Author: V L Peters

"Why didn't you say something before?" I hear Scarlett demand, obviously pissed off that I had kept something so important away from her.

I turned my black eyes towards Scarlett. I shrug not giving a fuck, "There wasn't a reason to." I tell Scarlett, ‘’Now there is,’’ I knew she was still holding back and after she had confessed about the confrontation with Aria I’d known that Scarlett as well as her family were more powerful than they looked or showed.




It shouldn’t matter; I hadn't told Lucien the full truth about myself, Pamela, Emma, Ava, Mia Abigail Melissa or Evelyn, but for some reason it still irked me. Of course, I should have copped on that he would have realised we were more than just any normal human after finding out that I held my own against Aria.

Bloody Demon, I thought, pushing my thoughts out to him and linking our minds.

‘Lucien, don't hide things from me.’

I saw the raised eyebrow as he stood there staring at me, and I knew that he'd heard my thoughts. I felt the brush of comfort on the edge of my mind, a lover's caress. I knew it was Lucien’s way of saying sorry. I accepted it, though I still wasn't happy. Part of me couldn't help but feel guilty; I hadn't yet told Lucien that we were all Omega or that there was a Phoenix amongst us. There was a handful of Phoenix living in our community; they were rare, and most thought that they were a myth. Evelyn was part Phoenix. Her multi-coloured hair kind of gave her away. Her hair had different shades of red, blonde, and brown woven through it. Most people thought she dyed it, but it was completely natural. Her powers, well, they were slightly different from ours. She was as we all were, Human, Omega, and Witch. As she was part Phoenix, she could regenerate quickly, and as long as any wounds received weren't fatal, she would be back on her feet within a few minutes. The more brutal the injury, the more energy she had to heal herself, and the longer it would take. A Phoenix with pure blood running through their veins was entirely different, and only a handful existed.

The reason I hadn’t told Lucien the complete truth about us or that we had a small group of Phoenix living not far? I was scared. Scared Lucien would think and feel differently about me. I didn't know if he knew about the Phoenix, and at the moment, I wasn't going to ask, and I wasn't a hundred present sure how he'd react to hearing any of that information. I knew sooner than later that I'd have to tell him and trust him with our secrets. I knew Lucien knew that I was holding something back, but he wasn't sure what it was.

Then there was Aria; she was still on the scene, and though I still hadn't run into her again, nor as far as I knew had any of my family. It was only a matter of time. Though Lucien restored me that he had no feelings for her, I wasn't so sure. I knew she had some sort of hold over him. I couldn't understand why Lucien didn't tell her to keep away that he didn't want her in his life, and I knew he hadn't done so, and if he hadn't or wasn't willing. Then I couldn't trust him, no matter how much I wanted to.

I could always tell when she was here. No one had to say a word to me. I could tell, the feelings I picked up through Lucien changed. I wasn't sure if he knew that I could pick up on those feelings. It was hard to do, but if I put my all into it, I knew what he was feeling. I had soon realised that on the days Aria was here, I didn't see Lucien until she had left again.

Truth be told, I was getting fed up with it either; he wanted to be with me or didn't. When he wasn't with me I wondered if he was having sex with her or anyone else in those days that she was here. I intended to find out sooner than later, but I'd have the time it right. I always had someone by my side, so getting away was going to be harder than I hoped, but I'd do it somehow when an opportunity arose, I was going to take it. If I found out he was. It would cut me to the quick, but I wouldn't put up with it. I was many things; a pushover wasn't one of them.






"My men are going to start paroling the streets more frequently and in larger groups," Lucien announces.

"Well as you seem to know what we are, there's no reason we can't help," this came from Evelyn, a murmur of agreement came from my family "we can patrol the streets along with your men,"

"How are you going to protect yourselves?’’ this came from Damien with disgust and disbelief written in his voice. ‘’I know Lucien seems to think you’re more powerful than you’re letting on and might think of yourselves as being these vigorous witches, but we haven't really seen the evidence. Then there’s the little fact that you're still human."

"Oh, we might be everything that you said, but we're far from helpless" come the voice from the back of the women. A small discharge of lightening came from Mia's fingertips and shoot across the room towards where Damien was standing.

We all watch in fascinated horror as it fly’s towards his head with a humming sound before it whizzed by one of his ears and hitting the wall behind with a loud almighty bang, leaving a charcoal colour on the wall.

"You fucking bitch, you could have scalped me," yells Damien eyes wild, putting his hand upto his ear making sure it hadn’t been hit with lips curled in aggression.

"Please …… if I wanted to do that, you wouldn't be standing there," Mia gives out a wicked laugh as she lets another discharge of lightning leave her fingertip watching as it lightly touches the tip of Damien’s other ear.

"Mia!" I shout out, running my hands throw my red hair in frustration. Bloody hell is she for fucking real.

All hell breaks loose.

Lucien and Damien came charging towards her a look of determination written on their faces. The rest of Lucien’s men start to try to surround us. If either of them got their hands-on Mia, I had no doubt they would hurt her. I knew she'd only been trying to show them that we weren't the helpless little humans they seemed to think we were. Mia wasn't a violent person none of us where. Before they could reach to where we were standing, a clear shield rose and encased us. I did not need to look at any of my family to find out who had placed constructed it. I knew that it had been Abigail. She would do anything to protect us but being Mia’s twin, she would put her own life in danger to protect Mia. Abigail wouldn't lower the shield until she was sure we weren't in any sort of danger. Any of us could step through, but no one other could step inside. We were protected until it was lowered.

"Scarlett, lower the shield!" Lucien demanded, intense black eyes meeting mine as he placed one of his large hands on the shield and watching as it bounced back as he took his hand away. He put his hands on his hips, shaking his head while eyeing the shimmering shield as if trying to work out a way to get inside.

Shaking my head, I tell him, "I haven't that power," I had not put it up, so I couldn't release it.

"Then who the fuck does?" Damien said, stepping closer to the shield, placing his hand on the clear bubble he pushed it inwards. Watching as it pounced back as he took his hand away. He then proceeded to walk around it, until he stood in the same spot he had started in.



"I do," Abigail replied, stepping forward. Mia was my twin. I wouldn't let Damien nor anyone else touch my sister. She was the other half of me. I'd protect her with my very life.

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