Author: V L Peters



"She'll be fine with Luke, he's one of the good guys," I heard Logan reassure me.

I couldn't help staring at Luke, he stood close to six-four and was broad-shouldered, his hair was jet black with electric blue tips at the tips, his eyes were alight piecing grey. I couldn't say that he was the most handsome of men I'd ever come across, but he was worth a second look.

"Is it true that you run with a pack of wolfs?" I hear Luke question Melissa, as they walked away.

I stain to hear Melissa's reply, and they are too far away to make out what her response is. It doesn't really surprise me that they know or have heard about Melissa and for shifters to know about her isn't a great shock. I was more surprised that they hadn't tried to approach Melissa before now. I have no doubt that if they have been attempting to do so, she and her brothers will put a stop to it. She was usually a private person to outsiders. Then there are her brothers. They wouldn't just stand back and let anything happen to her. They were huge. Standing at six-foot 5+ in height and all built like a brick shithouse. They weren't someone you'd messed with.

"I'm not worried about her," I reply, turning my head to meet Logan’s stare, “Melissa is more than capable of looking after herself. If the need arises," I tell him with a slight smile. Turning back to watch as Melissa and Luke walked out of the room together.

"So…." I hear from behind me as Logan whispers in my ear with curiosity written in his voice, "is she the one we've heard about?"

"I don't know. What have you heard?" I ask, here we go with the twenty questions.

He didn't answer me outright, and I didn't expect him to. We all like to keep things close to our chests, and it seemed for some reason he wasn't willing to say what they knew about Melissa if anything.

"That she’s healer that everyone gossip’s about and pretends not go to when the need arrives and she fits the description to a tee, with those tattoos on her arms and how she's dressed".

I chose to ignore him; if he wanted to know, he'd have to ask Melissa. It wasn't my place, or anyone else's to say anything.

I turned my attention to my sisters and cousin. I didn't want to argue with Pamela or the rest of them. Melissa was right. We had to find out were Megan was, and I hoped and prayed that Lucien could get something useful off the Soul Eater. I knew he would have to use some sort of force. Part of me hoped he wouldn't hurt it, but the other part didn't care. I hated that I didn't give a shit, but if it meant that we'd be able to find Megan, then so be it.

I look at my family standing in front of me, the people that I love and care for. Yes, they sometimes drove me mad and made me want to scream, but I know they did it out of love. We had been through so much together. Losing our parents had been hard. Pamela and Megan have been our backbone. They took over the role of our parents. I didn't want this tension between us. I was not ready to answer any questions about Lucien. I'd explain another time. Right now, the most important thing they needed to know about was Avira and my suspicions. I had to tell them that Aria had attacked me, giving my Witch no choice, but to come forth for my own protection and that Lucien knew what had happened. He might not have witnessed seeing my appearance change, but Aria had made sure he knew what had happened.

The feeling that something was coming our way hadn't left me. It was indestructible than ever. I had a gut feeling that she was going to be in the forefoot of the cause. I'd thought that finding Megan was going to be hard enough. With her creeping around made it much more dangerous for us all.

I touched each of their minds embracing them in warmth and love. Letting them each know that I hadn't any hard feelings towards any of them. They were, after all, my family. The feeling of happiness and condiment washed over us all. I felt their fear and panic as I told them about Aria. We all agreed that we would protect ourselves if attacked. We would have no choice.




The next morning

I still couldn't believe that they were still here and had agreed to sleep the night. How Lucien had convinced them to stay the night baffled me. Especially after what had taken place when he had come back. To find out about the Soul Keeper was one thing, but to hear about this so-called meeting that was taking place was a completely different matter altogether. I let my thoughts drift to what had happened last night.

I still couldn't believe it.



We stood there listening to what we were being told, but not believing it.

The Soul Eater was dead. The words echoed around my head.

Somehow, someone had managed to blow his head into little pieces from within. My family might not believe he's telling the truth. I knew Lucien wasn't lying when he said he hadn't even put a hand on him nor had any of his men. This was bad. If this person, this being, was so powerful to do something like that, then we were all screwed. How did they manage to get into his head, let alone do what they did? It was mind-boggling, to be able to do that was frightening. If they could do this to one person, a Soul Eater. Then what could they do to everyone else? We were in deep shit, there wasn't any other word for it.

I knew it was stupid even as the words left my voice, "what are we going to do?" I direct my question to Lucien. He stands there staring, as if waiting for something, what I had no idea.

No one answered. My family just stood there looking first at Lucien, then to me. As if one of us would have the answer. I didn't, and I had this deep gut feeling from his non reaction that Lucien didn't either. I knew, don't ask me how, but I just knew he didn't know, I could see it in his eyes. I could tell they all thought he'd know what to do. His face held no expression at all. It was his eyes that would give him away at that moment if you knew him as well as me.



"You're not going to do a thing." I tell Scarlett looking her in the eye before turning my attention to her family, "None of you are. I've got some contacts that owe me ……… and there are a few people I can ask for help if and when the time arises,"

I hear the huffs from Scarlett’s sisters and cousins. I can tell they aren't convinced with my reasoning. They don't trust me no matter what I have told them or promised. It's going to take time for them to build that trust.

"You’re forgetting one thing Lucien. We're not just normal Humans or Witches," Melissa announcers as she walks back into the room and sitting down on one the chairs, Luke standing behind her. I hadn’t minded that she had gone into the garden, that’s what it was there for. Ignoring the murmurs, she hears from the rest of her family. Indicating towards me with her hand she tells them, "Come on guys, he’s not stupid. If he doesn't know it, he suspects it. He knows what we are, and he believes he has an idea that we're more powerful than we're letting on.’’

‘’Am I right?" Melissa bluntly asks me.

‘’’You got balls I'll give you that," I reply looking her up and down, taking in her tattoos; no one spoke to me in that manner and got away with it. I'd let it go for now, "I wasn't completely sure, but yes I suspected that you're more than just normal Witches,"

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