Author: Katie Dowe



“Hi darling.”


“Mother I am in the middle of something.” His voice was cool and aloof, and she knew that he had not forgiven them for what had taken place last Sunday.



“I just wanted to hear your voice. I hardly ever hear from you.”


“I told Dad that I was going to call and apologize for walking out like that. I am sorry.”


“I know darling. Can we talk?”


“Not right now.”




“I will let you know. I have to go.”



She heard the dial tone in her ear and felt the tears pricked her eyes as she realized that she was losing him. And it was because of her! He was choosing some woman over his own parents and she was not going to stand for it. But what could she do? Should she call and talk to the woman and try to reason with her? Maybe offer her some money? She shook her head immediately as she realized how badly that could go. Daniel had said that he was going to get her fired but that could be disastrous as well. With a sigh, she rang down to the kitchen for tea. She had barely eaten the lunch provided and was feeling more than a little ravenous right now. When her husband came home, they would discuss their next step.






“I am sorry baby, but I am going to be late.” His voice sound harassed and hurried, and she realized that it would probably mean she would not be seeing him until in the night.


“Are you okay?”


“Lost shipments at sea and one of our planes grounded because of mechanical failure. It was a good thing the pilot was so vigilant or there would be loss of lives. It was a commercial flight and I shudder to think about the hundreds of passengers including staff members who would have died. I am afraid that someone’s head is going to roll for not catching this on time. I am really sorry about this.”


“No need.” She told him lightly. “Go and do your thing. I am not going anywhere.”


“I love you.”


“I love you too darling. Be safe and make sure you come home to me.” She told him before hanging up. She grimaced slightly as she stared at the stock of books she had spread out on the living room sofa and the tiny onesies that she could not resist buying. She had planned to cook them something, maybe some pasta with garden salad and glasses of water to celebrate the good news. She was itching to tell someone, but he was the first person she had to tell. Now her news would have to wait. She ran her hands over the tiny article of clothing and placed one hand on her flat stomach. Was it going to be a boy or a girl? He or she would be mixed with crazy black curls and maybe dark brown eyes and creamy complexion. A smile played around her lips as she closed her eyes and envisioned him holding the tiny infant in his arms and the proud look on his face. She would breastfeed of course because she had been reading up and making a note of the advantage of breastfeeding the newborn. Maybe for three or possibly six months. It will also serve to lose the added weight she was going to put on during the pregnancy. That would not be much; because she did not put weight on that easily. Whatever though, it would be worth it. She stretched out her hand and gazed at the ring that she had not taken off since she decided to wear it. She had told Jeff that she did not care what his parents think of her but that was not entirely true. She cared because she knew how much her husband loved his parents. She had noticed the way he spoke about them, especially his mother.



“I was not exactly spoilt.” He had told her with his engaging grin.



“Yeah right.” She had snorted.



“Like the proverbial bad apple. You are an only child with parents whose wealth defies description. Of course you were spoilt.”


“Mother tried but I stood firm against it. I did not demand that they returned the dirt bike because I wanted another brand.”


“How old were you?”


He had grinned at that. “Fifteen.”


“Was that very responsible of them to buy you something that was so dangerous?”


“It was either that or the Porsche.”


“You had wanted a Porsche before you were old enough to have a license.” She had said with a shake of her head. “I am going to be the one to bring up our children, just so you know.”


“Children?” he had asked her huskily.



“Plural as in more than one. A child needs a companion, someone to confide in, play with and hang out with. I had to be satisfied with my dolls.”


“I should have known you were the type of girl who played with dolls.” He had said in amusement. “Let me guess- Barbie dolls?”


“Nope.” She had told him with a grin. “Even at that age, I was conscious about my African heritage and I always had black dolls with kinky hair. None of those pale wishy-washy types with straight blonde hair and blue eyes.”


He had looked at her dryly. “Yet here you are married to one of those pale wishy-washy types with blonde hair and blue eyes.”


She had laughed at that. “Who would have guessed!” She had climbed on top of him and run her fingers through that same blonde hair under discussion. “You are the exception to the rule darling.”


“I am happy for that.” Afterwards, conversation had ceased as he entered her.



Stretching languidly, she headed to the kitchen to get a glass of milk and an apple before going back to sit by the fire.






“Dad, I am just on my way out.”


“Today was a rough one.”


“It was. Need something?” Alan looked up from his computer as he shut it down.



“Just wanted to say - that you handled the problem very well today.”


“I was just doing my job.” He said formally.



“I wish we could move past our differences.”


“It’s up to you and Mother.”


“We have always proven how much we love you son.”


“I never doubted that.” He glanced at his watch discreetly and realized that it was almost seven and he had promised Athena that he would try and wrap things up so that he could be home in time to have dinner with her.



“Going somewhere?”


“Home.” He said briefly as he shoved some documents into his briefcase. “There is still the airline to deal with in the morning and now that the shipment has been found, we need to get on the pharmaceutical department to push forward some sort of statement.”

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