I walk over. The putrid smell of shit and piss fills the air, hitting my nose. Thank fuck the little bastard is sitting over the drain. Once I’m done with him one of my men will hose him down and all evidence of our fun will slide down that drain.

‘’I can get you the money Lucien,’’ he sobs the words as he stares at me, pulling at his binds ‘’I just need a little more time,’’

‘How much time do you think I should give you?’’ I ask him, I couldn’t resist the temptation of playing with him, as I unbutton my cuffs and start rolling up my sleeves, ‘’Damien, how much time do you think I should give him?’’ I throw the question over my shoulder to the man standing behind me.

‘’I think you’ve given the little, fucking, dirty bastard plenty of bloody time,’’ he sneered behind me, his blue eyes flashing red.

‘’Please Lucien, please, just a little more time,’’ he begs and pleads shaking his head, as if it will sway my decision. ‘’ Damien…. man, please you know me. We’re friends’’ he begged, looking over at him.

‘’I’m not going to save you’’ Damien laughs in disbelief, shaking his bald head, leaning back against the wall, arms crossed over his muscular chest, his legs linked at the ankles, looking as if he was settling in for the night. ‘’you’re no friend of mine.’’

I roll up my other sleeve to my elbow and walk over to the tools hanging on the wall.

‘’You know how these things work.’’ I take down the hammer and view it in the light, before placing it back up. ‘’it’s very simple, you don’t fuck with me. You play by my rules and if you don’t……….’’ I tell him as I pick up a set of pliers, turning them over in my hand, as if I am examining their weight.

‘’Please Lucien it not that simple,’’ he argues, his voice shrieking ‘’I’ve tried to get the money together. Honest I have. I’ve asked so many people, but nobody would even consider helping me,’’

I let out a roar as I walk towards him, I’m so fucking pissed off having to listen to his whining. My leather shoes splash in his piss and shit. It makes me want to punch his fucking head in. Dealing with this motherfucker now, hadn’t been high on my agenda, had this asshole not fucked up my day, I’d be balls deep in Scarlett.

‘’I promised Damien here a souvenir,’’ I tell him with a manic grin, turning my head to ask Damien ‘’what would you like? A finger? A toe or his tongue, his dick?’’ Damien doesn’t even blink, the only emotion you see is one raised eyebrow and a smirk. You think I am bad …. You haven’t seen Damien, he’s on a completely different level. He loves this kind of shit.

Eddie trembles, struggling in his binds, eyes wide. Listening as I ask Damien what body part he’d like, but there’s nowhere for him to go. His wrists are bound tightly behind him to the chair, with each ankle tied to each chair leg. I lift my leg, placing my soiled shitty shoe on his limp small cock and pressing it hard into the chair beneath him. He howls in pain when I dig my shoe forward, smashing his balls as well.

‘’Please d…don’t cut off my dick,’’ he begs, snot dripping from his nose onto his chin. Disgusting fucking little shit. He can beg me all he bloody wants; it wasn’t going to change his fate. He was a dead man. How long it took for him to die was up to me.

I playful slap his face ‘’oh Eddie, we are not in some movie where the good guys are come to your rescue. You’re not some superhero who can free themselves from the bindings or punch your way out of the shit you’re got yourself in,’’ I tell him, with a predatory smile. ‘’the things that are going to be done to you, are so much worse,’’

‘’Pleaseeee! Lucien I’m sorry. I have the money. It’s in a safety deposit box,’’ he cries out tears running down his face, ’Take everything that’s there, just don’t hurt me anymore,’’

‘’Do you really think this is just about the fucking money?’’ I roared into his face, as I let up smashing his cock and balls, stepping away from him. Reaching into my pocket I pull out a burner phone. I hold up a picture of a figure. ‘’The moneys nothing to with what I found out about you, you dirty fucking bastard. I’ve found out about your little …. Dirty secret, your addiction. You like to fuck little girls, don’t you? The younger the better. How old is this girl? Same age as your youngest daughter?’’ I shake my head at him, disgusted, pushing the phone closer to his face, ‘’I showed your beautiful wife these pictures. She didn’t believe me at first, not until she saw the evidence with her own two eyes’’

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